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Left 4 Dead


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  • Community Administrator

Yes, the game is awesome.

Yes, I rape people in the face in L4D.

And getting raped in the face by others, just leaves me wanting to pay them back, by raping them in the face while a horde of zombies claws out there intestines. ;)

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Yeah I've been playing this in Live pretty much nonstop once my kids go to bed.  Empy and I have been tag teaming it, though now that I've finished the learning curve, even to the point of taking the witch out without anyone getting touched.  Thats right Empy, no more shutting Tenshin in the room with the witch and laughing. ;)

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  • Community Administrator

This game is awesome. I owned Sin in Versus. :P


Yea, you owned me, because my team just kept on runnin!


And I would have totally pwned you about 30 times, if your team didn't help you! ;)


Btw for those of you who don't know, In L4D, when you play as an infected, you can be either a Smoker, a Hunter, or a Boomer.

The Smoker can 'reel you in', like he's fishing, and theres only a couple ways to get em off of the guy, (one by killing the smoker, or wacking the guy he's pulling in, in the face with the butt of your riffle, bet empy/tenshin didn't know that!)

The Boomer, basically vomits on people, and blows up. THe purpose of this is, the Boomers bile attracts hordes of zombies to that said target.

The Hunter is between the boomer and smoker in 'survivability', escentially there one and only attack is to pounce on there target, tackle em to the ground, and proceed to maul there face off.

The survivors can wack em the head with the gun, or shoot em to get em off the guy.


However, as a survivor, if you get hit by a hunter, your down, you can't push em off of ya. If you are lucky you will melee them right before they pounce you, but the hunter would need to be coming from the front, and would have to have made its selfknown...

And I did hit Silver at least half a dozen times in the versus match as a hunter, thrice as a smoker, and vomited on him at least 2 dozen times. ;)


So, in anotherwords.


I'll get you yet Silver!

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i was told if you survive long enough on the zombie team you can turn into the tank type- true?


It also seems a short game with only the 4 campaigns- will there be additional content to download later? I know they ignored 2 zombie classes the banshee and the Basilisk (though they did seemingly invent the "toad type" Smokers- I've read the ZSG and never heard of those before. there cool!^^)


Banshee- can scream and if you are close enough to the sound it completely disables you- no sense of equilibrium or ability to hear and your nauseous as hell.


Basilisk- If it makes eye contact your nervous system locks up your muscle system- temporary paralysis


Would really like to see those classes^^

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  • Community Administrator

i was told if you survive long enough on the zombie team you can turn into the tank type- true?

It doesn't really have anything to do with survival, or how long the match is, as the AI basically uses this philosophy.


You can't 'spawn' a tank, you can spawn as a smoker, boomer, or hunter, but you can't spawn as a tank. You will however, be chosen at random if you get to run around as the tank causing mayham. ;)


It also seems a short game with only the 4 campaigns- will there be additional content to download later? I know they ignored 2 zombie classes the banshee and the Basilisk (though they did seemingly invent the "toad type" Smokers- I've read the ZSG and never heard of those before. there cool!^^)

It has basically 4 maps, split into about... 4? Sections. So its really like '16 maps'. :P

And you can play the same map over and over again, because EVery game is different!


I think the banshee/basilisk would be abit to overpowered imo...

And hey, there IS the witch... you can't spawn as her though... "sucks!"


I wouldnt mind new maps though, new weapons either. ;)

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well there would obviously have to be something done to the banshee and basilisk to tone them down- I mean spiters as I'm used to them (boomers in L4D) are only regular sized and can hide very well in the crawler masses


maybe make is so the banshee is constantly making a sound like the witch does? different so you can distinguish between them or more terrifying- the same so you dont know which is coming^^


Basilisk's normally don't have this- but in a comic i read TZH the author depicts them as releasing a bright red glow from their eyes that even will light up the surface their looking at. might make it a bit easier to deal with.


and yeah- the 16 different levels with 2 difficulties (it seems the expert difficulty has a steep learning curve, heh)


but on normal my friend beat the game without dying once (not without a lot of difficulty and almost deaths) and we beat "mercy hospital" in 1.5 hours


while the game has a seemingly near infinite replay due to the randomly generated AI and its online content/content you can play with friends its still the same maps. Would be nice if say 6 months or a year down the line they release 2 new campaigns or something, its an awesome game ill be getting when christmas break roles round (so i can actually play =/ ) and i want more >.>


its ok Demi- you can watch this really cool trailer that depicts all the fun were having^^


heh i was watching that youtube video and i paused it perfectly on the scene where you see the witch so i made this^^




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There's actually 4 different difficulties, Easy, Normal, Advanced and Expert. I like to play Advanced because it's actually winable in a decent amount of time. Expect's a b!tch to play though, expect constant retries as you die very vast (each normal zombie hits you for 20hp).


Each campaign also has 5 sections, so that's 20 maps total.


The witch isn't like your banshee though she does glow red so you can easily spot her from the light and crying. She basically sits on the floor and cries, but will get startled if you get too close or shine your flashlight on her. If she does get up, she'll attck the one that startled her. One swipe from her and the person is incapped. That's why it'd be too overpowered if a person could play her.

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  • Community Administrator

Hmm I was sure it was only 4 sections not 5!

I was gunna mention that there are 4 difficulties... but ya beat me to it...

Easy is... uhhh. very Fing easy! :P Advanced, like silver said is winable, its a challange, and expert has a sadistic AI director...

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