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If I was the DO....


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I would see that the Dragon has been reborn and the wait for a few hundred years until he dies. Just bide my time, not tell the Forsaken to F stuff up, not bring down armies of trollocs to get slaughtered, not screww with weather, and definitely not draw attention to the fact that the seals are weakening or broken.


Nope I would just hang out in Shayoul ghoul. Play horse shoes, or Mario kart. Then when Rand is dead and hasn't united anyone or even left the 2 rivers, I will strut out of Shayoul Ghoul. Then demolish everything in the blink of an eye un-opposed.


Sure, It wouldn't make a very good novel. But, when it comes down to it, the DO will lose by the end of the series where as I will have won.


To me the Dark One would have a better chance at winning than what you describe.  In all wars I heard of (fiction and real), the winner has had some degree of offensiveness.

What you describe seems close to passivity.



Well, its possible that rand himself is necessary for the DO to actually escape. Otherwise there were no reasons to try and turn him, other than pride. Also, if the seals fail, even if the DO does nothing, effects will be felt. I think some of the things happening are inherent with the DO having access. Much of it would happen anyway..decay, the dead rising, corridors. These are due to him being more free, I doubt he has to take any action for these things, they just happen.


The DO cannot hide (nor does he want to)

He has to win. He cannot win without going on the offensive


If i was the DO, as soon as all the forsaken were free, i would call them all to a conference and inform them all that i know about their situation and this age (The DO has to know something) and then send them to gather intel. After they have, i will send them to infiltrate each of the nations and the White Tower. From their they are in perfect place to cause chaos and anarchy with hordes of Dragonsworm, Which will, "Coincedently" happen about the time Rand takes the Stone of Tear. Everyone will blame Rand, and the Dragon will find it very difficult to unite the nations; the more pieces there are, the harder the puzzle is to complete, and if all the nations break into many little pieces.... *Cue evil laughter* Mwa ha ha ha! Mwa ha ha ha!


Well, its possible that rand himself is necessary for the DO to actually escape. Otherwise there were no reasons to try and turn him, other than pride.

Exactly! That's what I think too. They don't seem to want him dead, so there must be something only the dragon can do.




    The problem is that the prophecies say for Rand to win. Not necessarily he will win. I think that if the DO would just sit there and do nothing that the pattern would get Rand close enough to win.


Perhaps, or it could be that the DO's just a big control freak and thinks it would be cool if he controlled the Lights champion.


Like I said, the Big Guy don't want nobody stealing his kill.


Rand being at TG is part of what the Dark One needs to achieve his victory. The Dragon is part of the Dark One's success as much as his demise.


Rand being at TG is part of what the Dark One needs to achieve his victory. The Dragon is part of the Dark One's success as much as his demise.


I'll say.


Do you have any idea how hard it is to get enough XP to level up a Level Eleventy Billion Elder God of Absolute Evil?


I'm pretty sure only the Dragon's going to cut it. I just hope that Elan Morin doesn't camp the man's corpse.

I would see that the Dragon has been reborn and the wait for a few hundred years until he dies. Just bide my time, not tell the Forsaken to F stuff up, not bring down armies of trollocs to get slaughtered, not screww with weather, and definitely not draw attention to the fact that the seals are weakening or broken


Rand would probably stroll up to the Bore and make the prison ten times stronger because you hadnt weakened it.


All I'm saying is:


Edward Luttwak: Coup d'état: A practical handbook. Harvard University Press 1969.


Use it. Win. The Forsaken need it.


If I was the DO I'd send everything against Nynaeve. Annoying braid pulling strumpet. Then I'd spend all my weekends with Graendal.


But I don't think not doing anything is an option for him. Just that the seals are weakening is enough for the pattern to prompt the Dragon into action. Thats why he trys to pull strings from his prison.


Nice thread though. I wish I was the DO  :'(


Isn't that what Moridin's directed them to do now? The Mat and Perrin part--although I agree that should have been a goal from the beginning. Ishamael knew they were ta'veren, yet he ignored them utterly. Blindness.


Also how bout genuinely training Second Age darkfriend channelers? I mean the Dark One clearly has problems with Second Age channelers due to their training, and he also clearly has problems with his Chosen due to their penchant for going their own way. Why not directly command that they train Second Age channelers?


I thought Age of Legends was Age 3 and the books took part in Age 4?


They should train each other. Maybe they have done so, but we've just not seen much of it? The shadowsworn have a lot of trust issues. Who can blame them...




Isnt there a twin thread about this somewhere? I have the distinct memory Ive written a reply to this question but cant find it here. Or is Alzheimers?

I recall a number of threads that could be considered variations of this; or this thread could be considered a variation of them.

If they are no longer here, they were probably culled.


If I was the DO, I would do a lot of things.

That is too vague.

Isnt there a twin thread about this somewhere?
There was one recently asking what we would do if we were one of the Chosen. Is that what you're thinking of?


As for what I'd do, probably something unspeakably evil. If He can affect the entire world at once, maybe pipe Miley Cyrus music into the world. The whole world. No escape. That's a pretty evil start.


I thought Age of Legends was Age 3 and the books took part in Age 4?
The books take place in an Age "called the third Age by some."

Herid Fel said this about the hole into the Dark One's prison:

No, it was whole in the beginning, and I think it will be whole again when the Third Age comes once more. Hmmm, I wonder if they called it the Third Age? Umph, no matter now. I'm not saying the Dragon Reborn will be the one to make it whole, not in this Age necessarily anyway, but it must be so before the Third Age comes again, and enough time passed since it was made whole - an Age, at least - that no one remembers the Dark One or his prison. No one remembers. Um. I wonder...

Does that mean that the Third Age is both the "current" (in the books) time and the AoL, or was Herid Fel wrong?





Well, a theory was put forward (with that as evidence) saying that the Age of Legends was actually the first half of the Third Age, rather than a different Age. Or Fel could just be mistaken.


No, i think that the Breaking was a very effective age-ender, Fel could have been wrong.


I think that everyone in any age refers to their age as gthe third age, because there knowledge only stretches back two ages, so from their point of view, they would be the third age.

No, i think that the Breaking was a very effective age-ender, Fel could have been wrong.
He could have been. What evidence do you have that it ended the Age?


knowledge only stretches back two ages
How do you know that?

I find it hard to believe that as few as one or even two Ages might have seen civilization rise from Lews Therins aftermath to where One Power is being mastered again and technology is being rediscovered.


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