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But...He is being obstinate..You are aware of the definition of the word I assume?

It is possible to be obstinate on purpose.


I suppose it's possible he is actually being obstinate, however, whether he actually believes what he is saying is questionable.


I'm not sure that his "Beliefs" are the thing that is in question. So much as his ability to reason and his common sense.


I disagree. Like I said, I think he knows exactly what he's doing. The point is not whether you actually hold a point of view, but to display a point of view in such a manner that it causes a reaction in posters on this forum, and then laugh about it as if something great has been accomplished. It's a phenominon commonly referred to on the internet as as "trolling".

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But...He is being obstinate..You are aware of the definition of the word I assume?

It is possible to be obstinate on purpose.


I suppose it's possible he is actually being obstinate, however, whether he actually believes what he is saying is questionable.


I'm not sure that his "Beliefs" are the thing that is in question. So much as his ability to reason and his common sense.


I disagree. Like I said, I think he knows exactly what he's doing. The point is not whether you actually hold a point of view, but to display a point of view in such a manner that it causes a reaction in posters on this forum, and then laugh about it as if something great has been accomplished. It's a phenominon commonly referred to on the internet as as "trolling".


Good point. That trolling thing. I'd forgotten about that. Still though, while that might be an added..."Perk", in his mind. I think that he really does think that what he says has merit. Which, I find a bit disheartening. As a WoT fan.


i find it strange to be called a troll or my views on rand al thor as disheartening. Like i have said so many times over again. I never had a problem with rand al thor's character until he degenerated to a total halfwit with massive temper problems. I don't know why everyone thinks i am supposed to feel sorry or sympathise with the raging tool. Is it because he is supposed to save the world as everyone puts it that one should sympathise with him? Yeah he's in pain. He's hurt. He's hated etc This justfies him acting like a total jackass. yeah right.


the thing is i find the whole business of someone dying so that he can save the world as completely laughable and still do. But that's another story all together. However what's more funny is seeing the 'saviour' has total unredeeming qualities. Don't get me wrong. I will read the books to it's logical conclusion like everyone else. But that's how i feel anyways about rand al thor. I know it's not conventional wisdom to dislike central characters in a book but hey i can't help it if i find rand's character as repulsive.


What you constantly fail to realize is, that Rands character and the way he acts and the things he does are realistic. As realistic as a character of fantasy can be.

I fail to understand how you think you can possibly begin to imagine what you would do in his position or call him down for actions he takes against things that are, to you and I, unfathomable.


I assume you'd prefer him to be more of a Jesus type of savior. Caring, completely unselfish. But, and I say this with respect to any and all religions: Jesus is hardly realistic, and, from everything I've seen, or lack thereof, he still has yet to save the world. Not to mention him being deific. Which, I imagine would also change ones perspective and they way they would react to certain situations. Having God as your father probably makes being selfless a bit easier to manage. Especially when you're privy to divine knowledge about the nature of life and death AND the suposition that, in the end, it will all be okay, regardless of what ends up happening to the physical earth. I imagine it's quite a comfort to think you know that, when you die, you go to "A better place." People in Randland don't have that kind of theology. Even if they did, the DO threatens that and it's Rands job to make sure that He doesn't succeed. Whatever it takes.  Besides, we all know how far being compassionate and nonconfrontational took Jesus.


It's really simple. People like you want Rand to be and imagine he should be just don't exist. Period.


i find it strange to be called a troll or my views on rand al thor as disheartening. Like i have said so many times over again. I never had a problem with rand al thor's character until he degenerated to a total halfwit with massive temper problems. I don't know why everyone thinks i am supposed to feel sorry or sympathise with the raging tool.

So, a total halfwit figured out how to cleanse saidin? .. a total halfwit has managed to get the allegiance and loyalty and friendship of Lan Mandragoran, Nyneave, Cadsuane, ... and almost ALL of the Aiel? Wow. I did not realize that one could be a total halfwit and still be able to accomplish all of that.


Is it because he is supposed to save the world as everyone puts it that one should sympathise with him? Yeah he's in pain. He's hurt. He's hated etc This justfies him acting like a total jackass. yeah right.

1. Yes.

2. He does not act like a total jackass. True, he does not always act like a nice man, but lets see how you would do if Lews Therin was insanely talking inside of your head, if you are in constant pain with wounds so severe that it ought to cripple you putting you in bed because of the great severity of the pain.


the thing is i find the whole business of someone dying so that he can save the world as completely laughable and still do. But that's another story all together.

Hmmm, does the Bible account of the Gospel of Jesus Christ mean anything to you? Is that a laughable story to you?



However what's more funny is seeing the 'saviour' has total unredeeming qualities. Don't get me wrong. I will read the books to it's logical conclusion like everyone else. But that's how i feel anyways about rand al thor. I know it's not conventional wisdom to dislike central characters in a book but hey i can't help it if i find rand's character as repulsive.


You are free to feel about Rand's character however you choose to feel about him. You are also free to be incorrect, and you obviously are.


I've been monitoring this topic but it seems to be repeating itself. Sheikh Chilli will make a rant against Rand using different "reasons." Someone will shoot them down. Then later, Sheikh will spout the same "reasons" (or sometimes he'll bring out new ones) and they'll be refuted.


You don't have to like Rand but you hating him for reasons that are clearly illogical makes no sense.


Good point. That trolling thing. I'd forgotten about that. Still though, while that might be an added..."Perk", in his mind. I think that he really does think that what he says has merit. Which, I find a bit disheartening. As a WoT fan.


I dunno. It's possible he may have started out harmlessly enough, but at the least it has since escalated to "Let's see how far I can take this" after seeing people's reactions. If not a blatant attempt from the start. Unfortunately, I have previously frequented forums where "trolling" was considered an art form. The last several of the OP's posts, at the least, have all the classic signs.


The best way to deal with a troll attempt is not to "feed" them. Advice which I have been obviously ignoring, thus helping keep this thread alive. They tend to get discouraged when they don't get the attention they feel they deserve.


Good point. That trolling thing. I'd forgotten about that. Still though, while that might be an added..."Perk", in his mind. I think that he really does think that what he says has merit. Which, I find a bit disheartening. As a WoT fan.


I dunno. It's possible he may have started out harmlessly enough, but at the least it has since escalated to "Let's see how far I can take this" after seeing people's reactions. If not a blatant attempt from the start. Unfortunately, I have previously frequented forums where "trolling" was considered an art form. The last several of the OP's posts, at the least, have all the classic signs.


The best way to deal with a troll attempt is not to "feed" them. Advice which I have been obviously ignoring, thus helping keep this thread alive. They tend to get discouraged when they don't get the attention they feel they deserve.


Word. I think i'm going to take that advice right after this post. Maybe lol. It get's a little ironic when we keep trying to make him see sense. Seeing as we don't have enough to just let it go lol.


The best way to deal with a troll attempt is not to "feed" them. Advice which I have been obviously ignoring, thus helping keep this thread alive. They tend to get discouraged when they don't get the attention they feel they deserve.

Agreed.  At this point, we can either take the thread off-topic and ignore all of his posts, or we can just ignore the thread itself.  It's fun to argue against someone who is blatantly wrong for a while, but if they keep saying the same thing over and over again then there's no point in continuing the argument.  You can lead a horse to water, etc.

The whole point is to get people in a lather then laugh about it as if you have achieved something great.
If that was the aim, he has failed, as we are more inclined to laugh at his ridiculous theory.


i find it strange to be called a troll or my views on rand al thor as disheartening. Like i have said so many times over again. I never had a problem with rand al thor's character until I started completely misinterpreting it.

Corrected for you. Also, if you were trolling, your probably spending more time and effort on expressing your ideas than anyone else is on shooting them down. So, if you were anything other than sincere, your not doing a very good job of trolling.


I've been monitoring this topic but it seems to be repeating itself.
Yes, that usually happens.


I've been monitoring this topic but it seems to be repeating itself.
Yes, that usually happens.


Hes created his own Wheel of Time!


The Wheel of Forums turns, and posts come and past, leaving discussions that become arguments. Arguments fade to bickering, and even bickering is constantly repeated when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, and Age long past, a wind rose above the forums of Dragonmount. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Forums. But it was abeginning.



I've been monitoring this topic but it seems to be repeating itself.
Yes, that usually happens.


Hes created his own Wheel of Time!


The Wheel of Forums turns, and posts come and past, leaving discussions that become arguments. Arguments fade to bickering, and even bickering is constantly repeated when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, and Age long past, a wind rose above the forums of Dragonmount. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Forums. But it was abeginning.


Let the Lord of Chaos rule! Oh wait...

  • 11 years later...

To be honest, Im in the middle of book 12, Just went through  the semirogue thing.
Rand al thor is the worst character in the series. If you like him you must either be crazy, the character development from book 1 was inconsistant and choppy to say the least. his storyline never changes and is dull and honestly .... its just annoying,

Now although I got to book 12 I have a ton of issues with the WOT writing, characters and story, which I honestly find subpart for the most parts, Sandersons might be a tad better, 

Regardless. I like most of the characters....But Rand. hes just the worst. And Im 12 books in.... shameful

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