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Modern Warfare 2 [PC]


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This game is crap, don't buy it. I am throwing it under my bed until IW comes out with a massive patch that basically fixes all the s**t they put in this game.


-No dedicated servers. This game is basically a port of the console versions. Though IW says otherwise, claiming that there are "custom features" in the PC version such as mouse pointer control, graphics sliders. Wow, didn't expect to be controlling my character with a mouse on my computer...


This also means that there will be no kicking hackers by the players. IW admins will "deal with" these hackers and are confident they will be able to prevent them. P.S. There is already an aim bot circulating through the PC multiplayer, great job admins!


-No PC in game console. Much of what made the PC version of CoD4 was the ability to customize your gaming experience completely. By eliminating mods and the console, IW basically says they don't care about PC gamers, who, by the way, are responsible for the rise of the FPS genre.


-Mandatory installation of Steam to play the game. This is just IW trying to force software that players don't want onto them. The interface is clumsy and frequently crashed on me (and many other players) on our first play.


I could go on, but I am too frustrated at what could have been a great shooter but instead was a product that revealed Infinity Wards laziness and incompetence. So do yourself a favor and don't buy this game.

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I didn't even know it was coming to PC.


From a console perspective..


The game is good.  They basically left all the stuff we loved from MW and improved on it.  There are new perks, the ability to level up perks, nice gun additions, new weapons and the maps are shiny.  My only complaint so far is there is still a problem getting a group of people into a game together.  And the servers ran into lots of lag issues. 



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  • Community Administrator

Well Chrono, The majority of your complaints were revealed before the game was actually released. ;)


Coures that steam one is new to me, but thats not much of an issue for me.

Is the game actaully ATTACHED to steam, or is steam install 'mandatory' like installing a yahoo hotbar is 'mandatory' in that you can uncheck it and continue?

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Well Chrono, The majority of your complaints were revealed before the game was actually released. ;)


Coures that steam one is new to me, but thats not much of an issue for me.

Is the game actaully ATTACHED to steam, or is steam install 'mandatory' like installing a yahoo hotbar is 'mandatory' in that you can uncheck it and continue?


Ya to the first bit, I'm more angry at myself for not paying attention to the comments about the game. And yes, Steam is mandatory to play the game.

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Ok, so I finally successfully reinstalled this game. Gonna see if I can get multi working without a crash. For all you console gamers who have never tried mouse/keyboard for a shooter, you gotta try it, the control you have is incredible.


Krak we need to play together.  I want to see if you suck just as much at this game as you do at Halo.


Does he actually? Or are you just trying to rile him up?

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Last PC shooters I played were CS and UT.  I need a better computer so I can get CoD4 or MW2.


I played CoD4 on a dell studio 15, so unless you love to up the graphics, a great computer isn't necessary. Oh, and I am getting really mad at Steam. I am connected to the school internet right now and when I try to open Steam to register my CD key, it says "You must not be connected to the internet". This sucks.

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  • Community Administrator

Hmm I do seem to recall STEAM users who bought MW2 from steam still can't play the game. That might be part of your issue...


As for your steam not connecting to the internet, Talk to your IT people tell them STEAM is not connecting. I had the same problem with City of Heroes! They BLOCKED that game but not WoW? Coomeoonnn.


Steam isn't as bad as you think it is though. Compared to D2D, and other digital distrobution models Its one of the better ones. Though Impulse aint bad, it just don't have Steams collection.

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Nope, no LAN in the traditional sense I think. You could add people to your friends list and just play a Friends only game which would be almost like LAN.


And the Steam thing, if you bought a boxed version you could play on the 10th, if you bought from Steam you play on the 12/13th.

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Are people still having problems with Steam? The thing that really turned me off to this game was the lack of dedicated servers, seeing as modded maps and such are half the fun.


There are many petitions for a patch that will get rid of matchmaking, add an in game console and other things, going around that will be brought to the attention of Infinity Ward. I doubt they will listen but it is worth a shot.

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