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*runs in*

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It weren't me! ... Oh wait, it probably was  ;D


*snugglebites the adorable fellow Seffrican back*  :D



It's not that easy to, really... that, or she is amused by my blandishments, ranting, and insanity.


*purrs and rubs bite mark*


make way! make way! beaming Highest coming through!!


*Grabs Elgee and feeds her little boys* That's my African Queen that!!! *Beams*


Tyn, fabulous work! Though you need a bit more practice.... It's not easy to master the art of snugglebiting. Takes years of hard work and dedication. However, you certainly earned this....


*Grabs the red mentee and sinks her teeth into the side of her neck, leaving the red ajah mark for all times, regardless where the youngen ends up*


Wear it with pride and dignity, love. In fond memory of these days. ;)



*nods*  As you're not an Accepted, you cannot go around declaring for Ajahs.  But if you've got a mentor or a friend in an Ajah already, they can make some claim on you for snuggly purposes. ;)


LOL... Love that Ire!


OOooo...Snugglebiting...thats what has drawn me here. *grins*


*snugglebites Elgee*


HUmmmm....I think i'm out of practice.


*tries again om Myst*


Ahhh... much better. ;)


The lure of the snugglebite wins again  ;D


Holds out neck to Nephi ... can'z I haz another one?  :D


actually, credit where credit's due. The term Baby Red I shamelessly snatched from the formidable Reddies at TVnet. It's such a catchy thing though, that I just couldn't help myself. And as I'm about to meet several of them at a europarty next week, that snitching up of their stuff might cost me, but it's worth it :P


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