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Blade of Light, Three Become One. (Full Spoilers).


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Moiraine has to be a crucial part to the link with Callandor. She and Lanfear are both on the other side of that doorway with Moiraine picking Lanfear's brain about boring that hole to the DO. Mierin Sedai was the fool who did it! Moiraine will assist in placing the attack correctly.

erm, Lanfear is dead, she was rezzed by the DO.

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My two cents..  it seems obvious that the blade of light is Callandor, leading to the question of who the other 2 are.  This may or may not mean anything as previous 'obvious' choices have been wrong (sometimes right).  So it's just a guess.  However, they have been making a big deal of the fact that Callandor blazes like the sun when used and that it needs to be used by a man with at least 2 women.

My personal choices are Alivia (Rand expects to die at the LB, she's supposed to help him do so) and probably Nynaeve (he's already trusted her to help him channel more power than anyone ever (apparently) has.  The question is, will she stay with Rand or go to help Lan?).


Regarding Rand's opinions of other channelers...  I'm going to be interested in seeing how/if those have changed any in the next book, after the end of book 12.


If the intent of the series was not just to tell a turning of the wheel and actually resolve man's conflict with the DO then i think the 3 become 1 is indeed going to be the 3 powers becoming one.  Not resealing the DO but rather sucking him out through the bore and weaving him into the wheel.  Either unifying saidar saidin and the true power or destroying all 3 and creating a Tolkien-esque final ending where man becomes the mundane man we're all familiar with.


There are 3 seals left of the dark one's prison. If they were modified and made into one to finish what LTT started that might be something.


lol Why do people keep on saying Elayne and Aviendha will be the ones to link with Rand?  When was it ever even hinted that they would have any importance in the Last Battle?  


I agree they won't be party to this, since they will be pregnant. Even if they could channel reliably, who in their right mind would bring them to the most dangerous spot in the world while carrying babies, and the Dragon's no less? Like you, I am still waiting to understand why Rand even needs these two, the story so far would have been just fine without them (much as I like their characters, even Elayne's, they did not really contribute much to the story, particularly Aviendha).


Anyway, re: the Blade of Light, since they're saying Rand will hold a blade of light in his hands, it seems as if he'll use that blade after he's put into a new body (likely Moridin's).

I never understood the reasoning behind this theory of Rand's body swap - where is there any indication anywhere, in prophecies, foretellings, etc. that Rand will change bodies - and with the worst type of darkfriend and mortal enemy, no less? I assume that the bodies used for recycling foresaken must be those of darkfriends who gave up their souls to the DO, which allowed him to remove the soul and plant a new one instead. Who exactly will do that for Rand, and why? All foretellings and dreaming see *him*, not someone else. So why does anyone think he'll change bodies?


As for the "Hands" - well, the prophecy is thousands years old, and is translated from the Old Tongue. It's possible that Rand losing a hand is not considered a momentous enough event to affect foretellings, after all, it hasn't really prevented Rand from performing his duties, so far. The foretellings did not predict his unhealable wounds either - which are far more significant. Besides, it's entirely possible we will see Rand's hand regrown (I am of the opinion that he will go through the near death experience with the three women before TG, and will be Healed in the White Tower).


 I brought this up before, but that also may have a link to the "blade of Light" Rand created in The Eye of the World;


This is actually the most likely prediction, IMO.


Three become one means that Rand's women will coalesce into a single being -- a 3-headed, nagging Hydra with all the bad traits of the individual women and none of their positive attributes.  She will smooth her skirts, call Rand a wool-headed fool, and threaten to dance the spears with the car'a'carn at the slightest provocation.


May the Light protect the Dragon.  He's gonna end up an alcoholic.  Perhaps only TG can save him.

There are 3 seals left of the dark one's prison. If they were modified and made into one to finish what LTT started that might be something.


That's an interesting theory, but I think it's been implied that using seals to block the Bore was a flawed process to begin with, and that a fundamentally different strategy is needed.  This is why the "rubble must be cleared before" Rand can rebuild the prison, as Herid Fel indicated.


My own theory involves the fact of the 'flaw' in Callandor, which might not really be a flaw.


My guess is this:


Callandor is a Sa'angreal not just for the Male half, but also for the TRUE power. The reason it magnified the Taint is because the Taint and the True Power were effectively identical to it.


I assume the Three Become One involves the three Powers:




The True Power.


Perhaps Rand has to use the True Power to restrain or hold back the Dark One, while using Saidin and Saidar both to seal the hole, via a link. Robert Jordan pretty much said, if I recall one interview correctly, that if just women did it then it would be Saidar that would have been tainted, and if both did, they both would have been.


So there needs to be something that keeps the Dark One from touching the Weave, thus the True Power comes into play. Via Rand's link with Moridin, he has access to the True Power most likely. So he can manage to use all three powers to push the Dark One back and repair the Bore like it never was with both the male and female powers.


I like this theory and agree with many parts of it.


First, I agree that one aspect of the three becoming one is three powers sealing/destroying the DO. One will be saidin (via Callandor), one will be saidir (I think through the women melding the flows), and one will be the buffer substance.


The quotes from RJ, and the one from LTT in tGS imply that the reason saidin was tainted was it because it touched the DO in sealing the prison, and that if saidar would have been used, both would have been tainted (RJ quote).


I think Rand can access the TP via his link with Moridin, and as long as Moridin is Na'blis, then Rand will have TP access as long as they are linked. I think this is strong evidence that the TP could be the buffer.


However, I like the idea of Fain's dagger/Aridhol being the 3rd power. We know Fain hates the DO. We know Aridhol fought the Shadow. We know Aridhol's power can contain the DO's power to some extent, both from the cleansing and the wound in his side.


Thus, the three becoming one could more accurately be a joining of the three ancient foes of the Shadow:


1) Female Aes Sedai (saidar)

2) Male Aes Sedai (saidin)

3) Aridhol (Fain)


I think both have merit, but I'm leaning towards the second one, though I have no idea how they get Fain to buy in.



If going along with a Tolkien-like manner, then Rand is like Frodo and DO is Sauron but who is Gollum and the actual destroyer of the Ring? THa would be Fain, so Fain will be used or the one to combine with Rand to seal the DO away.


Or something like that.


If going along with a Tolkien-like manner, then Rand is like Frodo and DO is Sauron but who is Gollum and the actual destroyer of the Ring? THa would be Fain, so Fain will be used or the one to combine with Rand to seal the DO away.


Or something like that.


I keep getting this mental image, that, because of the nature of Rands wound from Ishy/Fain, that he's gonna break the seal and open the bore, then just toss Fain inside. Fain and the Dark One keep each other all tied up while the channelers seal the bore with no risk to the powers.


It makes me laugh but I just see Fain like screamin while he goes into this blackhole and then ends up in a little whirling dustcloud fight and is walled away. heh.


Three becoming one could be something as simple as Avi/Elayne/min together representing Ileyna. min not channeling, well didnt stop her from bonding rand either.


rand goes on the whole "If I live, she might too..." while on dragonmount


Although I like the theory of Min, Avi, and Elayne I don't think it is likely.


I think the two who will help him with Callandor are Moraine and Alivia.


I agree with others for the LTT, Rand, Moridin (maybe DO or Fain) fusion. I know LTT went away, but from how Brian Sanderson answered questions referring to the voice I don't doubt that it will be appearing again.


In addition it seems that Rand has to die. The only reason I see that so many reasons for him having to die is his death is instrumental in resealing the DO. So if his death is necessary (though he will be revived somehow) then the only reason for it I see is a link with the shadow. So the 3 in 1 theory seems very convenient.


Or the three in one could be Rand, DO, and the creator. I mean you can't kill the DO without killing the creator. Balance. But that idea I don't think RJ would do, Sanderson yes, RJ no. 

I doubt his access to it was unintentional on the dark one's part, because, as has been said throughout the series, why kill rand when he could be turned? (TP)


not sure how the DO would have been able to get moridin and rand to use balefire at the same time and if he would even know what the effects would be.


the only way this theory would still work is if Callandor was able to tap the TP without the Dark One's consent. Which doesn't discount the theory, but it requires us to give Callandor an ability that the books have setup to be at the sole discretion of the Dark One.


not sure how you missed the fact that RJ likes to twist things round. like the fact that stilling was permanent before nyn fixed it.


Rand could not channel both Saidin and the TP at once, it is impossible.


i cant remember it being said that you cant use both but i might be wrong.


the story so far would have been just fine without them (much as I like their characters, even Elayne's, they did not really contribute much to the story, particularly Aviendha).


i enjoy reading about aviendha personnally. lol. and elayne when she isnt preggers. :P


im liking the fain idea, i have had thoughts on it before that he will probably be at tarmon gaidon. not sure why he would choose to be but the power of mordeth seems to be only thing that has any power against the DO.




Rand could not channel both Saidin and the TP at once, it is impossible.

i cant remember it being said that you cant use both but i might be wrong.


I may be wrong, but I'm fairly certain on this one. Saidin and TP are less alike than Saidin and Saidar and for all we know it is impossible to channel them at the same time. They are two completely different forces and controlled in separate ways. So I would be very surprised if you could channel TP and one of the halves of the One Power at the same time.



Rand could not channel both Saidin and the TP at once, it is impossible.

i cant remember it being said that you cant use both but i might be wrong.


I may be wrong, but I'm fairly certain on this one. Saidin and TP are less alike than Saidin and Saidar and for all we know it is impossible to channel them at the same time. They are two completely different forces and controlled in separate ways. So I would be very surprised if you could channel TP and one of the halves of the One Power at the same time.


Actually, I'm pretty sure you are wrong on this one.  RJ specificially said that TP and OP are very similar in how they are channeled and weaved.  Rand weaved the same weaves with the TP against Semi than he would've weaved with saidin if he had had access to it.  How would Rand have know how to do that since he had never previously used the TP?  Because the weaves are so similar.  How the power works is different in that everything it does in some way "destroys the pattern" but it is used similarly to saidin.  This, IMO, is why it was such a breakthrough that Meirin (Lanfear in the AoL) had discovered this "new power" that both men and women could sense and channel.  It is so similar to the OP, that it doesn't require hardly any different training from the OP.


With that said, it is true that we don't know if they can both be channeled at the same time.  I don't see why not.  They both come from two different sources.


It is unclear to me when Rand confronts Ba'alzamon at various times in the first few books if Ishy/Ba'alzamon is channeling the OP or the TP, or both...  We know for sure that Moridin was channeling TP in SL when they crossed the balefire streams, but I'm not remembering if Rand also sensed saidin being channeled by him or not.


For some of you saying that the Dark One can just turn off the True Power if Rand was channeling it against him might be wrong based on what Brandon Sanderson said:


20. Question: Did Rand directly have the DO’s permission to channel the TP?


20. Answer: It’s very difficult (but not impossible) to channel the TP without the DO’s direct permission.




Yes, Brandon's answer does open the door to other avenues. However we have no examples of what those "very difficult" circumstances might be. Those of us going along with the supposition that the Dark One can turn off his power at his discretion are doing so because this is what the books (thus far) have shown us. Other methods require some wild speculation as to what method Brandon is alluding to. I can't speak for the other posters going with "the Dark One would cut Rand off from the TP", but I feel that an answer to the prophecy should not require the invention of something not seen in preceding volumes. It just doesn't seem like a good plot device. Also look at the wording:


He [Dragon Reborn] shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one.


He (singular) will make 3 become one. So even if we assume that Callandor is somehow able to bypass the Dark One and allow Rand unfettered access to the TP, the other female channelers would be guiding the flows and providing access to Saidar. Which would mean Rand would not be doing the combining. Which does not fit the wording. But then again I could be very wrong too.


For some of you saying that the Dark One can just turn off the True Power if Rand was channeling it against him might be wrong based on what Brandon Sanderson said:


20. Question: Did Rand directly have the DO’s permission to channel the TP?


20. Answer: It’s very difficult (but not impossible) to channel the TP without the DO’s direct permission.




Yes, Brandon's answer does open the door to other avenues. However we have no examples of what those "very difficult" circumstances might be. Those of us going along with the supposition that the Dark One can turn off his power at his discretion are doing so because this is what the books (thus far) have shown us. Other methods require some wild speculation as to what method Brandon is alluding to. I can't speak for the other posters going with "the Dark One would cut Rand off from the TP", but I feel that an answer to the prophecy should not require the invention of something not seen in preceding volumes. It just doesn't seem like a good plot device. Also look at the wording:


He [Dragon Reborn] shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one.


He (singular) will make 3 become one. So even if we assume that Callandor is somehow able to bypass the Dark One and allow Rand unfettered access to the TP, the other female channelers would be guiding the flows and providing access to Saidar. Which would mean Rand would not be doing the combining. Which does not fit the wording. But then again I could be very wrong too.


Speaking for someone who likes part of the saidin/saidar/TP threesome,  I'd say the following:


1) We have implicit evidence from the books, and the quotes, that Rand could trap the TP without the DO's permission: BS's quote being the main one.


First, there is no doubt that Moridin and Rand are linked in the turning beyond their normal linkage (like Birgitte and Gaidal) due to the balefire crossing. Here are some examples: the crossing of the balefire, seeing visions of him, Moridin's orders not to harm Rand after crossing the streams (though he DID help him vs. Sammael), Moridin's POV in tGS regarding the Hand and Semi's actions, and Rand entering his dream.


Second, we know that Moridin can tap the TP.


While I agree that there hasn't been an explicit statement this is possible, I don't think it is a great logical leap, hence the questions to BS.



I don't think Moiraine will be there to help that way because I think the terangreal burned her out. Secondlym what do you mean Avhiendha and Elayne didn't contribute to the story? Some of the best parts of the middle books featured Aviendha. Modghedien would not have been a prisoner long enough to teach the wonder girls anything if not for Elayne figuring out the adam.  Avi showed us how the Bore is going to be undone- she and alivia will link with Rand through Callandor to unravel it. Elayne's support of Rand also puts a whole country at his back that he doesn't have to conquer. So... which series have you been reading?


Stilling and being burned out can be cured. Moraine just needs someone from the BT to heal her and she will be good as new. Though I'm still skeptical if she is burnt out.


As for Elayne, she will most likely have the children before TG so she can be useful. Elayne and Avi have been great support characters but I don't see them being pivotal in the end.


I don't know if anyone mentioned this....but...


It takes two women to guide the flows because Callandor doesn't have the barrier that will stop someone from burning themselves out or something...

Cadsuane says:

It is flawed...lacking the buffer that makes other sa'angreal safe to use. And it apparently magnifies the taint, including wildness of the mind. So long as a man is using it anyway. The only safe way to use The Sword That Is Not A Sword, the only way to use it without the risk of killing yourself, or trying to do the Light alone knows what insanity, is linked with two woman, and one of them guiding the flows


now, besides the risk of over-drawing....the taint is gone...he has less of a risk in using Callandor...


He was able not to over-draw before....could he not draw enough power until he felt the pain that warns him that he should be careful....


Although I believe the prophecy means the use of Callandor, could it be that he doesn't necessarily have to use it with two other women???


Unless I miss my guess. Lanfear was burned out and possibly killed during her passage through the door- then a new body was found and the severing was healed by Semhirrage- odds are she puzzled out how to do it once Nynaeve had figured it out. That is the only way I can imagine that Cyndane could be Lanfear reincarnated and yet be weaker. That being said, it makes sense then that Moiraine would have been burned out. Stilling can be healed, but only two people living know how to do it(to our knowledge). Nynaeve might do it, but that wouldn't work out too well for Moiraine- and what are the odds of her finding Damer Flinn just in the nick of time?


Secondly, I do agree that they more than likely wont be the one person who makes or breaks everything- but I do think they have had a significant impact on the story and they are very entertaining to read(especially inside Aviendha's head!!!).


I don't see how Rand could wrench control of the Dark One's essence0 the guy is a god afterall- it seems the three becoming one though could refer to Rand Morridin and Fain. They are after all the key players here. Perhaps some sort of twisted messed up merging of people and souls? Where does Shaidar Haran fit in all of this? Perhaps Rand can find a way to use the link he hwas with these two(Fains's link is only a finder of sorts but it is a link nontheless), and merge the three of them, perhaps wrestling control and combining power? If Morridin is still linked with the DO, then could Rand use that lnk to attack the DO directly? Or better yet...feed the essence of Mordeth into the TP- since that is essentially the DO's essence. Any thoughts on this?


Samudor, Why would only 2 people know how to heal someone who'd been severed?


Both the people you mentioned are parts oflarger groups of channeleres, that would find this information invaluable. Think of the way the BT alone trains. You probably have bnurn out on a semi-regular basis.


RJ (don't have the quote, but have seen it recently) has stated that both groups have independently realized that a full strength healing has to come from the opposite sex, which sounds like trial and error.


It's widespread knowledge at this point, and with all the DF's and BA around we can be pretty sure it's on both sides.


Sorry, wasn't thinking on that one. So used to those idiots who call themselves Aes Sedai ignoring Nynaeve because her nose isn't pointed straight at the sky. I still highly doubt that more than a handful of people actually have the skill to pull off that sort of healing. After all, we're not talking about healing a cut- as we've read before, even members of the yellow Ajah could not master the "new" healing weaves Nynaeve had shown them. I do see your point though- and stand corrected.


Anyone have thoughts on that other notion? Using Mordeth to kill Shaitan? Not gollumesque in that it all happens by accident. Rather, a brilliant gambit by Rand. Is it even possible to rip that essence from Fain? Or am I pushing credulity?


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