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Al Jenn Mael

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We're getting ready to kick off a 12 Month long project called "Where in the World is the Brown Ajah" where each month we're going to choose some DM Org member's hometown/state/country as a location to "visit" (not really visit but talk about historical facts of, share pictures from, etc) and let members guess as to where we've "gone."


Thanks for your hard work... we pay in brownies & chocolate pudding.  :)


We got tons of brownies... enough for all your black tower boys.  Tell them to stop in and get their brownies!  Free for all thanks to you for this lovely siggie.  Grin



Ok, everyone listen up! I totally got them to give us tons of brownies. I think we should all agree to a date/time and make and attack a thread at their ORG.


Whos in?!?!?!

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Ooooo. Miya said we could and and and I can't find her anywhere on the WT roster so I'll have to do some more searching but she must be important! ;D


Touche Rey, you win this round, but the next time I find Brownies you will rue the day! Rue I say! For you'll have to eat them with only one hand. BUHAHAHAHA!

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Brownies..hmm.... I'll just act like Moghedien for a little bit here, let all of you acquire the brownies before I endeavor to take them from you. You'll never know when your precious brownies are stolen until their are all eaten (or half of the eaten and the other ones licked so you won't want them). Victory shall be mine!

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(or half of the eaten and the other ones licked so you won't want them). Victory shall be mine!


Umm, can I have one of the licked brownies please?


*Sees Questy wrestling with someone and what appears to be brownies covering them*


O' Never mind.


*Bites Questy*


Hmm, the white tower certainly makes some... interesting brownies.

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