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specs on the true power

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I've got a couple of questions on the true power. Is it the same in every way as the one power except for the fact that it's linked to the dark one and you need his permission to channel it? Also say if you balefired someone with the true power, is it any different than balefireing someone with the one power?


The pattern is violently disturbed when Moridin weaves a gateway with the True Power.  That description leads me to think that the True Power is not woven like Saidar or Saidin.  It is not the same kind of "magical energy", so using it is different.


I wonder if balefire is even possible with the True Power, because balefire involves changing things in the past but the Dark One says he can not step outside of time.  If the TP comes from the DO, then it should not be capable of anything the DO is not capable of.


True Power, another difference is that both genders can use it.  I heard that there are some things that a channeler can do with it that the channeler could not do with the One Power; not sure if this is true or not.


Balefire with the True Power erases the last actions of the victim, just like balefire with the One Power.



Another thing:

One Power channelers are the only darkfriends that can wield the True Power.


I wonder if balefire is even possible with the True Power


We have seen Moridin use balefire already.


My oppinion is that the True Power is more powerful than the One Power, but there are many on here that would disagree. For Travelling, IIRC a True Power Traveller doesnt make a gateway, they merely fade out of the old location and into the new one.


It is also possible to increase your strength with the True Power I think, which we have never seen with the One Power; we saw Moridin squeeze a metal bar and it crumpled in his hand. Im not sure if he actively channeled the True Power to make himself stronger, or if he was simply stronger while holding it.


The True Power can be used to Heal madness. Whether or not it is only madness caused by the Taint that can be Healed with it I dont know, but Ishamael Healed Lews Therin.


Being able to channel is a prerequisite of channeling the True Power. Moghedien notes to herself that only 39 people that she was aware of have ever been granted access to the True Power; these would most likely have been the most powerful Chosen before Lews Therin sealed the Bore.


My oppinion is that the True Power is more powerful than the True Power, but there are many on here that would disagree.


You know, it's quite difficult to agree with this statement  ;D 

Is it the same in every way as the one power except for the fact that it's linked to the dark one and you need his permission to channel it?
It is woven differenly, is usable by both sexes, and is only detectable by the user and Shai'tan. It also causes the saa, with later stages being apparent as flaming body cavities (see Ba'alzamon). It is also a well known fact* that it has a positive effect on the ability to breakdance.


My oppinion is that the True Power is more powerful than the True Power, but there are many on here that would disagree.
You know, it's quite difficult to agree with this statement  ;D
I disagree.


*To those that know it well


No, the only difference Rand noted was that he sensed nothing, saw no weaves forming. Rand knew it was balefire sraight away though, and Moridins stream wasnt any thicker than Rands

Or should i say Nae'blis Ares
I think you probably should.


Noooo you just gave him the coolest title from the series!
Well, there's no-one more deserving.

I always assumed Bela would be offered the position of Nae'blis and in one of the most dramatic scenes in the series, she would have to decide whether or not to Heal the White Tower or join the Dark One.


or did I read too much into Bela's story arc?


It is also possible to increase your strength with the True Power I think, which we have never seen with the One Power; we saw Moridin squeeze a metal bar and it crumpled in his hand. Im not sure if he actively channeled the True Power to make himself stronger, or if he was simply stronger while holding it.

Used the power to do it directly (PoD...1st chapter I think--after the girls travel to the Kin farm).


The True Power can be used to Heal madness. Whether or not it is only madness caused by the Taint that can be Healed with it I dont know, but Ishamael Healed Lews Therin.

We don't know that this is impossible with the One Power, just that the Aes Sedai think it is. Also since it's from the first book...


Well, Elan Morin/Ishamael said the Aes Sedai would only be able to give Lews Therin a few moments. Maybe Nynaeve and Damer Flynn could do something about the madness.


There were some diseases of the mind that the One Power could do nothing about, or at least the Restorers of the time had not figured out a way to Heal those things. 


Semirhage was the most reknown Restorer of her time (or maybe any time) but there were things that Graendal could Heal better because they had to do with mental disease that the One Power was not effective with. 


Obviously the Age of Legends Aes Sedai did not know everything as Nynaeve and many other Healers of this Age are discovering things that the AOL people didn't know about.  (Healing stilling/gentling, circles, unraveling a weave, etc.)  But basically Ishamael wasn't wrong when he said that the Restorers of the time would only be able to give Lews Therin a few moments of clarity whereas Ishamael using the True Power could give him more.  Therefore it's probably safe to say that the True Power has better capability in some respects than the One Power by itself.  (at least in this area)


We also don't know how skilled a Healer Ishamael was...as Aviendha pointed out we aren't really sure what Talents each Forsaken possesses.


Good points. Indeed, Ishamael himself told Lews Therin that Healing wasnt one of his Talents, right before Healing his madness with the True Power.


How do we know that Ishamael gave Lews Therin more than a few moments of clarity?  Perhaps if he had not immediately killed himself, he would have gone back to raving (albeit less blissfully ignorant than before).


I believe it was said somewhere that the more you use the True Power, the easier it is for the DO to manipulate/control you.  Something about becoming a mindless slave for the DO. 


Ares, what is the quote in your signature from?

I always assumed Bela would be offered the position of Nae'blis
*Knnecaps balefireruinssteaks* You assumed wrong.


Mr Ares, what is the quote in your signature from?
The Thousandfold Thought by R. Scott Bakker. Book 3 of the Prince of Nothing trilogy, the greatest fantasy trilogy of recent years, if not ever.

The Thousandfold Thought by R. Scott Bakker. Book 3 of the Prince of Nothing trilogy, the greatest fantasy trilogy of recent years, if not ever.


Ahhhh, that is why it sounded familiar.  The Prince of Nothing is a really really good one.  Kellhus is one of my favorite characters, period.  I knew it was going to be a good series when the first thing I read in The Darkness that Comes Before was a Nietzsche quote.

The Thousandfold Thought by R. Scott Bakker. Book 3 of the Prince of Nothing trilogy, the greatest fantasy trilogy of recent years, if not ever.
Ahhhh, that is why it sounded familiar. The Prince of Nothing is a really really good one. Kellhus is one of my favorite characters, period. I knew it was going to be a good series when the first thing I read in The Darkness that Comes Before was a Nietzsche quote.
I had to edit the speech slightly for length. One line I had to cut was "The Nansur have no quarter because they have no truth", which would have helped place the series. That Nietzsche quote certainly was a good one to begin the series with: "I will never tire of pointing out a concise little fact that these superstitious people are loath to admit. Namely, that a thought comes when it wants, not when I want." Have you read The Judging Eye yet? Picks up the story 20 years later. After the end of The Thousandfold Thought, it's no surprise to see how well Kellhus has done in the meantime.

Balefire observed:

Obviously the Age of Legends Aes Sedai did not know everything as Nynaeve and many other Healers of this Age are discovering things that the AOL people didn't know about.  (Healing stilling/gentling, circles, unraveling a weave, etc.)


I'm just nitpicking you here, because I feel nitpicky today, but they knew about circles in the AoL, and in fact, that's how they created most of their greatest works. They did not know about the Warder bond though, and the rest of what you say is correct.  :)


How do we know that Ishamael gave Lews Therin more than a few moments of clarity?  Perhaps if he had not immediately killed himself, he would have gone back to raving (albeit less blissfully ignorant than before).


The way Ishamael says it hints at his being more permanent, if not in the very least more effective.


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