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Least Favorite Scene/Quote.

Angel of Death

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Ive seen boards asking the favs of these, and a least favorite character board, so i thought of asking if there are any scenes you dont like or simply hate and always skip over when rereading?


I myself don't really have any my self.


"'You? No!' His words still hung in the air when death took him" might get a few people angry, whem they can't see whats ment to be obvious.


I ussually skip the first paragraph or so, the ones that are identicle in every book. Dont get me wrong, I admire the artistic quality in them, but reading it 50 times or so! Cmon!


most of the scenes of Perrin complaining about Faile's capture...


I know, it's supposed to be heroic and loving, but it irked me to no end. :oops:

Guest Karana Majin

Yeah, anything with Perrin in the last few books. He makes me want to retch now. I loved him in the early part of the series, the scenes with Egwene and him and the Tinkers were great. He was funny and sweet and I liked him a lot. Now, not at all.


Next to that, anything with Elayne. That stuck up b**ch needs a comeuppance. But everyone fawns over her like she is so awesome. I just don't see it. I think it's a case of poor writing, we are MEANT to think she is brave and strong but instead I just find her annoying and whiny.


Anything with Elayne in the last two books. Her securing the throne of Andor may be important to the series, but it should have been summed up in about two chapters. Two brief chapters. All the delving into her personality did nothing for the series. It was pointless.


It took me forever to get passed the chapter "To Lose the Sun" in WH. Ugh.. I just can't stand the seafolk and I don't really care about them.


anything with egwane in it,i don't care that i got the spelling wrong.how did she actually make a siege on a huge city the most boring parts of the books??man i hate her


Egwene going from a simple village girl to the Amyrlin Seat is probably my least favorite. It's the amount of time and the skills she miraclously obtained afterwards that I have a hard time believing.


Every scene about Elayne and her fight for the lion throne. She's merely ok as a background character but when she's the central figure of the story her many many limitations come to the fore.


well there aren't really any parts of the book i actually don't like, but everytime I come to Elayne a begin to pray that she doesn't spend the chapter discussing her hormones, and blaming Rand! She could have drank the bloody tea!


I can't think of a specific scene, but all the times that Nyneave and Elaine bully Mat and other men into doing what they want, even if they dont know what they are doing. They are so full of themself, and think the fact that they can channel makes them superior and wiser than everyone around them. Any fall from grace for either brings a smile to my face.

I can't think of a specific scene, but all the times that Nyneave and Elaine bully Mat and other men into doing what they want, even if they dont know what they are doing. They are so full of themself, and think the fact that they can channel makes them superior and wiser than everyone around them. Any fall from grace for either brings a smile to my face.

I don't think its about the fact that they can channel. I think its that they're women and the people they are bulling are men. A lot of the women in the series are fairly sexist. Egwene is the same but with her its more of an arrogant belief that she's more intellegent than everyone else. As a result she's a very confident individual even if she is a complete fool and always has been.


'I Am The Storm' sums it up for me too. I don't mind Elayne & her hormones ... The Sea Folk get up my nose but, hey, I can deal with that ... but the way Nynaeve, Elayne & Egwene treated Matt drove me to distraction. They needed a good thumping! But then, every Aes Sedai thinks they know better than everyone else ... they consider everyone else as inept, blind, stupid, ignorant etc etc and only THEY can save the world!! Give me a break! But this is good! The fact that we feel strongly about the character means that we have an emotional tie to them - which is why we like the Books!


Good to hear some of your responses, I agree with hating the way women treat the men. Especially Elayne's bitching about 'Rand can't give me andor, cos its mine'.


Comon, he knows its rightfully hers, thats why shes getting it. What does she want him to do? Leave the throne unattended while she heads there?


my least favorite scene is when mat saves nyaneve and egwene i think at tear. They act like he was doing his jojb, but he was really bieng awesomely herioc, and that really annoyed me. he said something about bacon...

  • 3 weeks later...

Dumais Wells is my favourite part of the series along with the cleansing...the only thing i didnt like about Dumais Wells is when Taim was issuing commands to the Ashaman: "Ashaman, kill!" I think he should have said something a bit more dramatic than kill, especially since hes obviously trying to make the Black Tower out to be the total opposite of the White Tower. He should have said something abit more menacing, like "Ashaman, destroy!" or something


I don’t recall the exact scene, but somewhere Egwene was thinking(or maybe talking to Elaine/Nynaeve) that Rand should kneel to her… She should be the one kneeling to him, he is the Dragon, the one and only, the most powerful person on the continent(if not the world), she is just another amyrlin, and a cast-out one at that.


well... I love Mat, too... but having to put up with his flippancy (which is what the girls had been doing for all their life)...come on... how many of you would have the patience needed to not give back as good as you got? So, no... those scenes are self-inflicted as far as I am concerned.


My pet-hate (the ONLY one in the books) is the false Prophet. I dislike all the chapters he is involed in. And I do turn over the pages :oops: .


My biggest dissapointment is Rolan's death. I thought he would lead the Mera'din eventually back to follow the Dragon. Also thought he might be Berelain's mysterious man in white. So quite apart from the unfair way he died, many a possible plotline went with him. :(



my biggest disappointment is seeing the "i don't likes" by all of you that write syrupy replies in the RJ blogs and wish him well. let him know you don't like his tale then instead of fawning.


"rj, could you like write elayne out? cause i don't like her. and could you like have a fade kill egwene? oh, and get better so you can write your book. and we love harriet too!"


this is THE STORY for which you make up cutsey member names for this site and then - you claim not to like parts of it???!! some of you have gone on to post that you wished the story would go on longer!!! would you find new parts to hate and skip over if this were to be??!


do yourselves a big favor and round up all of your books so you can have a good old-fashioned book burning to relieve yourselves of the heavy burden of having to read so much. drop your fancy signatures and user names and wait until "the book that may never be" is published so that you may grumpily read about the much hated egwene, elayne and whoever else is in the dreadful final book.


skipping over prologues and maybe the epilogues cuts out that part of the story because they aren't all the same.


"ahh, i don't need ta read that, its in every book and i read it like 50 times"



:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:


Mike, your reply is totally off topic, out of order, spiteful and unneccessary.


I suggest everyone treats that post with the contempt it deserves and ignores it. You can not argue with someone who instead of making a considered response to a discussion goes about making personal attacks on people. My guess is that Mike is one of these people that just can't be happy until he has caused a row. Let him have one on his own.


The rest of this forum knows that not liking some parts of a story has absolutely nothing to do with ones overall appreciation of a fantastic work.



I really hate the seafolk people, but just saying that is a huge compliment to Robert Jordan. I'm so involved in the story that i can feel the hatred towards them by Nyneave, Elayne and the other Aes Sedai that have to teach them. (it's their own fault sort of but still...)


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