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What do trollocs eat?


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Seriously what do Trollocs eat. I don't see them as having run enough raids to feed hundreds of thousands of trollocs for the past three thousand years. And their numbers would not grow if canabilism was a primary source of food, so what is it that they eat, some sort of shadow spawn farm animal that can survive on the vegitation of the blight is all that I can think of.


We know they eat humans, from various passages in the books. I'm sure they can find plenty of people and livestock in the borderlands, plus whatever animals are roaming around in the Blight. Maybe they eat each other, too. (If that was described in the books, then I apparently missed it.)

  • Community Administrator

There is also fauna in the Blight. And most likely it isn't poisonous to the Trollocs. Then of course, the Dark One has played a hand in it all, so most likely they have had his interference making sure they have enough food, but not enough to make sure they 'cull the weak'.


i believe i remember reading somewhere that if they cant feed on humans the will eat eachother and sometimes they dont need that much of a reason to kill one another because of their violent nature

  • 1 month later...

That's a good question from an energy perspective. They obviously have to eat something, and an awful lot of it, since they are least seven foot tall.


I guess they eat the flora and fauna of the blight, but if there are 300,000+ of them that would be a lot of foraging, since they have no farms. I guess they must have some sort of protein farm going on in the blight somewhere. Possibly they just make an extra bit of soya from the original Trolloc broth? It also raises another point; are Trollocs just bred now like? Or are they still being made like the swords in Thakandar? More than likely they just breed normally, but how has their population levels been controlled? I mean if there were 300,000+ of them 30 years before, someone must have noticed? This is just a silly musing, it isn't really important.


Another even sillier question arises, where are the lady Trollocs? Are they kept behind somewhere as a breeding pool?


mmmmmhhhhmmmmm *clears throat and pulls out trusty copy of bwb*


"Trollocs were omniovorous, but preferred meat: animal, human, or even Trolloc-- it did not matter." p. 73


I think that's about as good an explanation as you're gonna get.


Probably not all the creatures in the Blight are edible to Trollocs--Darkhounds would likely be fatally poisonous, for instance. But there must be enough that can be eaten, plus Borderland raids and, I expect, a significant amount of cannibalism.


About breeding--I'm guessing there are females and young ones in the Blight, but for some reason no one seems interested in exploring it to find out. :?


female trollocs are cloistered,and do not get involved in the raids or wars the male trollocs are involved in.they are used little more than breeding machines,and fortunately for trollocs,they enjoy being pregnant

  • 2 weeks later...
female trollocs are cloistered' date='and do not get involved in the raids or wars the male trollocs are involved in.they are used little more than breeding machines,and fortunately for trollocs,they enjoy being pregnant[/quote']


Who "cloisters" the female Trollocs? And where?


Here's my theory:

There are vast spawning grounds deep in the Blight, where Trollocs instictively go to breed. Once pregnant, females leave and roam around in groups, each perhaps a fist strong and led by a Mydrdraal. They give birth, and then return to the spawning grounds as soon as their young can walk. When not breeding, males and females alike raid the Borderlands, but only the males are taken into armies for organized attacks or battles.


Of course, that's all just the ramblings of an idiot, but it might be worth something.


Try this on for size: they just are like other trolloks. I doubt that anyone seeing trolloks is going to describe them as having a nice pair of tits. Maybe when they get pregnant they return to the blight. Anyhow, is the Aiel have women fighting...you can't say that trollok mentality is more peaceful.


Maybe...but they would have to be breeding a lot to make up for the hordes getting killed. I don't think they're any more "peaceful" than males, just more likely to do their killing in and near the Blight. RJ is annoyingly inexplicit on this, though.


Weeeeell, they did have enough time to recuperate since the trollok wars....and seriously, I don't think that apart from killing and raiding they have a lot of other things to do....and they ARE part human. Let's face it: they probably enjoy mating as much as we do ;-)


This really is a good question. Trollocs are omnivorous-but-mostly-meat-eating eight-to-ten foot tall muscular (and presumably warm-blooded)humanoids. That means that they would have to consume a lot of food a year, and they couldn't just sit on a large meal like a lot of cold-blooded reptilian predators do.


Presumably the Borderlands cull some of their numbers, but that doesn't change the fact that these guys have to have something to feed on when they are developing into mature adults.


The best explanation for the insane numbers of Trollocs that seem to appear only to get slaughtered seems to be simply the huge area that they are coming from (the Blight). While the Blight is described as a 'wasteland', it certainly is not totally lifeless like the Blasted Lands, so presumably prey can be found (humans could also be prey, but only for groups near to the Borderlands, unless they are carrying large numbers of human corpses deep into the Blight). Not to mention that the World of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time book portrays the Blight as being freaking huge.


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