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Question About One Of Min's Viewings


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In LoC Min makes mention of some viewing she had about the Aiel Wiseone Sorilea. I don't have the book with me to post the quote but it seemed to have shocked Min in some way and I was wondering if it was ever told fully, and what the hell it was. Any help would be great here :D





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    Among all those images spilling around Rand and the women, suddenly an aura flashed, blue and yellow tinged with green, encompassing them all [sorilea, Erian, Elza, Beldeine, Sarene and Nesune]. And Min knew its meaning. She gasped, half in surprise, half in relief…


    “They will serve you, each in her fashion, Rand’” she said hurriedly. “I saw it.” Sorilea would serve him? Suddenly Min wondered exactly what “in her fashion” meant. The words came with the knowing, but she did not always know what the words themselves meant. But they would serve; that much was plain.


    -The Path of Daggers, A Cup of Sleep.


i think this is it if it isnt look in one of Mr.Ares posts on a Min thread in the structured discussion


Cadsuanne and Sorilea made a pact of some sort.  I bet Sorilea would be the one ending up helping Rand to have some freedom instead of being totally manipulated by Cadsuanne.


That is only speculation.


Melaine is the only Aiel viewing in Lord of Chaos.  That one is Melaine having twin daughters.


The one about Sorilea is in Path of Daggers which is that she would serve Rand.



The one I am talking about happens in the part of the book just after Rand, Min and most of the Maidens, left Camelyn and he was sorta convalescing in his rooms and the Wiseone's were examining him. Min mentions she had one but doesn't say what it was at least not there. Again Lord Of Chaos not PoD I haven't Read PoD yet so I don't know about any there. I was wondering if it was ever said one way or the other. From her reaction it kinda seemed like something perhaps sexual from her reaction because Min mentions her age in the comment.




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Are you talking about this veiwing in LoC Ch. 50 Thorns:


I saw - No. No, it doesn't have anything to do with you. Maybe the heat is affecting me. When I know, I always know. It must be the heat.


It's about Colinda, but it sounds like what you're talking about.


And if it is the case, we don't know what she was referring to yet.


Are you talking about this veiwing in LoC Ch. 50 Thorns:


I saw - No. No, it doesn't have anything to do with you. Maybe the heat is affecting me. When I know, I always know. It must be the heat.


It's about Colinda, but it sounds like what you're talking about.


And if it is the case, we don't know what she was referring to yet.


Maybe this is it and I just didn't understand who she was talking about. And a little irritated that 5 books later it still hasn't been stated in some what what it was.



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