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Introducing myself


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Hello everyone. My name is Vivacia and I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been a WoT fan since 1990. I have been involved with some other WoT sites in the past and I am a current member of the Enchanted Quill community. I was at Dragoncon this year and had a marvelous time. I haven't been to a DragonCon since 2006, and I wasn't able to stay in one of the hotels at that time. This time I had a room at the Hyatt and was able to attend many more events. I will definitely be staying at the Hyatt again next year.


I am also a fan of many other fantasy authors, including:

GRRM, Diana Gabaldon, Anne McCaffrey, Robin Hobb, H. Beam Piper, Jennifer Roberson, Elizabeth Kerner, Phillipa Gregory, Stephen King (some of his work, at least), Jean Auel, and dozens of others.


I love music as well. I listen to everything from Slipknot to Mozart. I really love violin music. Joshua Bell is a particular favorite.


I have one daughter who loves to read almost as much as I do, but I haven't been able to persuade her to read any Jordan...YET.


I hope that soon I will feel as at home here as I do at the Quill. :)



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Hey if you were at the 'Con you probably met Barmacral...




I'm sorry.


I tried to keep him from going lest he irrevocably damage the reputation of Dragonmount but he never listens to me.  In fact he called me some harsh names (poopyhead, doo-doo brains, smelly face, and booger picker to name just a few (he's a meaniehead)) which made me cry.  Anyway I'm glad you rolled up on the DM this evening.  Generally I don't do the welcome posts but my org leader Empy is having some sort of complex lately and we're worried he might never be the same.  Now because I'm the best choice (read-the other 'Chan (that's what we call our Seanchan) don't know I'm here. shhhhhhhh! We'll keep that between you, me, and these here parenthesis (they won't tell, because I've got their sister apostrophe hidden away and I'm threatening to sell her on the black market to the Canadian language (which if you're thinking don't they have apostrophe's in Canadia? the answer is that they do but they don't know how to use them properly (just read one of Barmacral's post (he's Canadian if I didn't mention) and you'll realize how badly they abuse the apostrophe and how horrible it would be if the canadian's got a hold of her))) I've taken Empy's place.


And yes I'll give you a moment to sort through that last paragraph and figure out what in the name of the light I just said.




With me?  You seemed the type that would be quick on the uptake, I'm glad my snap judgement based on nothing but my semi-psychic abilities was so on point.


So welcome to the circus (what I call DM (note: I'm the only one who calls it that)).  Have fun, and join the Seanchan or you'll never see me again (because they don't let me outside much)



'Chan (currently listening to the group Rehab (speaking of music))

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Welcome to DM!


Your interest in music would make you an ideal candidate to join the Band of the Red Hand ORG, DM's very own music and travel ORG. Do pop by our boards and we look forward to you signing up.


Do look at the other ORGs and places across DM as there is much to do. You are bound to find something that suits you!


But whatever you do at DM, have fun! :)

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Hey if you were at the 'Con you probably met Barmacral...


I'm sorry.


I tried to keep him from going lest he irrevocably damage the reputation of Dragonmount but he never listens to me. 

Says the guy with big sweaty knockers in his signature...  :P


Welcome, Vivacia. :) If you were at Dragon*Con you'll eventually recognize lots of people around here...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the welcome! I think I will fit in nicely here. If any of you were at the Con, I'm the redhead who came in third in the Trivia Contest. I'd have won, but I had a huge brainfart. I can't believe anything but Morgase came out of my mouth. I've had some computer issues lately, but they seem to be better now so i should have some time to explore here a bit. :)

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