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Perrin the General


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Have anyone wondered how many wolves there are in Randland? I've thought about it, but have no numbers  :(


Well, I don't have any numbers, but there sure is a lot of wilderness for them to live in...


A typical gray wolf pack contains 8 wolves and they have usially a territory of about 200 km2. If Wolves in Randland are similar, I can not think Perrin will lead a immensly huge pack. Big, maybe. But not "as far as the eye could see" thing you guys were talking about.


You guys that knows more than me.. (or think you do..  ;)). About how much wilderness is there for wolfs to live in, in Randland?


the only reason they won is because they have more chanlers who could accually fight during the battle. also the shadio had to worry about protecting their kids rather than attacking. if the shadio had all the channelers Perrin woulda got stompped. Perrin didnt really organize every1, he let the other leaders do it. Also i never said he was a bad leader, like gather food, but that has nothing to do with being a good General. Also it dosent require you to be a good general to know that if you have a larger bow it shoots further, and that shoot them before it gets to you. So what did he do that a common soilder or banner man could do?


Being a good general has everything to do with judging distances (with the bow). And also you will never see a general overseeing every detail, it is called time management and delegation. if you think he did nothing, do you think a average bannerman could get factions that hate each other to work together for a period of time (very important in a general). Plus he created the basic strategy and elaborated on it as required.

the only reason they won is because they have more chanlers who could accually fight during the battle. also the shadio had to worry about protecting their kids rather than attacking. if the shadio had all the channelers Perrin woulda got stompped. Perrin didnt really organize every1, he let the other leaders do it. Also i never said he was a bad leader, like gather food, but that has nothing to do with being a good General. Also it dosent require you to be a good general to know that if you have a larger bow it shoots further, and that shoot them before it gets to you. So what did he do that a common soilder or banner man could do?


::) I cannot believe that you are still serious about this, man, especially after the others here have already very clearly refuted your idea.


A typical gray wolf pack contains 8 wolves and they have usially a territory of about 200 km2. If Wolves in Randland are similar, I can not think Perrin will lead a immensly huge pack. Big, maybe. But not "as far as the eye could see" thing you guys were talking about.


You guys that knows more than me.. (or think you do..  ;)). About how much wilderness is there for wolfs to live in, in Randland?


Well, I'm no expert on wolves but at Dumai's Wells Perrin called 1,000 just from the surrounding area. Not sure how far that radius was but I'm sure it's a significantly small percentage of Randland. Imagine if every wolf from the entire continent came...


the only reason they won is because they have more chanlers who could accually fight during the battle. also the shadio had to worry about protecting their kids rather than attacking. if the shadio had all the channelers Perrin woulda got stompped. Perrin didnt really organize every1, he let the other leaders do it. Also i never said he was a bad leader, like gather food, but that has nothing to do with being a good General. Also it dosent require you to be a good general to know that if you have a larger bow it shoots further, and that shoot them before it gets to you. So what did he do that a common soilder or banner man could do?


I have never had so much fun dissecting a quote (I'm practically rubbing my hands in glee (Just kidding)).First off, not all the Shaido Wise Ones were incapacitated. Second, are you criticizing Perrin's battle plan because he actually took out the enemy's most important weapon? That's generalship 101. Ituralde, in his skirmishes against the Seanchan, made sure his men pincushioned the damane and suldam with arrows first. Thirdly, the Shaido didn't have to worry about protecting their children. They sent all of their spearfighters into battle. They already had blacksmiths and "retired" warriors who could protect the women and children. Actually, it's more likely the Shaido sent the "retirees" into battle also. Fourthly (is that a word), the entire battle plan was solely Perrin's. A damn good plan at that. The butcher's bill was less than 100! What battle against Aiel has had anything near that. Fifthly, a good general has commanders who are capable and think of what he doesn't. If you remember, Perrin thinks that Tam has ordered the archers to fire to early but then realizes that Tam used the archers' elevation which allowed them to shoot farther. And on a side note, larger bows don't always shoot farther. Just look at the composite bow. Sixthly, Perrin pretty much proved he's an all-around badass and general.


I think I understand what RAW meant about generals and tactical commanders being different. Generals are the overall strategists and think about what happens in the long run. Tactical commanders are battle commanders and oversee the battle itself. Like for example, in the Battle of Malden, Perrin would be the general and tactical for the beginning of the battle and Tam and Tylee would be the tactical commanders during the rest of it. Am I right RAW? According to that, Perrin is a damn good general and a good tactical commander. Mat probably would be the best at both with Rand somewhere in between.

A typical gray wolf pack contains 8 wolves and they have usially a territory of about 200 km2. If Wolves in Randland are similar, I can not think Perrin will lead a immensly huge pack. Big, maybe. But not "as far as the eye could see" thing you guys were talking about.


I estimate ~450k wolves possible...based on estimated landmass minus estimated populated area with 8 per 200 km2.  That takes into account randland units of length converted into miles converted into km.  It also assumes that the wilderness is packed with packs of wolves... If Perrin can get ALL of the wolves to come to TG then there could potentially be up to 450k of them...


Another thing that makes him a smart leader is that he's willing to set aside his ego and listen to the people under him that know what they're talking about, and he has the good sense to know who those people are.

the only reason they won is because they have more chanlers who could accually fight during the battle. also the shadio had to worry about protecting their kids rather than attacking. if the shadio had all the channelers Perrin woulda got stompped. Perrin didnt really organize every1, he let the other leaders do it. Also i never said he was a bad leader, like gather food, but that has nothing to do with being a good General. Also it dosent require you to be a good general to know that if you have a larger bow it shoots further, and that shoot them before it gets to you. So what did he do that a common soilder or banner man could do?
He came up with a plan. Not everyone could have done that. If the Shaido had all their channelers, Perrin might have been in a rather difficult situation, but they didn't - because Perrin came up with a plan to neutralise their channelers. Surely the fact that he made sure the Wise Ones were in no position to stomp his forces is itself a sign of good generalship?

LMAO ... you do realize that the meaning you were exploiting IS the double meaning, right?  The literal meaning is the one that has us all swallowing a little vomit.


That leaves me to fourth that thought ;)


Before I say that I fifth that thought, what do y'all think about there being multiple battles in the lead up to Tarmon Gai'don. I think the Last Battle is actually another Trolloc Wars with the actual Last Battle being like The Strike at Shayol Ghul. I really think Perrin, Mat, and Ituralde will shine then.


Before I say that I fifth that thought, what do y'all think about there being multiple battles in the lead up to Tarmon Gai'don. I think the Last Battle is actually another Trolloc Wars with the actual Last Battle being like The Strike at Shayol Ghul. I really think Perrin, Mat, and Ituralde will shine then.


That's what is generally accepted I think. Ofc generals are best used during war times  :P


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