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Secret Kinta Exchange!!


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Hi!!  OH boy!  I love this exchange.*grins*!!  I know Lor's fav is the candy one..but I just love Christmas!!  LOL  I've even told BIll I fully expect that we end up immortal and being Mr. and Mrs. Claus at some point in our lives....


Anyway...it's time for our Christmas Exchange and for each of us to be a Secret Santa to a fellow Kinster!  So...sign up here, and I will let you know who you'llTbe playing Secret Santa to!


Now heres the idea I had!  The Kin is such a diversified group of people!  We follow many different paths of Faith celebrating the Holiday Season!  Christianity, Judaism, Paganism, Spiritualism..etc...but the one thing common in all of them is the presence of Light!  So what if we give each other..


The Gift of Light! :D


Candles, and candleholders, maybe a nightlight...or even one of those little lamps! These come in all sizes, shapes, colors and prices!  Your gift doesn't have to break your bank..remember the idea is to send Happy Mail!


Ok..sign up will be until Saturday, December 13th. (Santa Lucia Day!) Even if you only check in once a week this will give everyone a chance to see this!!


OK...get to signing up!


**Remember that many of our Kin folk don't live in the USA...so if you have a problem with out of states mailing let me know when you sign up!!****




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alrighty everyone!


You all have the name of the Kinster you are playing Secret Kinta to in your PM box!  Remember the basic theme is the gift of LIght!  *grins*  but as always you can be creative and add whatever you wish!!



ADDRESS CORRECTION:  May's address has changed!  The correct address is on the contact list!  It is 8 Shanrith rise..not !!


Have Fun everyone!! 

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*grins and bounces*  *tackleshuggers and smoochies mayleigh*


THANK YOU!  I already got my Secret Kinta gift!!  LOL it came in yesterdays mail!  May had me..lol and had already thougth of me and sent somthing on it's way!


It's the most beautiful shawl!  Kind of an ecru color, with flowers and leaves and vines woven into the cloth and shot through with a gold thread, then the threads all tied off in a fringe on the edges.  It's lovely!  *grins*  BIll says now he has to take me out all dressed up to wear it!


*huggles* THank you love it is beautiful and i love it!  *smiles*  and no I'm not at all offended you think of me that way!!  *winks and hugs*  Merry Christmas sweetie girl!

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*hugs tight and rocks and grins*


Well love...I something very nice..YOU as my friend!!  *giggles*  but I ABSOLUTLY love being spoiled and getting this shawl!


Do you know what kind of cloth it is?  I am not sure..but it is so soft and just pretty!  I keep running my hands over it!

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