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TWINNIE YOU ROCK GIRL! and The Kin is pretty amazing too!!


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So, given I just read all about Kelly and Myst's parcels I'm figuring you'll guess I just had one too!!  :D There is nothing quite like Twinnie mail to cheer you up hehe.


Mine was a birthday, golden needle and Christmas all rolled into one and it kept me bouncing right through the weekend!!


I got a beautiful angel with my birthstone (topaz) in her dress, all in lovely earthy colours... and a quilled bookmark... and a quilled notebook + pen too... and TWO pairs of socks, one set was red and fluffy and the other set had pandas on!! hehe... and ohh cheesecake kisses ... and a whole 24 day box calendar which is soooo sweet and each drawer has a charm in to go on the bracelet that was in box 1 and they all have crafty bits in too  ;D ... and oh my goodness so much stuff... and too top it off there was my GOLDEN NEEDLE with the certificate signed by Twin and Lor which was totally adorable... and I was so thrilled.


THANK YOU TWIN and thank you Kin for my needle!! *snoopy dances and hugs everyone*  :D We're so lucky to have her aren't we? She's a little ray of sunshine.  ;)

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*grins and blushes a bit, and grins more*


You're welcome my Tay Tay!!  LOL  I think I'm glad my old Pirate didn't hear that about the ray of sunshine!!


Oohhh I'm so glad you thought the certificate was adorable!  LOL  I made it myself on the COMPUTER!!  *gigggles*


Well kiddo...Happy Birthday!  and Merry Christmas!  and of course congrats on your Golden Needle!!


(and for the rest of you Golden Needlers..there is a certificate for each of you also!  Just need to build up my postage fund!!  LOL!)

*hugs May*  Thanks sweetie!

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:o WOW!! those things sound amazing, sis!! Yup, true, there's nothing quite like Twinnie Mail :D She has a knack for knowing exactly what to send to who. I don't know how she does it. :look


Pics!! Pics!! I wanna see what you got!! *tugs the bond* PICS!! :D *dances with her sissypoo*

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*giggles and jumps into Manny's arms*  I KNEW IT!!  *grins and winks*  I'm so glad you dropped by the Kinsters!!  :-*


*blushes and chuckles*  aww..and I didn't get any rocks this year!  *shakes head*  Honey..you're supposed to tear those off to know what the day is!!  I do that with my black lab calender too though...lol then bill tears them off and puts them up all over the walls in the garage!


*hugs*  glad to see you honey!

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lol thanks Jade... mine was back on 9th November but it's always fun getting late presents!! Makes the whole thing last so much longer hehe  :D


BROOOOOOO you came to visit  ;D *snuggles* don't blame you not tearing the calendar, I hate doing that too lol.


I'll try to take a pic on my phone when it's daylight tomorrow Mysty.  :)

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