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Oh it isn't wrong to follow your individuality by frolicking across lawns, by no means. But as I'm Shadow and you're a Lightie I am jokingly mocking you (I love you really Meesh :)). And on a more serious note, anything that does not conform to the societal norm may affect the way people observe you, and hence your status. This may or may not affect your dignity. If you feel ashamed, or feel that your personal dignity is dependent on the way people look at you, then you can just continue following the crowd. On the other hand, if you believe that no once can take away your dignity, and that is it conceived from the honour of your autonomy, then good for you :)


You really ARE a liberal Shadowite, agreeing with me so easily! :o


Either that or you just haven't been within the clutches of the Shadow long enough yet. :D


*offers hand for a handshake*


This has been an invigorating discussion, Rey.  Goodness knows I haven't had one of those in a while. ;D




*gives a firm handshake*


You honour me Meesh, I did enjoy that little discussion, thank you for the pleasure. Oh, and yeah unity is a good thing. Liberalism means freedom. Truce with the Shadow?


I use to believe individuality was much more important. Following the crowd, along with just doing the opposite, you were just being lead unthinkingly down a path. I thought that was totally immoral since the action of not thinking is a heinous crime, one that tries to absolve one of responsibility. Then I joined the military and deployed. Doing what I thought was right, looking at the facts and coming to my own conclusions, caused strife with that organized structure. It wasn't beneficial to 'frolic' in the sands because it was enjoyable to me since it had consequences of unity that I wasn't willing to deal with.


Long post short... Individuality can conflict with unity, but one shouldn't lose responsibility in following the crowd or following an order.


I know it was a silly decision. I'm still in the military (3 out of 4 years done) and currently in Afghanistan at some small marine base in Helmand Province.



Well I wouldn't limit it to just 'disciplined' organizations. Any cohesive organization needs a mold. Civilization and society in general have certain forms that are considered proper and serves there purposes. These structures are useful in creating that mold making people into followers since for the most part people want to be absolved of responsibility and told how to live. So since people believe in their own way of doing everything the majority therefor honor those who conform well and the others they poke and jab so they'll join back with the group. The need to justify ones own beliefs.


Well I will keep ranting if I go on with that, point is: Yes, it is wrong by the 'crowd' to express individuality to a certain extent. So it is a matter of how much one wishes to integrate into the 'crowd' or society. 


I'm not saying it's a silly decision, really. It's a subjective thing. The military is not the place for me, though here it's mandatory... and while I'm sure I'll look stunning in stripes (or orange), I preferred to never really find out  lol


But there are people I know that are built to be in the military. Seems to come with a great sense of patriotism. I lack in that department as well  ;D






Yeah, can't say I'm very patriotic either. I came in for adventure and misjudged such. A soldiers life is generally being bored and uncomfortable. That is from Steven Erickson and he speaks truly. I'm sure you'd make an excellent beautiful soldier though ;p


I would say that following the crowd is more important in a disciplined base organization. However following the crowd is related to integration. So it all depends on how much you want to fit in or how closely you need to work with others. In general most people don't need to work to closely with others or they find someone who has a similar value system and so one makes their own 'group'.


Like joining the black tower, you need to be a little 'crazy'... Umm, I mean tainted. I mean... well you know what I mean ;p


It seems like the perquisite of being a DM member is to be a little crazy ;)


And thanks for the compliment  lol  Being in the Air Force was not fun but I guess you could say I gained some insight on life from it. And I made friends, which is always a plus.





I'm not saying it's a silly decision, really. It's a subjective thing. The military is not the place for me, though here it's mandatory... and while I'm sure I'll look stunning in stripes (or orange), I preferred to never really find out  lol


But there are people I know that are built to be in the military. Seems to come with a great sense of patriotism. I lack in that department as well  ;D






Hup Holland Hup?


EDIT: hmm they stopped conscription in 1996, but the orange still fits =S


Arghh... stupid Afghanistan...!


Hang in there Al... did my time there too before being discharged from the military.


Albeit, I was discharged for assaulting Officers.


Hey, before anyone decides to judge, they had it coming. You don't treat a woman the way they did around me, and expect NOT to end up with some broken bones.


General Discharge. I figured I would have been slapped with an OTH Discharge, but I guess they didnt want to press the issue, seeing as those Officers had it coming..! *shakes fist in rage!!*


O.o, didn't expect that one. Thanks Vanion, I signed up for this sort of thing though. Bomb Squad, really I thought playing with bombs and being in a war zone would be more... thrilling. Well I won't say that I purposefully put myself in danger, but I do seek out challenges.


Well I've learned the military isn't for me, I'm not a 'crowd' or 'society' type of person so meh :p



Vanion I didn't realize that members of the Shadow had strong moral fiber. Of course I did realize that you guys do have a bit of a violent streak. Guess it is what makes you all so charming.


Glad you didn't get dishonorable, or OTH. I'm also glad that you stay true to your convictions. Though from what I've seen you're clever enough to handle silly officers ;p


Van's fat neck keeps getting people punched. That's the explanation that makes most sense to me  *nods to self*






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