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Banders, because you did not save me.....


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Now feel the wrath of the evil that has fallen upon me!


For I have a message. A mantra. And you will hear it.


LOVE your neighbour!! Spread the (red) Love around like it's free chocolate confetti! Embrace your fellow creatures and hug them to pieces (just make sure you glue them back together again)! Smile at unexpected moments and laugh when no one expects you to. Feel the luuuuuuuuuuuurve of those around you and let it seep into your bones! And remember..... Do onto others as you would have them do onto.... strike that.... Just spread the LURVE!!


One more thing. When you meet Moghedien, make SURE to hug and smoochie and snuggle and shower her in loving embraces! For she is the queen of fab!



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I know you did, Karamia. I know you did hon. But you didn't try hard enough, did ya'? I'm at the mercy of a superevil Dreadlady accepted. And trust me, she's got the evil part down pat!


However, I must stress that Moghedien has the most fantastic looking earlobes I have ever seen. I mean it. They should be displayed in Royal Museums, along with the other Crown Jewels!

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save me from the wicked auction in the WT, Loran. *sobs* They all left me to be doomed. Unspeakable things are happening to me. Though if I know my bonded (and I do a little) he probably wouldn't even have bothered saving me even if he had been here. Pink being his thing and such..... *sighs*

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