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Tuon and the Seanchan (Full Book Spoilers)


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The 8 suns?

He is Emperor with her....


I haven't gotten the impression that this is an Emperor nation... I read that in the past there had been emperors, but only in so much as Andor had kings. I have a hard time believing that the Empress has any equals.



Not a hope of that one taking anyone as her equal. Least of all Mat. She'll still have Selucia running rings around him. But otoh I do think she'll give him a fairer hearing when her intelligence corroborates stuff he had said. And I'd say he will be her consort, as in the English carry on where the heir takes the throne, (currently a Queen) and her hubby is called Prince Philip. And I'd say he could only wish to get as far away from his role as Mat currently is..


Consort is perhaps the closest you'll get. Tuon hints once that her dad was a gambler who got killed making the wrong bet.

Did he try to take the throne?

Another time she thinks her mum apparently was genuinely fond of her dad.

But clearly he had little if any, say in the way the Empire ran.

Mat may also be a little unhappy at the concept that their kids will be encouraged to kill each other.



I think a lot of things with Seanchan will change.

Mat might still be Prince of the Ravens, and he might be Emperor with her, but he won't want to run anything anyways.


Perrin already got suckered into leading a people, I wouldn't want to see Mat doing the same thing.

P.S. The Band is different from a nation.


I think a lot of things with Seanchan will change.

Mat might still be Prince of the Ravens, and he might be Emperor with her, but he won't want to run anything anyways.


Perrin already got suckered into leading a people, I wouldn't want to see Mat doing the same thing.

P.S. The Band is different from a nation.


Mat is a fine leader, he's already been suckered into it. He doesn't piss and moan about it and revert back to earlier states of disseray. He grabs the bull by the horns and mutters the whole time. Quality Mat.


The key to Mat is that he'll bitch endlessly if he's forced to do something. But if he sees it as his responsibility he'll do it as well as he can, only don't expect him to be gracious.

Post-Last Battle, if his missus wants her Empire back, he try and win it back for her.



The key to Mat is that he'll bitch endlessly if he's forced to do something. But if he sees it as his responsibility he'll do it as well as he can, only don't expect him to be gracious.

Post-Last Battle, if his missus wants her Empire back, he try and win it back for her.



Actually, I don't think he'll need to get her Empire back, because I think her logic and her ways will change during and after the LB. She will see a lot of things and change her thought process on some of the customs the Seanchan have had. Remember the Dragon brings change for everyone, including the bloody, flamin' Seanchan!


The key to Mat is that he'll bitch endlessly if he's forced to do something. But if he sees it as his responsibility he'll do it as well as he can, only don't expect him to be gracious.

Post-Last Battle, if his missus wants her Empire back, he try and win it back for her.



always expect it to be done graciously by Mat. Planning is chaotic... execution with finesse and style.


Except, we know that they'll try and get their Empire back as per the outriggers...I wonder how Rand will react to the Seanchan after he comes back from Dragonmount. He can either go straight back to his people and try and handle things there, including probably trying something diplomatic with the Seanchan. Or he can go straight to the WT and find out what happened there.


But the latter I'm not so sure on since Egwene's anger might be directly caused by what he works out with the Seanchan. Or alternatively it could be completely unrelated to the Seanchan and be what happens at the BT. Or a combination of the two.




But the latter I'm not so sure on since Egwene's anger might be directly caused by what he works out with the Seanchan. Or alternatively it could be completely unrelated to the Seanchan and be what happens at the BT. Or a combination of the two.


I have always believed that Egwenes anger would be a result of Rand making a deal that allows the Seanchan to keep all the damane.


And they have to return all damane they got on this side of the Aryth.

They can keep Elaida though.



I don't think Rand will back down on that part.


No, that's the point. Rand won't demand the unleashing of damane taken on this side of the ocean. He'll see it as too important to forge peace. He WILL demand they don't leash any new ones, but he'll let them keep the ones that have, and that's the anger from Egwene which he will face.


I think there are many reasons for her to be mad at him.

So, I will stick to my theory until the book comes out. :P


(Unless there is proof of this....)


what good are seanchan channelers if half of them don't realize they can and the other half won't unless instructed. I think egwene recognizes this to some degree. she knows that for the most part they are just pets. i could see him leaving out the reds... but there is going to be some kind of barter here. don't forget that the white tower is supposed to be tied to him according to the TAR need thing... but maybe this is satisfied simply by Egwene being poised as amerlyn. Never the less... if he is coming down from this aweful sh*t fit we would hope that he would have the spirit left in him to attempt some kind of negotiations that involve freeing some women... then again he's none to please with aes'sedai. hrmrmrm! this is going to be a very interesting part of the books.


Isn't Egwene angry because of the Aes Sedai that have ben bonded by Asha'man? and the ones sworn to rand?


Not so much anymore since she has learned what actually happened.


Isn't Egwene angry because of the Aes Sedai that have ben bonded by Asha'man? and the ones sworn to rand?


Not so much anymore since she has learned what actually happened.


Not to mention that Rand automatically tried to rectify the situation as soon as he found out what had happened. Egwene was still upset that the bonding had happened. I believe that Egwene and Rand will meet before he goes to negotiate with the Seanchan. They will argue semantics for awhile and then come to some sort of resolution regarding their alliance of the Towers. They'll realize that men and women channelers will be needed to work together again as it once was. I also believe they'll hash out some demands for the Seanchan during this meeting. Remember, Rand still needs the full backing of the WT as much as he needs the Seanchan.


Egwene's anger at the Seanchan is very deep - she knows personally how vicious the A'dam is, she's been at the receiving end of a Seanchan raid, etc. It will be as difficult for her to shelve her prejudices as it will be for Fortuona. Rand will have his work out to prevent them trying to kill each other.



Egwene's anger at the Seanchan is very deep - she knows personally how vicious the A'dam is, she's been at the receiving end of a Seanchan raid, etc. It will be as difficult for her to shelve her prejudices as it will be for Fortuona. Rand will have his work out to prevent them trying to kill each other.



Yeah but, yeah but... Notice how in TGS she just kept talking about "what needed to be done" and "the good of the tower" and "the last battle". If she forged an aliance that included the Seanchen it would be in a paragraph that contained the sentence "what needs to be done". Then they'll switch to a PoV with Rand and he'll say something similar and then they'll switch to .... lol anyways.


I think Egwene will negotiate the release of the captured tower initiates, and Rand will help. Whatever else can be said about Fortuona, she defied a ta'veren, which is very hard, so you have to appreciate her strength of will. Tuon is in a bad position, and i think she knows it. According to that epic WoT map with troop and army locations, she has 100s of thousands of soldiers and over 4000 male and female channelers set against her, while she has under 1000 damane and maybe 150 to 250 thousand troops, most of which are non-seanchan, spread throughout her empire. She thought to herself that the other nations would be tougher nuts to crack, but now they will be harder with miss-fanatic-seanchen-hater in the amyrlin seat and the Aes Sedai finally ready to fight.   


That's making the assumption that those men can be turned against the Seanchan. The moment the Shadow senses a fight between Randland and the Seanchan, they are going to unleash all their troops and caught both sides from the back. Rand said it himself, he probably would be able to defeat the Seanchan, but it would take too long and in that time the Shadow would strike and end it all.


Also, 150-200k, that's a gross underestimation I would say. I'm thinking that even with Turan's losses, she's got 350k-400k if not more.


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