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Can anyone find it?

Dagon Thyne

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Ok guys, I'm looking for someone who can tell me a fantasy series/book that doesn't involve a group of friends leaving their home to go on a journey to stop a Dark Lord that you never actually see.  (Besides Harry Potter)


Legend (David Gemmell) 60 year old man (Druss the Legend) is called out of retirement to fight one last battle. The greatest hero of his age to fight in the greatest fortress against the largest army ever assembled. Try Waylander aswell (Assassin who reaches his lowest point is given the chance of redemption).


Hi Dagon Thyne...


I'll try to think of some that are what you are looking for...but, for starters, I can easily think of a bunch you want to avoid based on your condition:


1 LOTR...Frodo/Bilbo leave on a Quest with Fellowships regarding the Ring.


2 Feists' Riftwar Saga...Best Friends Thomas and Pug leave home on a Quest with others to find aid to fight against a coming invasion.


3 Wheel of Time...Rand, Perrin and Mat leave home on a Quest to flee Trollocs and save their home further misery.


4 The Belgariad and Mallorean...Same set up for Garion and Durnik as in LOTR, its just an Orb rather than a Ring...


5 The Sword of Shannara - Same set up as Belgariad and LOTR for Shea and Pals except its a Sword this time rather than a Orb or Ring...


6 Even ASOIAF has a bit of this same element as most of an entire family (The Starks) are uprooted and travel many miles South to follow a king into the Capitol of The Kingdom.



*NOW*. I would like to recommend a few titles that differ (Nobody leaves their home to go on a Magic Quest lol). All that I am about to list are Multi-Volume series that can (for the most part) be classified as ‘’Fantasy’’ and that I myself think are very High-Quality.


1 Melanie Rawn’s Dragon Prince Trilogy


2 Stephen King’s The Dark Tower Series


3 Glen Cook’s The Dread Empire Series







Jaqueline Carey's Kushiel series is a total departure from the typical fantasy epic. But while there are several series where the adult content would seem to warrant an R rating, this one is closer to an X. The first three books are incredible though.


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