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Alright, we've been sorta hunting for a non-MSN way to handle this that will be easy for everyone and I'd like to test something Roka set up for us this past week. Chat "starts" at 9 EST, but feel free to pop in whenever you want. We're usually around ALL night. LOL


First Step:

go here and register:



Second Step:

go here and sign in:


(PS, it will automatically take you to this screen after you register, so bookmark it!)


Third Step:

Choose the Kin from the drop down menu. Unfortunately, you can only be in one chat at a time, so don't think the general "dragonmount" room is the Kin Chat. If there's no one in the Kin Chat, feel free to hang out with the others (the BT'ers only bite the first ten people in, so you're somewhat safe, I think... *smirks*). We'll decide when we get there about whether or not we wander into our own room or not. ;)


See you later!!



Due to members not being able to get in, we're using MSN until we can get everyone here!

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Hehehee... come play with my bubs anytime... :wink:


It was funny when Roka read it though. His keyboard shows u's different or something I think he said (it's different in Slovenian?).


Anyway... I've been keeping myself connected all the time in there, so anyone feel free to stop in... though I may not be there. :P At night, I'm putting myself to sleep in The Kin channel... so feel free to come molest me... errr...

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