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Twilight Saga: New Moon Mafia Game-Over, Vampire Team Volturi Win and Naeann


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Okay, this will be my first time modding a game. It doesn't matter if you haven't seen the movies or read the books. The roles are standard mafia roles, just with the lovely theme of New Moon. The game won't start after you get my PM, no posting till then. I just thought I would get the sign-ups started. If we have to take a break during the holiday we will see when the time comes.


I took some liberty with the roles and also the books. So, there might be characters that are in not in New Moon, but are in some of the other books. Also, don't just assume you know that someone has a certain power because of their character in the books and movies. *giggles* Again I was creative.



1.Jade: Rosalie Hale- mod killed day one

2. Boopsy: Laurent- mafia vampire, lynched day one

3. Meesh: Carlisle Cullen- Healer, night killed night three

4. Pete:Marcus- Finder accuracy is random either 50% or 100% depending on random generator

5. Rasheta:Emmett Cullen- Bodyguard role that has a 50% chance of successfully protecting the target and finds out his target's attacker, and a 50% chance that the Bodyguard dies instead.

6. Lily:Aro- Mafia Godfather, shows innocent on all viewings and actions. Can recruit a player on even numbered nights.

7. Wolfie replaced by Wombat:Bella Swan, lover to Edward Cullen, immune to night kills on even numbered nights.  

8. Cairos: Jasper Whitlock- Innocent Townie, lie detector, night killed night one

9. Tigara: Sam the Alpha Wolf- innocent aligned. Can talk with Jacob Black

10.Tynaal:Edward Cullen and lover to Bella Swan, immune to night kills only.

11. Red:Alice Cullen- Can redirect a night action after choosing someone to know if they are doing a night action, can only know the action and not the role.

12. Rey-replaced by Ed on Night Three: Caius- Mafia member, can freeze someone you target, they can have 1 post half way through the day cycle.

13. Alanna: Victoria- mafia vampire lynched day two.

14. charis sedai (The Novice): Charlie Swan- Finder, recruited by the Volturi night one

15. Siera: Esme Cullen- innocent vampire, mod killed Day one

16. MCS: Mike Newton- innocent townie, mod killed Day one

17. Ed: James- Mafia Godfather, night killed night one

18. Lavinya:Webber- Innocent aligned, can send in one night action asking about someone’s role. Can only use once. You are not the only one with this power.

19. Naeann: Jane-  Solo winner, can confuse innocents and mafia alike. Can’t spam the thread.  If you are lynched before one of the teams is eliminated you win. Does not have to be day one. Recruited by the Volturi on night three.

20. Duncan:Jacob Black- Innocent aligned. Can transfer a night action from self to someone else.

21. Craftyreader/ Sarah: Jessica Stanley, she had the ability to switch night actions from one person to another.



If you have questions about how mafia games are played go here.


Day One will last 4 days after that they will be 3 days or 72 hours. Night phases will be 36  hours or less depending on receiving night actions. All time will be Mountain Standard time and I will try to log on a few hours ahead of the deadlines to warn you that the deadline is near.

There will be no talking off thread about the game unless you are given a role and quick topic board to use.

I would encourage you not to edit your posts because it looks scummy, but I won't mod kill you for it.

This should be a fun game with unexpected twists and turns. I learned from Pete what can I say.

Roles were randomly generated, so no thinking I played favorites.

Do not quote PM’s from the Mod.

Everyone is expected to make at least 1 content related post every game day. If you are going on a LOA you need to tell me in PM AND on the Game thread. If you do not meet the requirements, you will be mod-killed for inactivity.

If you cannot reach a majority by the end of the day, I will randomly kill someone.

Please respond to your PM confirming that you have received it before posting in the thread.

Rules are subject to change as needed.  I'm the Mod... I reserve that right.  I'm more than happy to help where I can as I know there are several newer players in this game.

Please glow your votes. To glow look above and you will see the B for bold, I for Italics, etc.. the G is for glowing a vote. Just glow vote and the name of the person you are voting for.


If you have any questions just PM me. If you are a new player don't worry. There are enough experienced people here to help you out. Plus, if you don't understand your role I will help you understand it. I won't tell you what to do with it and won't reveal anything to through things out of balance, but I will be a nice mod and be helpful.


Spamming the game thread will be VERY, VERY bad and can result in being mod killed. So, any off game conversations will need to be taken to PM's where they belong. Anyone being annoying with posts as in posting words backwards will result in being mod killed. I know we want to have fun, but if I can't read the posts you are in big trouble! I am the MOD GOD! Oh, and a warning to my family. Just cause I love you doesn't mean I won't mod kill you for breaking rules. *smiles sweetly*


Above all remember that this is just a game... HAVE FUN!!!!



Terror has struck the town of Forks, Washington. People are going missing and appear to be from animal attacks. Chief Swan rounds up people from La Push as well as Forks to see if they can get to the bottom of it. He has them locked up in the gym. The wolves of La Push know that vampires, not just the Cullen Family are among those who were rounded up. The wolves surround the building to make sure none escape. Sam and Jacob happen to be in the gym in their human form. Sam had given an Alpha command that no vampires other then Cullen family members be permitted to escape alive. With all the vampire smells mixed in a small space it interferes with Sam and Jacob's super senses. Since Chief Swan knows them he allows them to check the halls for escapees from time to time. This allows them to change into wolf form and communicate with the pack.




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well, so long as you don't bleed anyways. 


*looks around to make sure none of the Cullens are around*


*whispers to jaydena*  though i hear jasper still has urges 



speaking of being glad ....  i'm glad that Sam and Jacob can control their tempers.  i don't fancy being ripped apart by an enraged wolf  ;)


I have no idea but the good news is that we won't get our blood sucked by the Cullens since they are Vegans and personally I am happy about that.

We won't

But Bambi will :(


Just to let you all know Craftyreader/ Sarah didn't get her role yet. I can't send it as there is a restriction as to how many PM's you can send in an hour. The rest of you should have gotten your PM's. If you have questions it will take me an hour to get back to you. Sorry. Um, there are restrooms here in the gym. However, only one at a time and know that there are wolves who won't let you out.


Yeah, but Jade, it clearly says in the OP that the Cullens aren't the only vampires here.  Cmon.. New moon?  The volturi are here too my friend.


I have read them all 6 times, seen the movies too, but remember I took some liberties with the roles. *giggles*


I have read them twice and seen both the movies so far and my Sister in Law is in love with the series and the Cullens so ya I know a ton about it, probably more than I want too. *G*


Min, that is me on the HP series  ;D  but we wont go there



i've only read the books once myself, and i've seen Twilight but not New Moon.  i'm going to wait and rent it; instead of having to drag Bubba ou to see it


Duncan you did not send me a PM. I suppose you asking me questions in our kitchen will have to do, but please try to follow the rules! I would hate to mod kill you on your first game.


Red we will have to talk HP sometime. *grins* In PM's of course.


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