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A Crown of Swords Question


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In "Promises to Keep" in A Crown of Swords Mat thinks to himself:

Come to think of it once they used the Bowl of the Winds, it would rain again... Something tugged at his thoughts, something about the weather and Elayne, which made no sense, but he shrugged it off.

Any ideas as to what tugged at Mat's thoughts?


I don't know why he thought of Elayne but I'm pretty sure the storm Nyneave sensed was the Seanchan invasion.


Yeah, it most likely was, but I still dont see the connection to Mat thinking about Elayne even tho he did mention weather.


The quote refers to this part in Ch. 38 Six Stories


Expelling her breath, Elayne reached up to pull his hat off and slip the cord over his head. she actually tucked the foxhead into his shirt and patted it before handing him his hat. "I won't wear that while Nynaeve doesn't have one, or Aviendha, and I think they would feel the same. You wear it. After all, you can hardly keep your promise if Moghedien kills you. Not that I think she's still here. I think she believes she killed Nynaeve, and I would not be surprised if that was all she came for. You must be careful, though. Nynaeve says there's a storm coming and she doesn't mean this wind.I. . . ."


So basically Matt is thinking about Elayne's warning about a storm coming. And then of course a few pages later the storm arrives.


You may be right about it referring to Elyane's earlier statement, but that seems unlikely as that prediction was mentioned to Mat again shortly before the quote I posted.


Yes, but he's had a very rough day at this point and he's trying to put the two together because he's wondering what the storm is, and wondering where he'd heard about a coming storm before, but he's more concerned with finding Olver and getting out of Ebou Dar. It's just used as a foreshadowing technique to the arrival of the Seanchan.


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