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Trivia Pursuit: Wheel of Time - Game Started

Al Jenn Mael

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I will be hosting another Trivial Pursuit game over at the White Tower. This will be a fun way for us to interact with the White Tower. O' and I don't expect you guys to lose. In fact... Aside from the point system below if you win there will be even more points to go with it. I'm thinking 15 or 20, I'll have to ask Talya since that will surpass my monthly allotment of 40 points. Either way there will be an incentive to win aside from pride.


On the 15th I'll post the link here to the sign up threads so be ready for it!






Final Question to be answered when you have six pieces of pie:


Who in the 3rd age invented the Hang Glider? ANSWERED




Current Questions are...

Science & Nature: What color is the Jumpup flower?


History: Which two armies breached Tar Valon's walls.


Geography: How many cities are in Mayene?

Arts and Literature: Who drew "Tempo of Infinity"?

Entertainment: ...With his Lance of Fire that could reach around the world, and his wars with Alsbet, the Queen of All... is a Tale of who?


Sports and Leisure: Name 6 type of marks that are found on dice.




Here I will clarify questions and post information that needs saying!


New and improved rules: A person can answer/guess two questions at a time. You cannot guess/answer again until another person has answered/guessed or 2 days has passed, whichever comes first. Your limit is always 2 questions for any period of time so feel free to always push your limit.  ;D


I would like to thank Talmanes for prompting me to include this section.





I have decided to see who in the Black Tower knows the most about the Wheel of Time books. So come one and all to play Trivial Persuit: Wheel of Time! There are six categories: Geography (blue), Entertainment (pink), History (yellow), Arts & Literature (brown), Science & Nature (green), and Sports & Leisure (orange).


I will post a question and the first person to answer it correctly gets some pie, made by yours truly. I will continue asking questions until someone has all six flavors of pie (Blueberry, Strawberry, Banna Cream, Pecan, Key lime, and Pumpkin. I will role a six sided die to choose what the next question will be so get ready!


I am making some tea, honey, and warming scones while you wait and for the after pie party!


First Question: Arts & Literature


What book describes Belal as the 'Netweaver'?


Whoever wins gets totally awesome bragging rights ;p


Ellianora:(9 pts) Banana Cream, Strawberry, Pecan

Vanion:(6 pts) Pumpkin, Strawberry

Reyoru:(6 pts) Banana Cream, Blueberry

Talya: (18 pts) Pumpkin, Blueberry, Pecan, Strawberry, Banana Cream,Lime Pies!

Talmanes: (15 pts) Banana Cream,  Pecan, Strawberry, Pumpkin, Blueberry

Ed2funy: (12 pts) Pumpkin Pie, Strawberry, Lime, Banana Cream

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Umm... I'll rephrase my question, since it was unclear and let you try again before others since I think you know the answer.


Which book is it that mentions Belal as Netweaver in The Dragon Reborn? (Example: The Travels of Jain Farstrider)


Correct and so you get some Pecan Pie! Hope it is delicious, it's actually Caramel pecan pie and let me tell you unwrapping all those individually wrapped caramels is time consuming.


O' and I forgot to mention only one guess per person per question.


Next question: History


How many members were there in the 'Hundred Companions'


O.o Guess I have to make my questions harder.


Banana Cream pie for you ;p


Next Question: Sports & Leisure

In the game called 'Chop' what is the best possible combination in the game?


Your correct! Some Strawberry Pie for you good sir.


Next Questions: History, Arts & Literature


When did Raolin Darksbane die?


What book did Tam Al'Thor always want to read?



One question only for a person this round, so take your pic


Sorry he has already read that. In 12 hours I'll give a hint and reset the question so everyone can take a go at it. Here are available questions, Vanion and Ellianora you can take a go at one of the two new questions.


Arts and Literature: What book did Tam Al'Thor always want to read?

Science & Nature: Who in the 4th3rd age invented the Hang Glider?

Entertainment: What is the name of a scandalous Saldean dance?



3rd Age


  • 3 weeks later...

Science & Nature: Who in the 3rd age invented the Hang Glider?


Arts and Literature: What book did Tam Al'Thor always want to read?

Hint: It's(It was) in the Queens Blessing Inn.


History: Who lead the opposition against Lews Therin's plan to seal the bore?


Geography: Co'dansin is more commonly refereed to as?


Entertainment: In the Age of Legends this game meant imprisonment for members of the light for owning one once-human game piece. What was this game?


Sports and Leisure: In Tancicho this area used for Horse Races is larger than the Great Circle. What is this area?



I'm letting people answer any two questions of their choice. You must then wait until two more questions have been answered before you can answer again. I will try and keep one question from each category up at all times :D


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