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The WINNER's Circle!!!!!!!!!


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Twinnie steps up to mike on the small stage in the Coffee House.  Grinning and blushing, she holds her hands up for the clapping, whistles to stop. Looking around, she grins, and as it quiets down..speaks...


Hey Everyone!!  Welcome to the Second Annual Challenge of the Sashes in the Kin!! *more cheering*  You've all had a chance by now to vote and read/hear the four entries in the first week of our Challenge!  The type of poem for this first week of competition was the Acrostic Poem!  Just as a reminder, The Acrostic Poem is: where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title.  The word choices for this challenge were Nightmare and Stardust.  We had one entry using Stardust and three usng the word Nightmare! 


I want to thank EVERYONE who took the time to write a poem and EVERYONE who voted!  And now, I am pleased to announce that the winning Acrostic Poem was entered by.....




The poem to the word Stardust was written by Taei!  Well Done Hon!!  Congratulations!!


Silently he touched her hair

The golden locks felt silky

Against his caloused hands

Roughened by hard times

Delicately he touched her cheek

Unwilling to open her eyes and break the moment

She let it linger savoring each sensation

Till the dream ended, leaving only his ghost.


And there was a three way tie for second, third and fourth place!!!  As stated earlier, in the event of a tie, the Council would have a separate vote to break it!  And we did!!  *grins*



The GREEN SASHES!  with the poem written by Chiyuki!  Great Job Chi!


Now softly here I rest

Insomnolent no more

Gentle dreams are sought anew, and yet

Horror is at the door...

The eternal gnashing of teeth by beasts of

Murderous malevolent intent, until

Awake! gasping for air, clawing for life

Reliving each moment fresh

Even daylight cannot shake the fear




The BLUE SASHES! with the poem entered by Dragonsworn! Well done toots!!


Now I am laying awake staring at the ceiling

Imagination runs wild through the night.

Ghosts of the past run through my mind.

Heightened by the chimes of midnight.

Time waxes, and it wanes.

Mourning approaches but is to far off

Angels fall before daylight

Returning to heaven on golding wings

End of the night and beginning of day, so good-bye for now


..and in the last, final and FOURTH PLACE:

The RED SASHES!! with a last resort entry by Twinnie!


Nether regions call

In the dark of night

Goading all with thier plight

Haunting dreams of the unaware

Tortured souls possessed when they dare

Morning bring salvations light

Abandon fears of the night

Rest will come when you sleep again

Escape for now the demons within.


The Points Stand:

Blue Sash:  3

Green Sash:  4

Purple Sash:  5

Red Sash:  2


Be sure to check back here next week for the exciting results of Week Two Voting on the Epitaph Poems!!  Until then, indulge yourself and read ALL the Acrostic poems written by our talented and wonderful Kinsters!!


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I told you we'd win!! *hoists Taei up on her and Meesh's shoulders*




Yay! yay! yay!! *forgets she's got Taei on her shoulders and starts bouncing up and down*  ;D

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Twinnie bounces up to on the small stage in the Coffee House.  Laughing, she watches Mystie and Mmeesh scramble to pick up Taei, all of them ending up in a tangle on the floor!  Being ever helpful, Manny offers them the BUORF.  Taking the mike in hand, giggles into a hiccoph getting everyone's attention...


Oh my..excuse me!!  LOL  Manny I'm not sure they need any more "spirit"! Hey everyone!  Welcome to the second week of our Second Annual Challenge of the Sashes in the Kin!! *more cheering*  You've all had a chance by now to vote and read/hear the four entries in the second week of our Challenge!  The type of poem for this f week of competition was the EPITAPH!  Just to refresh our memories: An Epitaph, is a brief poem inscribed on a tombstone praising a deceased person, usually with rhyming lines and can be humorous!


And boy did we get the humorous in them!  LOL  The Epitaph's could be about any Kin member..although it seems that Lor, Myst and Twinnie gotpicked on..umm chosen!


*grins*  and hey, I want to tell all of you...FANTASTIC JOB!!  Either in writing or cheering on your fellow Sash members or in voting I really appreciate your enthusiasm and hope you're having as much fun as I am!!! *bounces on toes*  And now...who has won the top spot this week?  LOL  I can tell you there wasn't any ties this week either!!  *grins out at the audience, at Taei and Mystie still on the floor...*  Manny, you best get that flask back and hold on tight..cause those three are going to go wild I think....because for the SECOND WEEK in a row..the winner's of FIRST Place are....




*claps and as the screams quiet down*


This week's entry was written by Mmeesh, bemoaning the "loss" of our Elegant Eldest!  Great team work Purple People!!!


The Eldest was lovely and nice

She had quite a fondness for rice

But as she was cooking

She wasn't quite looking

And tripped over thirty-four mice.


Now Lor had a great sense of balance

It was noted as one of her talents

But for some weird, strange reason

This just wasn't her season

Though she wobbled with wonderful valiance.


Then Lor, our dear Eldest, she fell

And didn't quite catch herself well.

She hit her poor head

And now she is dead

Leaving me with the story to tell.


*winking  at Manny and blowing a kiss*


the SECOND PLACE is also held onto this week by the same winners as last week!!  Comeing in Second with The Lonely Dolphin Tattoo:




With this fantastic poem written by our Favorite Pirate and about...MOI!  *giggles*


I tossed a bough onto the fire

And wishes like sparks rose ever higher

There is no way they can come true

And I am lost Twin without you

How can it be that you are gone

The grass will die, we'll have no lawn!


Nor flowers nor vines nor gray green moss

All will wither, become but dross

Now weeping dolphins swim upon my cheek

In the river of tears that from my eyes leak

Be damned that cliff o'er which you flew

Because you had not tied your shoe.


I was to busy admiring my socks..... ;)


Now this is where we change things up this week!  Moving into Third Place...




Congratulations to DARUYA who wrote this lovely remembrance of our own Mystiekiss!!


Our Mystica, she is no more,

Another Purple Sash gone.

She fell from the moving coach’s door

And was promptly trodden on.

She lies here, stately, on these grounds,

Her legacy will linger long.

Her innate goodness knew no bounds,

Tho’ swore she was evil all along.


*chuckles*  I always new she really was sweet....


Finally in Fourth Place this week, with an entry about my FAVORITE subject..lol ME AND SOCKS!




submitted by our very dear Dragonsworn, who choose to go with sincerity and praise, capturing the Twinflower in her glory!   ;D  *giggles and ducks*


And here lies Twinflower

using happiness as her power

she would fight for rite

and stand against strife


In her org she was adored

When she was around none was bored

toe socks were of course her thing

along with snoopy dances, and she loved to sing


She was to kind, yet all kin members are

Now she has gone to be with the stars

To light our lives and burn bright

She will be the Kin's guardian star in the night.



The Points Stand:

Blue Sash:  3+1= 4

Green Sash:  4+4= 8

Purple Sash:  5+5= 10

Red Sash:  2+3= 5


Two weeks left!  Anyone can still win that coveted title of POET LAUREATES of the Kin!!


Be sure to check back here next week for the exciting results of Week Three Voting on the Ode and Limerick Poems!!  Until then, indulge yourself and read ALL the EPITAPHS written by our talented and wonderful Kinsters!!



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These are ALL the Epitaphs written by the Kinsters!  *grins*  Really good job folks!!  LOL  enjoy reading them!


From the Blue Sashes:


If once I said it, I said it a million times,

if it's not the bounce, it's the rise in the tides!


You sent me some socks, and I knew that would fix it,

So I sent you some back, before you could miss it.


The plants, how they grow, beside the kitchen sink,

they just took off and were in the ceiling before I could blink.


It's ok, though, I know we'll get through,

and, in the end, even our socks will keep hue!



From the Green Sashes:


My Darling Pirate sleeps with the fish,

Eternally living his final wish,

To swim with the Dolphins happy and free,

In the dancing waves of the deep blue sea!


His days of pillage and plundering gone,

The Pirate's legacy lives on in song.

Scurvy dawgs and Scalliwags sing about him in every bar,

While Knights and warriors lift dirges to the stars!


Ladies of the Evening and Ladie Faire,

The sorrow in their bosums share.

The loss of this Rogue and Pirate Knight,

Who loved them all from dusk to dawn,

By mornings light he was always gone!


His Ma Chere is sad and blue,

The Wind of Destiny gave no clue.

The Screaming Catfish, the true love of his life,

Who knew a ship could be such a jealous wife?


Once to often he went and stayed on shore,

Leaving her alone and bored.

In sorrow and anger she waited for the Perfect Storm,

Caring not if her sails were tattered and torn!

She didn't fight the ocean's Tsunami waves,

The Catfish took them both to a watery grave!


My Darling Pirate now sleeps with the fish in the deep blue sea...

Leaving more rum for you and for ME!



From the Purple Sashes:


She bore the title of Most Evil One,

Relishing her role..even frightening some!

Threats of torture while cracking her whip,

Sounded like pleasure from her sweet lips!


Well known was her hatred of pink,

Betraying her vampire instinct

As did her passion for blood red everything,

No wonder her snugglebites left such a sting!


The evil crown was all in good fun and a lark,

It was her courage and compassion that left the TRUE mark!

Of those who knew and loved her best,

She really was NICE..her evil a jest!!!



A Karmatic twist


In life she was nice and all sweet

She'd smother in love all she'd meet

Yet few really knew

What that little shrewed

Was plotting while grinning her teeth.


Many were caught up by her spell

Not realising what they would smell

As socks flew around

And feet were now bound

Her grin stayed in place as they fell


All thought out her plan was, so she thought

Sure of her success the socks brought

But always beware

Of the Karmatic flare

Which the cosmotic coin her has bought


So stand now with us, at the foot of this tree

And witness the justice of karma with me

For here she now lies

Yet despite her demise

The socks still fly freely, you see.



From the Red Sashes:


Our beloved Eldest, Loraine,

Was beautiful, as is her name,

Let our memories abide,

And remain by her side,

To lose her was a real shame.



Twinflower, greatly are you missed.

O curséd death, who gave you his kiss!

Are you forgotten?  No never!

Remembered?  Forever!

Aye, we’ve rarely been sadder than this . .



He seemed to be Lan come true,

Most thought Lor was his real life wife!

What they had was the bond of Aes Sadai and Gaiden

Fighting forever the Dark and tainted Saiden.


Slow of word, but quick with his sword,

By both men adn maiden he was adored!

Cautious with the advice he'd give,

It was folly to ignore, but listen and likly you'd live!


A tender and caring heart had he,

That only a special few did see.

Writing sonnets that could make the spirit soar,

Caring for other's his personal chore.


He knew well the temper his beloved bonded had,

To his own folly he made her mad!

We'll miss him, the freind and the man,

But he shouldn've ducked from her frying pan!!!


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Well folks..I kind of goofed...lol Last week I posted all of the Acrostic poems on the Acrostic voting thread..and this week I did it different with all the EPITAPH's here!  oh well...*grins*  enjoy and do comment and compliment any of our spiffy writer's!!! :D

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*grins and applauds loudly*


oh, wait... I died in that last round of poetry writing, didn't I? *smirks* apparently, there are such things as ghosts after all! Now, I'm just going to torture you all until the end of days. *smirks* Poor dears...



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Wafting towards the bar in a white floating gown, the image of the spector the Eiptaph made her, Twinnie jumps onto the bar, crosses her legs and sips coffee, listening to the presentations of Limericks and Odes.  Laughing and clapping as the poets finish reading them, she picks up a cordless microphone and makes an eerie sound....


OOOOOOohhhhhooooooooo!  Just in case any of you were actually wondering..*winks and giggles*  Neither Mystie, Lor or I are dead!!! 


Sliding off the bar, sasheys to the front, patting people on the head and shoulders as she works her way to the stage


Ok everyone!  ANOTHER great week of poetry from the Kinsters!  WOOHOO!  We had a DOUBLE TIE this week!  For first and third place!  As stated in the rules..the Council made the deciding votes and now....I get to announce the winners!!  I got to tell you this was a difficult choice!!  And..after this week..the honor of POET LAURETE is up in the air STILL!  It will be a close race with the Haiku's next week!!  Now for the winners of the Ode and the Limericks!!


Our FIRST PLACE WINNER has been involved in the Challenge since day one!  THe writer has been supportive of his Sash mates and I am so please that it is his poem this week that has won first place for the:




With a great poem by Dragonsworn, An Ode to the Red Sashes


Red, is passion burning bright

A flame lit to contrast the night

Red is a dress made of silk

It is a sword with rubies on the hilt,


Red is the blood rushing through our veins

It is the color that on our cheeks does stain

Red is a heated word, and an angry shout

It is the color of anxiety and doubt.


Red feels like anger turned to fire

It is the feeling of walking a trapeze wire

Red is life and its all around

From taste to touch and even sound


The red is the top, the pinnacle of the kin

the are easy to talk to and quick to make a friend

their sash embodies the qualities above

and all its members are filled with love


Congratulations BLues and Dragon!!!  WOOHOO!!  Ok, as I said there was a tie for First Place, so in a very close second..


Falling from thier First Place domination, winning Second Place are:


The Purple Sashes!!


With all thier great teamwork, this week it is Mmeeshal's Ode to the Wonderful Kin


I wandered over Dragonmount

Looking for a home

I didn't know what I sought

Just that it would end my roam.


I saw a group of people

Gathered all together

They looked quite happy, it seemed

Pulling through all kinds of weather.


I walked up and said hello,

Wondering how I'd be received

They welcomed me with arms open wide

And I felt peaceful, and relieved.


I soon came to realize

That I had found the place

Where everyone is welcome

And there's joy in every face.


The Kin has been a support

When I was down and dreary

I learned that I should come here

When I'm feeling weary.


I'm amazed at how much love there is

How much fun there is too.

To sum it up in just one phrase:

"We most definitely want YOU!"


Congratulations guys!! 


I have to tell you that there are some talented folks in our group here!  And while the Ode form took our top spots..the Limerick's were awesome as well and again we had a TIE for third place!!  In a tough decision...THIRD PLACE Winners are:




...with Daruya's praising limerick of her own Red Sashes!


The Red Sashes are, of the Kin,

The Wisest and Fairest of them.

They’re smart and they’re pretty,

And really quite witty,

And quite apt to act on a whim.


The other sashes aspire to be,

Red Sashes like my fellows and me.

They work and they strive,

Till they finally arrive,

Then to dance and to sing gleefully.


Well done Dar!!  *hugs*  I know you havn't had a lot of help..but you are awesome and have done the Red Sashes proud!!!


Ok, coming in FOURTH PLACE and again this was a tough decision for the Council is:




with May's entertaining limerick of the Green Sash Girl


There once was a green sash girl,

She joined the Kin org,so she could chill,

But she got to involved,

Sent happy mail to the world,

And now she sends post to all.


*grins*  You know..I want to give a special kudos to the Green Sashes!  Every week they have had an entry..and yet it has been a different member each week that has stepped up to the plate!  Even though they havn't all participated every week..they have made sure someone has Every week!!  Well done!


Ok everyone..well done and good job and yippee!!!  *grins*  The final standings are as follows:


The Points Stand:

Blue Sash:  3+1+5= 9

Green Sash:  4+4+2= 10

Purple Sash:  5+5+4= 14

Red Sash:  2+3+3= 8


Ok folks you can see the standings!!  It looks like the race is on!  Be sure to vote for the BEST HAIKU!!!  In the meantime..enjoy the other Limericks and Odes written by our KINSTERS!

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from the Blue Sashes...


Into a house I go,

With boredom and retched obsession.

Time to move on,

But I feel like I cannot carry on.

Oh when will my loneliness lessen?


Into a house I go,

Where Green and blue sashes blow.

Red and purple seem the same,

But that is not the name of the game.


Into a house I go,

Where blue is tied to me.

I look to climb the ladder

That has golden needles at the top,

If I do not make it, I will be all the sadder.


Into a house I go,

Where games and friendship flow.

Time will tell, will loneliness prevail?

I don’t think that will matter,

For in this House lies the Kin!

And all that is wonderful within.



from the Purple Sashes...


There once was an Org named the Kin

Which held many characters within.

We laughted and we cried,

Till you'd have thought we had died,

But no such fate to be had within.



There’s a wonderful Kinster named Twinnie,

Who, hearing her horse loudly whinney,

Looked up with a sigh,

Poked herself in the eye,

And said to herself “What a ninny!”



Our wonderful Eldest, named Lor,

Got her sash firmly caught in the door,

She pulled and she yanked,

Till her blood pressure tanked,

And she fell in a faint to the floor.



Well done everyone! and thank you for your good efforts!!

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Looks out at the crowd, smiles and starts clapping.  Everyone looks to the front and wonders if they missed something...chuckling, Twinnie takes the mike in hand, and speaks..


Well everyone..APril was a GREAT month!!  We had a lot of fun with the Challenge of the Sashes and I must say the competition was very close and evenly matched among our four sashes!!  First of all..a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated either writing, voting, or supporting each other!!  You all have done very well!!  Now for the Winners of the Haiku and then the Winners of the Challenge of the Sashes!!!


I will be presenting this weeks a bit different, because of the 12 poems!  I will tell you the winners overall, then post the haiku's!!


Ok, they have held this place for two and now THREE of the weeks..thats right!  FIRST PLACE in the Haiku challenge is:




They garnered a total of 15 points with thier three Haiku's coming in at First by Mystikiss, Fifth written by Mmeesh and Eleventh place by Taei!!  CONGRATULATIONS!


Following closely in SECOND PLACEwith a total of 14 points are the:




Thier Haiku's came in at Second Place by Twinnie, Fourth place by Twinnie and Tenth place by Chiyuki!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!


In THIRD PLACE with 11 points the winners are the:




Thier Haiku's placed at Third by Twinnie, Seventh by Dar and Twelfth by Dar!  Well done and COngratulations!!



Finally in Fourth place, our final winners with a total of eight points are the:




Thier Haiku's came in at Sixth place by Torrie, Eighth place by Dragon and Ninth place by Lor!  Great group effort you guys!!  Congratulations!!


The winners:



Oh weekend, Oh beauty

No work or stress or pain

Restfull peace and quiet




Cycle of life

egg to cocoon to flying

butterfly garden




Landfills of plastic

Natural water for free

why not use the tap?




Plant a tree to live

Destroy forest to survive

What is compromise?




Remembering life

Mother Nature's great bounty

See the beauty here




Butterflies sail past.

Flowers bloom and trees grow tall.

Spring will slowly pass




Seas of grass, no more;

Development encroaches

Crowding out nature.




Trees and flowers sing

from all the colors nature gives

everywhere and here




trees and flowers all

green and bright, sunlight shining

in my garden bright




our environment

together making progress

for healthier earth




Mother Earth, lovely,

We have made a day for you.

Beauty grows. All enjoy!




Scattered butts abound,

At corners and traffic lights;

Now outdoor ashtrays.





The Points Stand:

Blue Sash:  3+1+5+8= 17

Green Sash:  4+4+2+14= 24

Purple Sash:  5+5+4+15= 29

Red Sash:  2+3+3+11= 19

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Although I think EVERYONE here is a WINNER...*grins*  There can be only one Sash that holds the honored place as the POET LAURETES of the Kin.  In FIRST PLACE, winning the







With a total of 29 points overall!  Congratulations and Well DOne!!  WOOHOO!!


This means that the participating members of the Purple Sash: Myst, Taei, Mmeesh will recieve 50 points divided among them! Um that would be 16.6 points each.  *frowns*  I can't add that so we'll just round that up to 17 points each!! They will also recieve a Happy Mail surprise from the Council AND a lovely Siggie crafted by our own Elegant Eldest Lor proclaiming them the POET LAURETES of the Kin!!  *hugs and smoochies them all*  Thank you and keep on writing!!


In SECOND PLACE coming in with a total of 24 points, winning 40 points to be shared among them are:




Participating in the Green Sashes were Manny, May and Chiyuki!  This means they will each recieve 13.3 points!!  LOL  again to hard to add and I'll round that up..so they will each recieve 14 points!!  Congratulations to all of you and really great Team Work!!  Each of you managed to have at least one entry every week!!  *hugs and smoochies them too*  Oh I like this job!!


Our third and fourth place winners were very close!!  In fact only separated by two points!  And now, in THIRD PLACE winning with 19 points are:




I want to make a special mention here...our Red Sash group was sadly mostly absent during the past month with real life taking a real toll on them!  Happily we are getting to see more of them around these days!  BUT, for the challenge, one member held up the Honor of the Reds and managed to create an entry for every week! THank you for not getting discouraged or giving up!!  You are really a special person DARUYA!!  WEll done and CONGRATULATIONS!!  You will recieve a total of 35 points!!!  *hugs dar tight and smooshes her*


Now in our final position..definetly not last and certainly not the least of our Family..coming in at FOURTH PLACE winning 30 points to share among them are the:




I have to tell y'all that I was very impressed with our new kids in this challenge!!  *grins*  Lots of times new members need to be encouraged and given a little push to get involved!  Not these two!!  LOL  In fact, I think Dragon had posted his first poem before I even finished posting the Challenge!!  *grins*  Thank you both, Dragon and TOrrie for jumping in and adding so much to our family already!!  *hugs and snugglebites*  You will share the thirty points..meaning you each will recieve 15 points!!


WOW!  this was a great activity and boy do I see some raisings in the Kin's near future!!!    Again..thanks everyone who participated!  I hope you had as much fun as I did..and can't wait to see what you do next year!!!



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**jumps with gittiness at her new shinny 15 points***


See Dragon you got some also!





Way to go Purple! Thank you Twinny for all the work you did and thanks to however helped out. This was a fun game and it looks like May games will be even better. **grins***



Good job everyone!

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*removing my comment because it didn’t serve it’s original, intended purpose*  ;D  I guess I’ll have to hint a bit harder! LOL!*



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