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Preaching to the choir


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Right, so here I am, under orders to 'spread the love'. But how does one tell an org to LOVE each other when that's already sorta' the theme of the org to begin with???


Like so.....






there, job well done, i should get cookies now.  ;D


Oh, one more thing...... Moghedien has the most beautiful eyelashes of the entire DM world!

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Thank you, Myst!  I'll take all the love I can get.  Not that I'm hurtin' for it, but more is better :)


Well, I miss an awful lot, not being a member of other Orgs!  Of course I hardy show up here, anymore.  Sorry my loves.  I miss you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

um yeah, so I had to go and recover from all this mushy loving pink stuff. Blame Moghedien! Evil wench that.. honestly....  >:(  :'(


And of course, Q, you had to just be all helpfull and stuff huh? *paints the pesky one all pink in return*


Awwww thanks Kellylove, at least ONE that knows my pain!! *snugglebites*


May! FIGURES!! My own people turn against me. See the woes that I have to live under? That's right.... I should get a statue. *nods*


*stands and receives all snuggles and smooches with stupid grin on face* Thankies! :D  ;D

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