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So... how's it going? >.>


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Blueness! yay!


It's all Tay's fault, btw. Not that you're not all great, but she was the only one around earlier on MSN.... and she took advantage of me in a fragile moment of boredom. She's wicked that one.  *grins*



Good to have ya Nyn.....*


In your dreams  ;D






Kinster person

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It's all Tay's fault, btw. Not that you're not all great, but she was the only one around earlier on MSN.... and she took advantage of me in a fragile moment of boredom. She's wicked that one.  *grins*


Whatever gets it done. **smiles**

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*laughs* I'm willing to accept whatever means it took to get your butt here on a more permanent basis. ;)


Which simply means I get to shower Tay with luvin' for a little while. *grins* You already have a shawl... *chews her lip and ponders*

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I only have pink undies because they came in the package with the other patterns I liked. I think that's how they sneak them out into the mainstream world. My luck, the day I have to wear them is the one where paramedics will have to see them. *mutters and rolls her eyes*

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Pink underwear.... the only time I EVER had pink underwear is because it came with a whole bunch of other colors like Lor was talking about. And they've only ever been worn as last resort since they'd be at the bottom of the drawer. And no, I don't currently have any either. :P


*wonders if Sam has some in his drawers.....* *hides*

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