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Bowl of Winds RP (retroactive) Planning!


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Ok so several others have expressed interest in getting together enough people to retro RP this main plotline event.  If you are interested in participating, please sign up here!


I will poke Owen, and Raeyn to see if there is already a defined outline for the RP hanging around anywhere.  If not, maybe we can get one going and I will also look into the NSW archives to see what already written bios that would be useful are out there.  Once we have an idea of our assets, we can proceed with writing any new NSW bios that might be needed.


1. Winterwinds

2. Eqwina

3. Jehaine

4. Claireducky

5. Arani

6. Tigara

7. Jaydena

8. DhaiMon

9. Elyssa

10. Quibby

11. Aubrey

12. Liitha






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I know that the staff decided that this wouldn't be an official rp but that we could rp it in retro if we wanted to. I have no problem with it for my group. I always wanted to have us rp it at some point so thanks for bringing it up again. I will wait for Owen to say something about it. I would be interested in playing but I want anyone in my group to have dibbs before me. *G*

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I know that the staff decided that this wouldn't be an official rp but that we could rp it in retro if we wanted to. I have no problem with it for my group. I always wanted to have us rp it at some point so thanks for bringing it up again. I will wait for Owen to say something about it. I would be interested in playing but I want anyone in my group to have dibbs before me. *G*


Jade, I am sure there will be plenty of room for all who are interested, so you don't need to wait for anyone else :D  *adds you to the list*





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I would love to have the characters I created (Wilemi, Nenen and Nesyer) to participate.  But I have only just gotten approval, which means I can only RP as Novices.  Unless you can get the Admins to allow me to RP as Aes Sedai in this RP, I can't participate.


Unless, I create a character for Estean (A once Accepted who did NOT join the Kin), and somehow she winds up in the RP...

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Arani, I am in the process of checking what people in your situation will do if they wish to RP in this.  :)


Here is what I asked our lovely RP admins so far, if anybody thinks of any other questions we should ask, please add em here!


Hi there RP God and Goddesses :D  There are several people interested in the possibility of retro RPing the Bowl of Winds RP, and we had a few questions for you:


1. Are there any objections to us planning and doing this RP?


2. As this was a main plotline event that was skipped, are there any partial or completed outlines or plans that were made for this RP in the past?


3. If a person wishes to participate in the RP but cannot with PC characters for various reasons (already have 3 WT characters or 3 FL characters that wouldn't be appropriate for this RP, is a novice and wishes to play an AS, etc), will it be ok for these people to create NSW characters or use already written NSW characters for the purpose of this RP only?


4. Are there any other main plotline events, rules for RPing or things we need to observe/avoid mentioning IC/etc while planning this RP?





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I'd have a Taraboner noble at the ready as well- whose biography I sent off in December....still no sign that it was received. :/ I still got the biography on my lappy here, so I guess I could always resend. But to whom? He's Freelander after all.


He's fallen on hard times, and what with the Dragon and all can't get straight back home although he wants to. So there would be a possibility for him to be in the right place at the wrong time.


Interest would be there, though. Very much even.

Although I want him to end up some sort of "liaison" for the Seanchan in the end, he is not there yet.

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I'd have a Taraboner noble at the ready as well- whose biography I sent off in December....still no sign that it was received. :/ I still got the biography on my lappy here, so I guess I could always resend. But to whom? He's Freelander after all.


He's fallen on hard times, and what with the Dragon and all can't get straight back home although he wants to. So there would be a possibility for him to be in the right place at the wrong time.


Interest would be there, though. Very much even.

Although I want him to end up some sort of "liaison" for the Seanchan in the end, he is not there yet.


We'd be happy to have you, DhaiMon!  As for the bio, here the information I could find on FL bios:


Email for Bio Submissions: freecastle.bio@gmail.com

Your DL:  Quisalas Selene

Bio Checker: CorenYi


I do know that Quis has been out with some health issues for a bit, but is back now and spending a bit more time on DM as she recovers.


Hope this helps!



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Here is what I have found out about the playing as Full Rank issue from Owen:


Hi Claire,


NSW's can be used, but only as the discretion of the appropriate DL. All NSW's will require a bio though, so please keep that in mind when discussing this with other players.


As for the person requesting to play her Novice as an AS? Again that is something that would need to be discussed with Jade first, seeing as she is the WT DL. Once she knows what she wants Jade can contact Raeyn and i and we will say yea or nay. I do not like giving "blanket" approvals, i prefer to let the DL's handle as much as they are comfortable with and Raeyn and i try not to interfere, unless asked to.


So anybody who is wishing to play as Full Rank with their current characters for this RP, please let me know when you sign up and what your character name/Division is so I can contact the various Division Leaders (most likely only FL and WT) on your behalf.  So far the only person I am aware of in this situation is Arani. 


As for approval of the RP, Owen would like to see an outline first before we receive approval to go ahead.  I am working on writing a class right this second, but I should get up another post later today with the start of an outline for us to flesh out.





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Ok guys, sorry for not posting sooner, been really busy trying to get the house ready for new carpet installers this week.


The status at the moment is I am talking to various DLs about the RP and finding out what assets we have for NSWs and also where they all are in the main plotline.  I should have some answers back soon and will have a basic outline for us to start fleshing out by Wednesday.





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Just a question...


If you should get started with the RP before my one character's biography is approved...


...May I be so bold as to have it checked by, err, someone else?

I'd like to participate, yet I don't want to hinder the whole thing, so if that's too much extra-ordinary to be accepted, I could understand if I'd get kicked out of it. :D


Cheers and thanks for any answer to this!

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