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Faile as a Forsaken


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Come on - you can't tell me you haven't thought of it.  What better way to instill chaos than to lead a ta'veren around by the nose, falling in love with you, getting yourself captured so he has to rescue you (again).  Faile could certainly be an agent of Demandred or even a Forsaken (though, honestly don't know which one) with a love compulsion weave around her so that Perrin doesn't even look at another woman. This would explain why she always smells angry (being forced against her will). 


Sorry - just the quote someone said of "The shadown can win as long as Faile is alive" kinda tickled something.

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Come on - you can't tell me you haven't thought of it.


i actually haven't ever thought of it. so  :P


And yeah we have a POV from her many times, and it say's nothing about "the Dark Lord" or "Friends of the DArk" or stuff like that that happens with other darkfriends and forsaken.

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Well she obviously doesn't want us to know she's a Forsaken so she wouldn't mention the Great Lord or call herself a Chosen, now would she?


Yet in her PoVs, when we see her thoughts, there would have been some indicator ie her thinking of herself as Chosen, her thinking of Friends of the Dark, and so on.


Faile isnt Chosen, and if she was I never read anything Wheel of Time again ever.

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She saved the day just to make Perrin forger about his duties later! It's all clear now!


Seriously, this just sounds like a conspiracy theory. Do you know that the banks are the ones that are really in control, and that Obama is a minion working for them?!  :o



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Faile a Forsaken, that cannot be.  Her POVs seem to indicate that she is not a darkfriend.  And if she could channel or learn to channel, Moiraine would have known so when they met.


As for being forced by Compulsion, she does not show the signs.


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Ah, but Perrin shows all signs of Compulsion. Or at least a love spell. Maybe he's the one who is Graendal's pawn.  As I said before, if one ta'veren out of the picture is enough for the Dark One to gain enough footing.  Speaking of which, Mat was in the very near clutches of Semirhage, so she could have placed a Compulsion weave on Mat at any time.  But, that really wouldn't work since she's more into pain that pleasure. 

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Yes, Faile/Graendal brought back reinforcements from Devon Ride/Watch Hill and saved the day, which is uncharacteristic of a Forsaken...except that Lanfear sent Trollocs to save Rand while he was being attacked didn't she?


I don't subscribe to this idea...but Faile as a Forsaken would explain a lot of things, and Mesaana is hiding in the White Tower while Lanfear interacted with the boys AND girls without them knowing at all, while Aran'gar was in Salidar under the "other" White Tower - so it's very possible that a Chosen could be around without anyone knowing.

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Yes, Faile/Graendal brought back reinforcements from Devon Ride/Watch Hill and saved the day, which is uncharacteristic of a Forsaken


LOL ... nice.


except that Lanfear sent Trollocs to save Rand while he was being attacked didn't she?


Actually, that was Semirhage, on the Dark One's orders.  Lanfear was just there to watch.


it's very possible that a Chosen could be around without anyone knowing.


That is not only possible, it is a fact.  But that doesn't make Faile one of the Forsaken, which she is not.

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