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This fool is acting too high and mighty for his own good. He needs to be taken down a couple of notches.


My ideal scenario is Rand is off as usual doing his thing of acting like Big Boss.  Suddenly he meets demnadred face to face. Rand says i defeated so many forsaken. I am going to take you out too. He disregards his backup who are by the way just around the corner. A big battle ensues. rand realises demandred is a whole different ball game. Rand is in the end stilled. Demandred is going to adminster the killing blow. Rand is saved just in the nick of time by logain and his followers. demandred escapes.



Rand is dazed. He has been taught a lesson. His ego is crushed. He knows he's Demandred's bitch from now on. slowly he cries back to nynaeve and asks her to restore him fully. Nynaeve does so. Not before laughing at rand and telling him to start acting wisely.


The end  :P



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hes in constant pain and has a 400 year old aes sedai who failed to protect the world and killed his wife in his head

give the man a break if he gets annoyed and angry at times or acts oddly or even badly

look at his meeting with "tuon" he knew he had to stack it in his favor even if it him was versus 3 female channel who he could ezly take

he stacked his team with his strongest

he may appear too high and mighty for his own good but he know more than about war goverment and fighting the dark one then most of the leaders of the day


rand doesnt nd the tower but the tower nds him

just as rand doesnt nd the world the world nds him

mat had a chance to side step fate and rand could do like wise but wont for the sake of others


This fool is acting too high and mighty...


My ideal scenario is Rand is off as usual doing his thing of acting like Big Boss. 



What do you expect him to do he's the dragon reborn. The world's fate rests on his shoulders. He didn't want this. All he wanted was to be a simple shepherd yet he is thrust into leadership and power unwillingly. Look at all the shit he has to go through


Besides your probably just jealous that he has 3 wives :P (hey who wouldn't be jealous)


And it's probably hard when you actually know you have to die to save the entire world and the people you're meant to die for are being short-sighted and bickering with each other even though Armageddon is very close.


His arrogance is driven from a frustration that people just don't do what he says. I know that sounds bad, but how fast would the world unite under him if his allies would just listen and stop plotting against him and each other?


After a couple years of recognizing how much easier this would be if people like Weiramon did what he said or the Aes Sedai would stop their plotting for just a minute and actually help him out, it's given him a bit of a temper.


What was it Nynaeve and Egwene said...if he knows he's wrong he admits it and apologizes, but if he's convinced he's right he'll fight you on it. We don't see Rand bluster over his mistakes often, so it's hardly just ego that's driving him to this.


Plus there's already an army of about ten women who make it their life's work of deflating his ego.


Rand is the classic reluctant hero. His transformation from farm boy to world leader is astoundingly brought out by Jordan. It's what makes the books, the books IMO. That sense of having no other choice, and to die for it in the end. Which most people will cheer, instead of weep. He doesn't want to die. But knows the end is inevitable (as far as we know) He has gone too far. Min acknowleges that he feels no fear; and when he lost his hand, it was time to go on.  Sorelia's question about being strong or hard is very prevalent. That metaphore is spoken more after that.  It is this fear, this dread, which Rand must deal with; it is as Lan taught him, "duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather". This part of the story, is the story, along with Perrin and Matt. Jordan had a wonderful way to present Rands story. It got lost IMO. But that is another discussion.


I also hate Rand as he is now. I like to think of Rand as the innocent young boy he was, as they all were. And which is the comparison which we judge Rand, and the others, fair or not.


I like how dynamic rand is the transformation from a shy and blustering farmboy, to reluctant dreaded reincarnation, to full blown confident savior is perfectly executed imo


You cannot expect rand to be any different, everyone hates him for who he is, but recognizes that they need him so they all maneuver to gain the most from his death. It would be like walking the desert with vultures circling you and walking beside you




Lets see, Rand vs forsaken...


1. Rand vs Aginor. Aginor OD'd on the OP.

2. Rand vs Be'lal. Be'lal toyed with Rand until Moiraine came and balefired him.

3. Rand vs Asmo. Against the lamest of the forsaken, Rand gets lucky by doing somehing Asmo barely knew was possible. And the confrontation was partly orchestrated by Lanfear to begin with.

4. Rand vs Lanfear. Moiraine to the rescue again, sacrifying herself to save rand.

5. Rand vs Rahvin. While Rand does get the killing shot, the opportunity is provided by Nynaeve setting Rahvin on fire.

6. Rand vs Sammael. Moridin saves rand from the most humiliating death of a main character in the history of fantasy, then instructs Rand how to take out Sammael.

7. Rand vs Semirhage. Cadsuane and the others saves the day, while Rand takes a nap.


Which leaves us with Rand vs Ishy, where Rand actually does have 3-0, all by himself.


And then we can add Rand having to be saved by Perrin and a bunch of others from Elaidas Aes Sedai, having to be saved by Cadsuane after being slashed by Fain, having to be saved by Cadsuane again after getting himself tossed in a cell in Far Madding...


I think Rands ego has been as humbled as it can get without him getting incapable of actually acting on his own.


This fool is acting too high and mighty for his own good. He needs to be taken down a couple of notches.


My ideal scenario is Rand is off as usual doing his thing of acting like Big Boss.  Suddenly he meets demnadred face to face. Rand says i defeated so many forsaken. I am going to take you out too. He disregards his backup who are by the way just around the corner. A big battle ensues. rand realises demandred is a whole different ball game. Rand is in the end stilled. Demandred is going to adminster the killing blow. Rand is saved just in the nick of time by logain and his followers. demandred escapes.



Rand is dazed. He has been taught a lesson. His ego is crushed. He knows he's Demandred's bitch from now on. slowly he cries back to nynaeve and asks her to restore him fully. Nynaeve does so. Not before laughing at rand and telling him to start acting wisely.


The end  :P




The best thing about Rand as the Dragon Reborn is that he places himself so high, forces others to see him as so higher than themselves. Personally I think Rands way is very realistic for a commoner-come-worldsaver. Brute force only, no time for manipulation, no questions of who will be pissed off as that leaves an opening for being manipulated himself.


This fool is acting too high and mighty for his own good. He needs to be taken down a couple of notches.


My ideal scenario is Rand is off as usual doing his thing of acting like Big Boss.  Suddenly he meets demnadred face to face. Rand says i defeated so many forsaken. I am going to take you out too. He disregards his backup who are by the way just around the corner. A big battle ensues. rand realises demandred is a whole different ball game. Rand is in the end stilled. Demandred is going to adminster the killing blow. Rand is saved just in the nick of time by logain and his followers. demandred escapes.



Rand is dazed. He has been taught a lesson. His ego is crushed. He knows he's Demandred's bitch from now on. slowly he cries back to nynaeve and asks her to restore him fully. Nynaeve does so. Not before laughing at rand and telling him to start acting wisely.


The end  :P




How do you think you would act in his postion? And yes, I realize what I'm unleashing by asking that question. :)



This fool is acting too high and mighty for his own good. He needs to be taken down a couple of notches.


My ideal scenario is Rand is off as usual doing his thing of acting like Big Boss.  Suddenly he meets demnadred face to face. Rand says i defeated so many forsaken. I am going to take you out too. He disregards his backup who are by the way just around the corner. A big battle ensues. rand realises demandred is a whole different ball game. Rand is in the end stilled. Demandred is going to adminster the killing blow. Rand is saved just in the nick of time by logain and his followers. demandred escapes.



Rand is dazed. He has been taught a lesson. His ego is crushed. He knows he's Demandred's bitch from now on. slowly he cries back to nynaeve and asks her to restore him fully. Nynaeve does so. Not before laughing at rand and telling him to start acting wisely.


The end  :P




How do you think you would act in his postion? And yes, I realize what I'm unleashing by asking that question. :)


well for starters, i would not think of using my friends as he does everytime he sees perrin. it always pissess me of seeing him doing that kind of crap. if i were perrin i would bury that axe in rand al thor's head and split his aiel face for good.


i would be like artur hawking. fair and noble.  i would be a cool dragon reborn. who rallies people by convinction, strength and leadership rather than frightening people to death.


and when i die they would glorify me. as it is i hope everyone curses out rand's name when he dies after tarmon gaiden.


cant believe i once liked this animal. belal should finished this clown and the dark one take his soul



This fool is acting too high and mighty...


My ideal scenario is Rand is off as usual doing his thing of acting like Big Boss. 



What do you expect him to do he's the dragon reborn. The world's fate rests on his shoulders. He didn't want this. All he wanted was to be a simple shepherd yet he is thrust into leadership and power unwillingly. Look at all the shit he has to go through


Besides your probably just jealous that he has 3 wives :P (hey who wouldn't be jealous)



well i can marry 4 if i want too :P 8)


just because he is supposed to be this mythical saviour does not give him the right to roughshed over everyone. He needs to brought down a level or two. Semirhage should have aimed that fireball a little to the left


Rand is the classic reluctant hero. His transformation from farm boy to world leader is astoundingly brought out by Jordan. It's what makes the books, the books IMO. That sense of having no other choice, and to die for it in the end. Which most people will cheer, instead of weep. He doesn't want to die. But knows the end is inevitable (as far as we know) He has gone too far. Min acknowleges that he feels no fear; and when he lost his hand, it was time to go on.  Sorelia's question about being strong or hard is very prevalent. That metaphore is spoken more after that.  It is this fear, this dread, which Rand must deal with; it is as Lan taught him, "duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather". This part of the story, is the story, along with Perrin and Matt. Jordan had a wonderful way to present Rands story. It got lost IMO. But that is another discussion.


I also hate Rand as he is now. I like to think of Rand as the innocent young boy he was, as they all were. And which is the comparison which we judge Rand, and the others, fair or not.


he needs to be bitchslapped and hard by the way. Trouble is i don't know who will give him the thrashing he deserves.  I am already dreading reading his chapters in TGS.


You do realize that you are actually getting mad at a fictional character right?


Artur Hawkwing, noble and fair? What about his distrust of AS so much so that the a'dam came about because of his paranoia. Just because you have a vision of uniting people, even for their own good, doesn't mean its right.



well for starters, i would not think of using my friends as he does everytime he sees perrin. it always pissess me of seeing him doing that kind of crap. if i were perrin i would bury that axe in rand al thor's head and split his aiel face for good.


i would be like artur hawking. fair and noble.  i would be a cool dragon reborn. who rallies people by convinction, strength and leadership rather than frightening people to death.

and when i die they would glorify me. as it is i hope everyone curses out rand's name when he dies after tarmon gaiden.


cant believe i once liked this animal. belal should finished this clown and the dark one take his soul

i dont think understand hawkwing very well, he used ppl just the same likely more so b/c he was high king and a general


he uses ppl b/c he doesnt have a choice this is a war and the clock is running out


u think he should be like artur hawkwing? well he is, he doesnt let nobles hurt ppl sets fair laws etc

only thing rand isnt is a puppet of ishaemal like artur hawkwing

by artur hawkwing standard rand should of declared war on the WT and destroyed it for trying to manipulate same reason hawkwing used and we know rand could do it in 1 shot(callandor)

but the aes sedai didnt just manipulate rand, the aes sedai kidnapped and the tortured rand too


for 3000 years ppl have been scared of the dragon reborn, he cant change that

fear gets the job done as well as love if not better

the illian ppl love rand

mostly he talks down to stupid nobles not good 1s and the good 1s like rand


btw hawkwing failed to do the job the wheel set him to so u would be a cool failed dragon


btw which characters r u a fan of?



I used to be a fan of perrin. Until he turned out to be dumber than a sack of potatoes. He has been pussified by faile. Lost alot of man cred. what a wuss


I kinda liked lan as well until his malkieri BS flew out the window the moment nynaeve cast her eyes on him. I don't have any fan faves anymore although i kinda like elyas machera.


What's with everyone starting out so nice and ending up as trash?


The only one who gets better and better is padan fain. I wish padan fain was a forsaken. Man it would have been over a long time ago. The DO would have been ruling WOT by now.


I used to be a fan of perrin. Until he turned out to be dumber than a sack of potatoes. He has been pussified by faile. Lost alot of man cred. what a wuss


I kinda liked lan as well until his malkieri BS flew out the window the moment nynaeve cast her eyes on him. I don't have any fan faves anymore although i kinda like elyas machera.


What's with everyone starting out so nice and ending up as trash?


The only one who gets better and better is padan fain. I wish padan fain was a forsaken. Man it would have been over a long time ago. The DO would have been ruling WOT by now.


Yeah, well, being married kinda changes your perspectives on things. And FYI, Perrin is one of the smarter people in the WoT. For example, his plan to defeat the Shaido in Malden was genius. Even the Seanchan said so. People change. Death, hardship, marriage, children change people. If the characters did not change from the beginning, no one would like them. If Rand went through all that he's gone through and remained the innocent farmboy, no one would be a fan. Perrin has realized what's important in life (his wife) and the fact that he's drawn to battles yet he hates how the battlelust takes over him.


I will agree with you that Padan Fain is an awesome character. The fact that he's on no one's side but his own, adds to his badass-ness.

well for starters, i would not think of using my friends as he does everytime he sees perrin. it always pissess me of seeing him doing that kind of crap. if i were perrin i would bury that axe in rand al thor's head and split his aiel face for good.


i would be like artur hawking. fair and noble.  i would be a cool dragon reborn. who rallies people by convinction, strength and leadership rather than frightening people to death.


and when i die they would glorify me. as it is i hope everyone curses out rand's name when he dies after tarmon gaiden.


cant believe i once liked this animal. belal should finished this clown and the dark one take his soul


Hahahahahahahaha. Ah, to be naive again.


well for starters, i would not think of using my friends as he does everytime he sees perrin. it always pissess me of seeing him doing that kind of crap. if i were perrin i would bury that axe in rand al thor's head and split his aiel face for good.


i would be like artur hawking. fair and noble.  i would be a cool dragon reborn. who rallies people by convinction, strength and leadership rather than frightening people to death.


and when i die they would glorify me. as it is i hope everyone curses out rand's name when he dies after tarmon gaiden.


cant believe i once liked this animal. belal should finished this clown and the dark one take his soul


Hahahahahahahaha. Ah, to be naive again.


It's my fault...I asked the question. Hoping he might give the logical answer. As in "I have no idea, it's impossible for me to even begin to conceive having that kind of responsibility or try and imagine actually being part of such a fantastical world." Alas, my bad. :)

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