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Who will get Carhein?


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Alright this might seem obvious to everyone but me but who will rule Carhein? Could it be Moraine? Galad? Elayne? Rand himself?


Yes but wouldn't Moraine do a great job especially since she's got Thom on her side now. She's done what she set out to do. Find Rand and guide him into becoming the Dragon Reborn.


And I think the Carheinians... or whatever they're called... wouldn't like her for a ruler. They'd object to being a part of Andor.


I don't think they'd become a part of Andor, exactly. They'd just have the same queen, and they'd have to start getting along, but they could stay two separate nations. And anyway, Elayne does have some claim to the throne, by virtue of being the daughter of Taringail Damodred. Even the Cairhienin admit that.


As for Moiraine: have you read New Spring? She doesn't want to be queen. If she needs a further mission after TG, aside from marrying Tom, I'm sure there'll be plenty to do to put the world back together.


I hope that Dobraine eventually becomes king as well, like Darlin is already in Tear. The House Taborwin should be strong enough to hold it, if Dobraine rules there for a while yet. I wonder if Breane, (his sister?), will come back into the game. (Or become one of the downcast nobles with Morgase and Amathera.) Anyway, Dobraine should be a good choice, and Rand's thoughts on Elayne are merely because of Tarmon Gai'don, while it seems that will become before the ruler can be decided.


Hmm, actually since Dobraine is old and doesn't apparently have an heir, that would perhaps bring about Breane ruling with Lamgwin at her side :lol: .


There are stronger houses then Tarbowin. Dobraine would never be able to hold the throne once Rand is gone. Elayne will though, and i suspect she shall--moreover she will be able to without blending it with Andor because of her ability to Travel. Also, if the boy twin is born first, then he will legally be heir to Cairhein, whilst the girl will legally be heir to Andor... thats how i suspect it will play out.


Rand Jr. would also be the heir to Illian, as far as we know. I don't think Elayne will be able to keep her childrens' father's idendity secret for long. I think they will look more like Rand then Elayne. And when the new Daughter Heir looks like Tigraine Mantear and the Boy looks like Rand al'Thor....The most powerful nobles will start talking.

Rand Jr. would also be the heir to Illian, as far as we know. I don't think Elayne will be able to keep her childrens' father's idendity secret for long. I think they will look more like Rand then Elayne. And when the new Daughter Heir looks like Tigraine Mantear and the Boy looks like Rand al'Thor....The most powerful nobles will start talking.


OMG! Aviendah was a man!?>! I believe that would be their first thought :p


I think Galad. Galad has a stronger claim than Elayne. He doesn't have a powerful house behind him, but with the Dragon's support... who knows. There's also that he's been reintroduced to the story. He's probably Berelain's man in white, and what better way to facilitate this plotline than as a King.


Also, I don't think Rand will go into TG as King of Illian. I think Mattin will come back and Rand will give it to him.




Well, he and Gawyn are both older than Elayne, so in that way you're right that he might have more claim, but...Galad is already in control of the Whitecloaks. Most nations hate the Whitecloaks. Would the Cairhienin want a Whitecloak on the throne?


Why would Galad lay his claim anyway? It just seems out of character for him to start trouble like that within the family.


Don't Whitecloaks also renounce political position as well... No, i dont see any way the Lord Captain Comander of the Whitecloaks could end up King of Cairhein... its pretty much gotta be Elayne.


As for Illian, i suspect that Rand will reinstate Matin Stepanos when he discovers he lives... provided Egwene doesn't try to force him to it.


When the Dragon roams the Earth, things change, I guess. Whitecloaks aren't supposed to do a lot of things that they do. Like fight for the Dragon. I think they'll do that.


I can't see the Cairhien supporting the Andoran Queen either.


You're probably right, but I think Rand has just forgotten about Galad. Wait until Galad returns to the picture. No doubt Rand will start thinking about ways he can use his dear brother to fight Tarmon Gaidin.


Actually indications seem to be that they will. The leaders of Riatin, Damodred and Tamborwin all have stated that they could live with Elayne on the throne of their own free will... and Elayne has enough strength on her own to hold it, with or without Rand's approval... which she does, and at this stage the Cairhienin arn't likely to oppose that.


I don't see Rand trusting Galad... maybe enought to fight with him, but not to name him King of Cairhein... And even if he did, the Cairhienin would not... not a whitecloak.


The white cloaks are changing. And before I have thought Galad would probably get Cairhien. But then I looked at his personality. Could his spotless morals handle the Game of Houses? He would go through a serious moral dilemma. And it would be interesting to see who broke first. Him or the rest of Cairhien.


The Whitecloaks may be changing, but everyone else isn't. They remember the nature of the shitecloaks... especially the lords... and they would never allow the Lord Captain Commanders the throne of Cairhein... they would see it as handing the country over into becoming the next Amadacia... ruled by the Lord Captain, not the king. And they'd likely be right.


Yah I can agree with that. Unless


1) the white cloaks morphed into Galad's personal army and discarded their old uniforms or at least modified them. Like Galad's winged sword on the the cloak.


2)The Cairhein are for some reason tired of the One Power and are more than happy to have the White Cloaks.


3)Somehow in the battles to come the white cloaks help the Cairheinen and Galad takes over.


4)And maybe the fact that Cairhein's sign is the sun and so is the white cloaks' have some sort of significance.


5) Oh and something to do with fighting against the Seachan might cause Cairheinen loyalties towards the whitecloaks.

4)And maybe the fact that Cairhein's sign is the sun and so is the white cloaks' have some sort of significance.


This is what makes me think Galad. I say the Whitecloaks will become disillusioned after the evil Dragon and his witches save the world. They essentially disband and/or meld into Cairhein's army when Galad takes the throne.


My problem with Elayne ruling is that it just isn't practical to rule two separate nations at the same time. Day to day work would make that impossible. Traveling doesn't help because my point is that you don't have enough hours in the day to run two full countries. At best, she would appoint someone to basically work in her place, thus not really ruling anyway.


The issues of its practicality is something we are unlikely to see. Too little time. Right now Cairhein needs and combining figurehead, and Elayne will serve that role. After TG she will already be cemented in the Throne and such concerns will not hinder her ascession, but rather be something she must simply deal with.

My problem with Elayne ruling is that it just isn't practical to rule two separate nations at the same time. Day to day work would make that impossible. Traveling doesn't help because my point is that you don't have enough hours in the day to run two full countries. At best, she would appoint someone to basically work in her place, thus not really ruling anyway.


except when in history has the ruler of ANY nation really been that involved int he day to day operations of running a country? Mistress Hafnor and Master Nory anyone? There was a LONG stretch in which Andor had no one in control and aside from the whole succession conflict, it doesn't seem to be falling down around people's ears. Besides, when Rand had Tear, Illian, Andor, Cair, and the Aiel Waste things ran just fine. If he can handle five nations at a time, I think Elayne can handle two.


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