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Mafia - A Christmas Tale - Mafia Won


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It seems that either both Lily and Pale are both either innocent or both mafia.  I find it hard to believe that they're both mafia so I'd say they're both innocent.  At this point, I believe Rey.  So that leaves 6 of you, with, say 4 mafia. (excluding myself naturally)


So of Elli, Led, Wombat, Meesh, Meer, and Al Jenn, only 2 would be innocent.  Practically nothing to go off for Led or Elli.  Wombat has gone up and down and up and is kind of leveled off right now.  His latest vote of me could be an innocent thinking I'm mafia or mafia trying to take out another innocent.  Hard to tell.  Meesh has been the most active in this mafia game and appears to be trying to root out the mafia like a good townie, but you never know.  Still, she's more towards the bottom of my suspicions. And then finally, I'm not sure about either Meer or Al Jenn.  Could go either way for each. 


You are very accomplished at using a lot of words to say nothing.  Also, what makes you so sure there are 4 mafia?  I happen to agree but you seem almost certain there.

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Okay, thoughts...Well, I'm slightly distracted right now because something's wrong with my jaw and I can't really chew much and it hurts like crazy, so I'm icing it but it's hard to concentrate. ::)  

So I'll do the best I can; probably won't respond to EVERYTHING like I normally try to do but I'll respond to things that I feel I really have something to say about.


I guess for better or for worse I think I believe Rey and Al Jenn; it's possible that they're mafia pulling off a ploy but honestly it seems too elaborate for that, too sincere.  Like, if it really was a ploy, I believe there would have to be someone really experienced directing you behind the scenes and pulling the strings (honestly, I hope you guys aren't offended by me saying that; you guys are pretty good but a huge ploy like that takes a lot of skill), and no offense to anyone this could refer to, but I don't think there really is anyone in this game experienced enough to pull it off without a hitch.

What all that means is that I'm going to trust Rey and Al Jenn, and if that ends up being a BAD choice, I guess that's what comes of making the wrong decision. But at least it seems like the best way to go at this point, and that's the best I can do, or anyone can do, really.


Okay, at Al Jenn, I personally would have no problem believing Elli is mafia.  She barely posts, doesn't contribute much, and while we don't have much to go on with her, I doubt if she was a townie who cared about the game that she would be staying in the background so much.


Okay...about Wombat...Faulty logic, Meercat.  I've said this all over the place, and I know personally because I've been mafia more times than I've been town in all my playing experience (though I think the playing field is gradually leveling out there), but mafia vote their fellow mafioso all the time.  I don't know how many times I've actively argued that one of my teammates is terribly suspicious, at the first hint of reasonable suspicion, and even voted for them when no one else would.  It was agreed upon beforehand, usually, and it worked really well most of the time.  Because then if one of us flipped mafia, the other one must therefore be innocent.  Why else would we be against each other?  Don't ever ever ever rule out the possibility that someone is mafia.  Don't always assume someone is mafia, but realize it's ALWAYS a possibility.  People do what they must to win the game, however "out there" it might seem.


So if Locke flips scum, Wombat could still be mafia, guys.  And so could Meercat, for that sadly faulty logic (notice how Locke uses the same logic; avoids mentioning the possibility that both could be mafia, though in Locke's case that's understandable because you don't really want to associate yourself with the mafia in any possible way, if you don't have to).


Hm... Don't have a real reason not to trust Lily but she's constantly been rising on my list of suspects; right now her vote on Zep isn't too bad but just throwing the "gut" vote out there when we're basically at LyLo pings me a bit.  Again, not enough for me to actively suspect her but that's something I really wanted to share.


About Locke's faulty logic Pt. 2... "either lily and pale are both innocent or they're both mafia..." BUZZZ.  Wrong answer.  4 possibilities here: 1. Lily and Pale are both innocent and entirely truthful; 2. Lily is mafia and Pale is innocent, and she's telling us he's innocent because that way, if he is lynched or killed and flips innocent, it validates her false claim as finder; 3. Lily is finder and Pale is mafia with a godfather ability (first-time viewing of the godfather gets an innocent result); 4. Lily is scum and Pale is scum, and they're both trying to seem more innocent by claiming Finder and confirmed innocent.


Those are pretty much all my thoughts for now...  I agree with Al Jenn, I could see Elli, Locke, and Meercat as being mafia, although I can see either Wombat or Zep being scum.


Oh, and thank you for going ahead and reading the thread, Zep. :)


**edit 12 new replies (holy moley, guys!!!)**

Okay, Locke is climbing suspect list and Wombat sliding downward.


I say we lynch Locke, seriously.  He is not doing too much good for himself right now and I am almost positive he'll turn up scum.



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Seems like every time I say something, I've made an error. :D  Although, I know practically nothing about roles. 


Anyway, it looks like I'm going down today.  It's been a good game guys.  Mafia (the game) has been way different than I expected. :D

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In a way I almost feel like laughing.  This is basically our last chance and we're taking out me.  But it's kind of bittersweet, because it means we lose.  Oh well.  Congratulations to the mafia.  You've done a good job this game and will likely win tonight. 

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Hon, I was spewing that logic my very second game, and it wasn't learned from the first one.  Logic really isn't dependent on experience; if you think about it at all it makes perfect sense, even if you've never personally experienced it before.


I get that you may not have considered all the possibilities because this is your first game; for future reference, the safest thing to do is to think things through all the way--don't half-ass anything in mafia, it's too intense for that.  Look at ALL the possibilities, no matter how unlikely they seem.

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Vote Count:


Locke (4): Rey, Wombat, Meesh, Meercat

Rey (1): Zep

Zep (1): Lily

Elli (1): Pale


Not voting: Locke, Elli, Al Jenn Mael


With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch


I think if Locke flips scum we should go after Elli next, for sure; most everyone seems to be on the same page about her (okay, there are too many people for "most everyone" to be on the same page about anything, but basically enough people are of the opinion that she's probably scum).


I say "if Locke flips scum" not because they have been playing in any sort of related way, but more because if we lynch him and he flips scum that means we have another day to find scum and Elli is one of our most likely suspects at this point.

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Vote Count:


Locke (5): Rey, Wombat, Meesh, Meercat, Zep

Zep (1): Lily

Elli (1): Pale


Not voting: Locke, Elli, Al Jenn Mael


With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch


Well guys, we're almost to the hammer.  I'd like Locke to have a chance to answer my questions about who HE suspects, but the fact that he's avoided taking a stance one way or another the whole game kind of speaks for itself, and the fact that he's just giving up even after I chastised Rey for doing the same thing because it's anti-town.  This mostly serves to strengthen my personal belief that Locke will flip scum.

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