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Oh noes... not the Voices... waily waily waily  :D


hehe Quis, he totally is. I had the pleasure of meeting him and getting his autograph many many years ago now. If you get the chance to see the new BBC documentary on him dealing with his Altzhiemers, you should. Brilliant stuff.

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A dear friend of mine is one of those obsessive people who has to have every book in a series.  So I sent him the first two Discworld books and one from later in the series.  About 2 months later, he had every book that was released in paperback.  It was a successful corrupting, and he would randomly call me up for months afterwards to share a funny bit of the book he was reading.  I loved it.


My husband introduced me to the Discworld books while we were dating.  I'd never read any books that were written to be funny as the primary goal, but after about 3 books, I was absolutely hooked and loved him.  ^_^


Barm, any time I want to buy books from a series, especially an old series, I try to get them online.  Yesterday we went to 3 different book stores trying to find number 19 of a series that he had 1-18 and 20 of.  Not much fun.  :p

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