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Discussion- Games!


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What games do you like to play, or did like to play when you were young.


By this I don't mean Computer games and not sports, but board games, outdoor games etc.


Do you still play them now, would you like to, Do you have any Family games?


There will be points for participation in this Discussion, though you'll have to make it worth while ;)


I will start, one of my favourite gamjes when I was young and I still like playing now has to be Cluedo (Clue to you Americans). I always liked to be Miss Scarlett if I could. But this game i think is for any age and is great fun. An earlier version of Mafia? lo9l

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Clue is always a fun game to play!  I do love that game; haven't gotten to play it as often as I'd like, but I enjoy it when I have the chance!


My favorite board game ever as a child was the Game of Life.  My siblings and I would play it over and over until we lost one of the little cars or a bunch of the little people.  I think my family has owned a few different sets over the years. ;D


The game that is kind of our "family game" is Uno.  I grew up playing Uno with my family members for fun.  We'd have tournaments, or just a big round of the game.  I have a funny story about my siblings and me playing Uno.  Once, we were all sitting at our kitchen table playing Uno.  We get pretty competitive sometimes, but we always have fun.  So, we were playing the game, spirits were high, and the game was going pretty well--and dramatically.  The noise level slowly escalated till we were screaming and laughing at the top of our lungs.  My mom normally wouldn't have allowed this, but she was out at the time and I was actually supposed to be in charge. >.>  Anyway, my mom came home from delivering papers and she looked mad.  Apparently, our next-door neighbors had called the cops because they thought someone was being murdered in the house. ::)


One game that I'll always love to play is Battleship.  Sorry, that game's addicting to me.  I could play it over and over with someone for hours.  I don't know why, but I guess it's kind of a mix between chance and strategy, and I like that.  Strategy always helps, but there's always the possibility that your opponent's strategy or luck will succeed before your own.  It's addictive. :P


Those are my main favorite games to play.  For outdoor games, or games to play in large open spaces, I like playing Tag.  And variations of the game are fun too. :)


I also like Hide-and-Seek; that's a fun game to play as long as you've got a good place with lots of hiding spots. ;D  Marco Polo is a fun game to play too. :D


I think that's all, for now.


I never played board games much. I always liked penny ante poker nights with my dad.


Skip Bo was a good game too.


I always liked card games, such as war, or egyptian rat killer.


So on and so forth


I have to say Meesh, I love battleships. I used to play it a lot when I was young, but not amy more...I think I need to teach Heather ;)


I can't help but love all games.  I'll play any card or board game. I love hearts and spades, risk and monopoly, chess and checkers, uno and skip bo.  They're all great games to play and socialize over. Rather than anything else, though, I like to play soccer.  Soccer is just great.  I can't say exactly why I like it so much, I just do. 


What is Marc Polo Meesh?


I wish that we could play ver4sions of these games on line here4, I think it would be fun.


I also like to play games like Trivial Pursuit, and have a Lord of the Rings ver4sion. I also used to play Risk too and now have a Lord of the Rings risk game too ;D


I like card games and recently have started to play Poker on FB. I won't bet with re4al money, but I do enjoy playing it.


I do like games where I have to think too.


Has anyone played Pictionary. This is a great game to play when you have had a few glasses of wine. Then try looking at the pictures you drew the next day, that is an amusment all to it's self, lol


Marco Polo is a game you play when you are swimming. one person closes their eyes and keeps them closed, goes underwater and when they come back up, they say marco, the rest say polo, you have to touch one of the polo people, and then they become marco. simple


Well, I've played Dictionary.  That's where someone picks out a word from an old dictionary that no one will know.  Then, everyone else has to right a fake definition for the word and turn it in to the person who picked the word.  That person collects all of the definitions (including the real one which he/she wrote)  Then everyone votes on which definition they think is real.  If you guess right, you get 3 points, if your def. gets guessed, you get one point, and if you picked the word and no one guessed the right definition, you get 3 points.


I'll play someone in a game of chess.  I'll take first move:


*Pawn 2nd from the end on the left sides- moves up one space.*



Who wants to play the opposition?


No spamming boys. ;D


I used to love to play Monopoly, I liked being the banker. I think it gave me a good head for money, so I won a lot. :D I didn't really play a whole lot of games when I was younger, I played a lot of solitary card games though. I tried playing Scene It Harry Potter edition with my hubby but he won't play with me anymore cause he never wins. :D


If you want to play chess set up a thread in the Arena and go for it :)


I liked being the banker too Elli ;D


What you call Dictinary we call Balderdash and it's a propwe baord game. It's based on a really old show here called 'Call my bluff' which is exactly the same. It's great fun to play. lol.




If you want to play chess set up a thread in the Arena and go for it :)



That would be so hard to do.  haha I could just imagine them eventually saying "wait a second, do I still have my knight, or did you take it?"  or "no no no, you can't move there, my rook is there."  Then "Dammit, there's no way.  This is ridiculous!  I quit!"


There4 are sites where you can play, and then you could keep us posted here. In fact make it into a tournament and there could be points available


I play chess almost every day at school :).  I think I have the mental capacity to play chess on a forum....... or maybe not.  Either way, I like the idea of chess tournaments with points available.  My chest used to like pickles.


I think I will look into to it and then someone can run it, I think there are sites that you can join to play on. The person who does will also get points ;)


I used to play years ago. The last game I played was on a huge chess set on holiday this year though. I was playing with my daughter, of course I beat her, but I gave her quite a few chances, But she did quite well for a 9 years old who has hardly ever played!


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