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Terminator Salvation


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I saw this today, it was 'okay' it wasn't 'omfg awesome', but it wasn't so horrible I wanted to walk out. (empy probably would though, I think critics are saying wolverine > terminator :P)

On a ratings scale, I'd probably give it a 6/10. Not a 7, but not a 5. Basically a rental.


Heres a few comments.

1) The movies 'suspense' is utterlly ruined by even watching the trailers. It suffers a common condition where trailers/teasers reveal TO MUCH about the movie.

1a) If you haven't seen ANY trailers for this movie, watch it and tell us what you think, PLEASE!


2) The dialogue does kinda suck, ultra generic, and horribly predictable. The actors weren't Bad though, I mean, the actors are Good Actors, its just no matter how much you polish a shitty script/dialogue, its still shit. ;)


3) All is not lost. The movie has a few redeeming points, one of which is during a certain fight scene, that brings back a ton of nostolgic awesomeness. Aka, they threw a curve ball after throwing the same thing 300 times in a row. :P

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pm me on which fight scene?  'cause I am not sure which one you're referring to.



Y's review: Love action sequences? CGI? bad dialog and plot holes?  This is the movie for you!


way predictable (even though Emp didn't believe my predictions because he had hopes for something better-I prevailed), also there were times I was pretty sure I was watching transformers, not terminator.

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I know I saw trailers, but I also didn't pay attention to them.


So, Sinister pmed me with a reference to the wizard of oz and the tin man needing a heart, I already put up my note that it borrowed from transformers (seriously, nearly all the mechs converted to something else somehow, or had smaller machines that came out of them), but I forgot to put in that there was a scene that totally borrowed from the shrieking eels in Princess Bride (am I right??)  Any other crossovers you guys noticed?

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This movie was stupid and riddled with holes. 


Ok the movie is about terminators... but they capture John Conner's father?  I mean why not kill him once they identify him and be done with it.  But no, they want to trick John Conner back to their lair and then send ONE terminator after him when they succeed.  I mean, they were in the lair.  I would have figured maybe two... or say, a few hundred bad guys would be protecting the place.  Not just a naked Arnold. Helicopters seem to be a dumb mode of transportation, unless you set off a nuclear reaction underneath you.  Then you get away clean. 


I really disliked this movie.  It was better than 3 I guess.



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I can't decide if I should see this movie, especially after the bad reviews. I've actually never seen any other Terminator movie, nor the tv show (I saw one episode once, and even though I had absolutely no idea what was going on, I liked it). But, I was going to watch the movie anyway, just because I love action movies and Christian Bale. I guess I'll see it, since I kind of don't care if it's actually good.


Are the action sequences good? Cuz if they are, I'll probably like it ;D

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Two was better than one, but T3 kept me entertained better.  The Terminator, or should I say Terminatrix, in T3 was extremely attractive...not like that swayed my view.  I guess one of the biggest reasons I didn't like T2 as much as T3 is because Sarah Connor annoyed the HELL out of me.  What a terrible mom/person.  Besides, I liked the whole scene where John realizes that nothing he does can stop Judgement Day, that he's doomed to lead the resistance regardless of whether he wants to or not.  He finally mans up and accepts who he was meant to be.  The chase scenes were much better too.

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"There was talk on the Internet about an alternate ending where Connor dies and they take Connor's likeness and put it on top of Marcus Wright's machine body. So that it's actually a machine that's leading the resistance! And the Internet caught wind of that and people went, 'That's bulls---! We don't want that!'"


McG grins. "Well, that's not really what the ending was."


Actually, the bloggers were on the right track. Except, McG adds, the original ending actually went even further.


"Connor dies, okay? He's dead," McG continues. "And Marcus offers his physical body, so Connor's exterior is put on top of his machine body. It looks like Connor, but it's really Marcus underneath. And all of the characters we care about (Kyle Reese, Connor's wife Kate, etc.) are brought into the room to see him and they think it's Connor. And Connor gets up and then there's a small flicker of red in his eyes and he shoots Kate, he shoots Kyle, he shoots everybody in the room. Fade to black. End of movie. Skynet wins. F--- you!"


F--- you, indeed.


We tell the director that this would be the darkest, bleakest summer blockbuster ending of all time. He agrees.


"It's the most nihilistic thing of all time. And Christian went f---ing crazy, of course. He was insistent that it be done that way! He wanted the bad guys to win! Can you imagine the oxygen going out of the theater?! What just happened! It would piss you off! But maybe two years from now, you'd think it was ballsy. But in the end, it just felt like too much of a bummer."


He pauses, thinking about the alternate ending that wasn't. "Maybe we blew it."


McG says the studio had signed off on this original dark-as-night ending. But something about it didn't smell right to him in the end. How could a movie with a reported budget of $200 million and a possible future of sequels possibly end that way?


EW sits down with Bale the next day and tells the star how McG let the cat out of the bag. Bale laughs. "There's not much McG can keep in, is there?"


Was he really, as McG says, gung-ho to shoot that everyone-dies ending?


"I'm not the director," says Bale. "There came to be a different option that almost everyone, except myself, felt was the better way to go. I took a bit of convincing, but you know, at the end of the day, you need a director to make that call."


But doesn't he think that his Salvation would have been a depressing bummer, not to mention suicide at the box office?


"Done the way I saw it? No. But am I disappointed with this one? No."


Yes! Now that, That is an ending! :P

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