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BT / Red Ajah - Meet and Greet ((OOC))


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First off I would like to welcome our friends from the Red Ajah of the WT Div.  We are very excited to work together with all of you.  We hope that this will be the start of a long and prosperous relationship.  In case you are not aware, Elgee has spent a lot (and I mean a lot!)of time with Seggie and I discussing and planning for this upcoming project.  Without her assistance and input this idea would not have come to fruition.  There is still some work ahead of us such as finalizing the rules and the RP storyline(I think this may be complete or very close to being complete) though we thought it would be good for everyone to have an opportunity to meet and talk with those they are interested in working with.


In this thread you will find a list of those of us with BT Characters who are interested in taking part in the bonding.  You'll see several questions that were answered by each regarding preferences in relation to the bond.  In reply # 16 you will see some general guidelines which were posted in response to some questions and concerns that came up.  We are really looking forward to making this work for the long haul.


@ Everyone:


We would like each person(in the BT and WT) who is interested (and who's character is Approved to bond) in having their character(s) bonded to post some information about their character and what they are looking for in the bond.  If you find a possible match, you can speak via PM's or IM's to decide if you are a suitable match for each other.  We encourage everyone to take the necessary time and effort to make sure you are a match before deciding to bond.  This is not meant to be taken lightly or as a temporary measure so please keep this in mind when deciding.  Please keep in mind that you are under no obligation to act.  If you do not find a suitable partner then you are welcome to wait until you do.  Also keep in mind that we have some people who are interested though are not able to have their Characters bonded due to rank requirements.


Please post any concerns, particulars, sticking points or any other information that you think would be useful for the other side to know.  For BT'ers, Please copy your post from the other thread then add some of the aforementioned information about what you are looking for in terms of the bond.


Light I hope I covered it all...


Disclaimer:  I apologize for any typos, grammatical errors, or any other mistakes.     


edit: 1 typo corrected, I know there are more *glares at post*




BT Characters - Available:


Format: (Name) - (Rank) - (Answer to Question 1) - (Answer to Question 2) - (Answer to Question 3)


Question 1: Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either?

Question 2: If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai/Asha'man who holds bonds to other WT/BT Chars?

Question 3: If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai/Asha'man?



  • Covai Seriba - Storm Leader - Either - with good reason - with good reason
  • Aslan Waaran - Asha'man - (Read reply #1 for details)


BT Characters - Promised:


  • Ikkiliad sur Paendrag - promised to Larindhra Reyne
  • Geirrin Hale - promised to Larindhra Reyne
  • Arath Faringal - promised to Jasmyne
  • Serge Karminov - promised to Raslyn
  • Martyn Stonebridge(aka Tavon Zaralyn) - promised to Shevara


WT Characters - Available:


  • Zarinen Rafaliva - HoA though not known to BT - Either, leaning toward being bonded - only if suitably justified, would prefer not - Yes
  • Jaydena Restona Mckanthur - HoA (Green) - Either - Yes - Yes


WT Characters - Promised:


  • Larindhra Reyne (Bondholder) - Ikkiliad, Geirrin
  • Jasmyne Ceres (Bondholder) - Arath
  • Raslyn Altearin (Bondholder) - Serge
  • Shevara Edosian - (Bondholder) - Martyn(Tavon)




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http://www.shayol-ghul.com/z-members/boards/viewtopic.php?t=14 <- link to Aslan's bio


I talked to some in MSN already discussing options of storylines and whatnot, if others has ideas by all means pling me -> liitha.gaidar@gmail.com, or i guess ask here but its easier to not miss questions in one on one conversations...+ easier to get more out of real time conversations :P


Character Name: Aslan Waaran


Rank: Asha'man



Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either?

If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars?

If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai?

The answer too all 3 is that I'll be doing what is best for the character, and gives a good and acceptable plotline for him as a character, with focus on giving interesting RPs, and opertunity to keep developing his talent as this is the main reason that has me interested in the bonding scenario to begin with, and would be Aslans reason ic for entering into being among those bonding or geting bonded.


About the Character for those who dont want to go read the bio:

He is from Mayene and as said has a talent -> Cloud Dancing, the character also due to the taint has develop split personalities. Jakar is a bastard to put it like that and the first personality to develop, Aslan is aware of his exsistance and his unstability, and can by now most of the time feel when he is coming on and is to some degree able to figth it off. Gayl is newly developed from not long berfore Aslan was raised to full rank, think fab 5 or something like that, Aslan is not yet aware of the development of this personality and due to a lot of time alone, with exception of work, no one else has discovered him either. Gayl has been the lead up reason to a plotline i chosen to name the enchanted Glen, which is an isolated glen in the forest where Aslan lives alone (and from there travels into work in the Citadel which is where the BotRH holds house), think sort of the sorounding in where you would find hedge wizards in fairytale books. The plotline was developed to be able to play off and develop Aslans talent.


Me : i am on daily but i dont post daily, as of late its been more of weekly or bi weekly pending energy, things are looking somewhat up as i am about done in school and other then hunting for work has nothing on the schedule untill January, After 5 years in school i am taking some time off to spend with my bf and as said start hunting for work which is a process of its own considering i want to find it on the american continent :P.





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Thank you very much for the kind invitation (and lovely words!), Sieve  :D


I've posted a link to this thread at the Red Ajah board, so hopefully you will be "invaded" soon  ;D


One thing we must emphasize: all individual rp storylines will have to fall within the parameters set up for the whole event. Rules will be set up for Reds and presumably also for the BT, with regards to Bonding. DM rules will apply (pg 13, etc).

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As the strange ter'angreal activated, the humming it gave off stopped, and it was quickly replaced by a male-sounding voice. For some reason, odd spotlights could be seen traveling across the room, and three doorways appeared on the wall numbered 1, 2 and 3.


"WELCOME ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the official Wheel of Time Psychic Dating Hotline!"


At this point, a crowd is heard, applauding. Upon closer inspection, the voice of the man would somehow remind the listeners of a cross between a gameshow host and a salesman... An uncomfortable combination indeed. The voice continued.


"This is just in... It seems we have a CALLER! o.O Let's see what they want, shall we?"


The crowd gasped at the mention of a person using the ter'angreal, and broke out in a loud cheer, attempting to urge the Red Ajah members in letting them all know what they wanted. The 'host' continued.


- "Allright caller, here goes... To review your Mission Objectives, think ONE. To register new subordinates and Bondees, think TWO. And, to speak to one of our stunning bachelors, among which the chaaarrming Storm Leader Arath Faringal himself, think THREE... Choose wisely, caller."


The crowd started shouting all at once, and if the Aes Sedai listened they could make out things like "One! One!" and "Pick number three!" coming from amongst the chaos. The host itself was silent, awaiting their entry.

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Even though he is spoken for I will use him as an example:


Character Name: Geirrin Hale


Rank:Dedicated (Approved for bonding as an Asha'man)


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? Either way


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars? Yes


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai? Yes


A little about Geirrin.  He is in his 20's, he is Tairen, from a small coastal fishing community west of Godan.  He is very passive, has a very carefree attitude, definately not the soldier type.  He is rather immature and uneducated.  Being from Tear he thinks that Trollocs and Lurks(Myrddraal) are just gleeman's tales.  He has lived a very sheltered life knowing only the life of a fisherman.  He went to the Tower because he was told that he could learn to channel.  It sounded interesting to be able to wield lightning ans such.  He has never been in battle (prior to the inter div rp with the CotS) or even in a duel.  He has no ambitions of becoming a hero.  Despite all of this he is strong in the power and has acquired a talent for shielding.


Based on the above he is more suited to being bonded.  Having him hold the bond would be comical as he would likely beg the M'Hael to allow him to transfer the bond to someone else.  The last thing he wants is to be responsible for someone else or have someone else in his head.  As funny as it would be to have him control the bond he will definately be on the other end.


About me:


I am on the forums several hours a day(I work with computers) and I post a lot between my two chars(which will soon be 4).  It doesn't mean that I expect every post of mine to be immediately replied to, but I would prefer someone who is active at least every other day as opposed to someone who posts once a week.  That is probably my biggest concern.  Other than that I am pretty easy going with just about everything else.



((You get the basic idea, I think))




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Martyn / Tavon


Character Name: Martyn Stonebridge (alias of Tavon Zaralyn)


Rank: Soldier, though Dedicated when breaking his block (Approved for bonding as an Asha'man)


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? Either way, though being Bonded would be more likely.


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars? Yes.


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai? No, unless his Bondee really wants him to.


A little about... Martyn.


A Malkieri, and quite possibly the oldest person in the Black Tower to boot, Tavon is currently 84 years old. Physically appearing in his mid thirties, he is a veteran of the Fall of Malkier, which has given him a strong sense of duty. When he found himself accidentally channeling during a Trolloc ambush, he went to a Stedding to live for over forty years for fear of hurting his family should he have gone mad. This had a side effect of forming a formidable block, but it has been starting to crack somewhat as per the latest battles in Shienar.


He still lives under his alias to keep his family safe from reprecussions should they find out his name, though he believes them dead of old age by now. Last he had heard of his daughter Jerinia (yes, that Jerinia), she was sent to the White Tower during the Fall of Malkier, but he doesn't know what became of her in the end.


He is most likely to be Bonded, simply because even disregarding his block it wouldn't feel 'right' to him to have control of the Bond. Aes Sedai were highly respected in Malkier, and all of them were female for a reason. The only times he heard of male channelers it was associated with false Dragons, so he wouldn't even consider holding the Bond. He has enough trouble even accepting he can channel to do that effectively.


About me:


I pretty much live on the forums, and even though i don't have a connection at work i do have one at home. Currently, my comp is having some hardware problems, forcing me to relocate to a more public place to write posts at, but the only real change in my activity here ended up with not being on as late as i usually was (2 am no exception) and losing access to my IM programs (MSN and AIM) and link folder, which can be circumvented for the most part by googling my character names. Yay for being original! ^_^


Either way, ideally an active partner would be the best choice. It's no disaster when he or she can't post for a day or two, but i'm a typical 'second in command' in life as well. Calling the shots is nice, but i need someone to tell me what to do or i'd just end up procrastinating. I love planning though, and enjoy offering ideas on how to make something work.


So yeah... That's me ^^;

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Character Name: Ikkiliad sur Paendrag


Rank:Dedicated (Given special permission to bond)


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? Ikki will be bonded.


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars? Yes


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai? Yes, but that is unnecessary.


Ikki is a frail historian from Mayene and is from the most minor branch of the Mayene royal line. In fact, he actually has a stronger claim to the Sun Throne because of his Mother who is a minor noble in Cairhein. However, he has absolutely no urge to be in control. He was a cripple as a child and was Healed by a Yellow, so he is particularily fond of Aes Sedai, but especially Yellows.

About me:




Name: Jasmyne Ceres


Rank: Within the next two weeks, she will be an Aes Sedai of the Red/Black Ajah. :D *muah*


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? Hold the bond!!! She hates being under someone! In fact, I've already reserved a certain powerful someone for her. *muah*


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Asha'man who holds bonds to other WT Chars? No! She will NOT be bonded!


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Asha'man? As many as possible. More bonds means more power for her to rule the world!!!! >.> In other words, yes.


Jasmyne was a horrible novice and an even worse Accepted. To be blunt, she is incredibly power-mad and that's why she wants to be Aes Sedai. she chose the Red by elimination, even though she did want to be Green. However, a certain novice made her refuse to pick Green. She is very tiny standing at 4'3", but it a large bundle of mean. She has a vow to never cut her hair again because her hair was removed form her as a punishment for beating a novice.


About ME!!!:


I'm on a lot, actually, now that I have high-speed. I have approximately 16 characters that I play, but not all of them are that active, but most get some use. I try to post as often as possible, but with RPs, I don't always get as may in a day as I like,s o I have to prioritize. Fortunately, Jasmyne and Ikki are both on top of that list. ^_^


Oh, bios are here: www.freewebs.com/tigara-dm-bios



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Character Name:  Arath Faringal


Rank: Attack Leader


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either?  Either way is good.


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars?  If there was a really good reason.


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai?  Only if my life and/or sanity depended upon it.


Do you have any questions or concerns? If so please state them here or PM them to me.  None that haven't already been brought up.


About Arath:  Arath is the epitome of awesome and has attracted special attention on the Psychic Dating Hotline (that was uber-creepy btw :-\ )


Seriously though, Arath is a 20 year old, fairly good looking Andoran.  And an Attack Leader to boot!  His pass times include blacksmithing, instructing wool-brained soldiers in the art of explosions, and making ter'angreal.  8)


Arath also has the distinction of being the one who killed the Forsaken, Ja'varan ...  :o


About Me:  I'm online every day (internet and computer fixed now, hooray!), but I don't necesarily make a post.  I like to work out the major details of an RP on MSN, but it's also fun to just wing it when something comes up :D 


I like a lot of detail in the RP, so feel free to have at it.  Just don't over do it.  IE, don't start talking about the frothy lace cuffs on the red silk dress ... :P  After WoT I can't stand hearing about lace ...

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Character Name : Covai Seriba


Rank : Storm Leader


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? : Either. But I'm guessing since the we'll be getting ordered to do this by the Dragon, and considering Covai's rank, he'll probably end up being bonded, to give the benefit of control to the White Tower.


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars? : As long there is a good reason.


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai? : Again, as long as there is a good reason.


Do you have any questions or concerns? : Just the ones that have been mentioned about taking these RPs as serious events. Everyone seems to one the same page here, which is good :D


Chacter Infomation (IC)


Name: Covai Seriba

Age: Mid 20's

Nationality: Andorian (From near the Four Kings)

Talents: Dreamwalking

Ranks (Official): Storm Leader

Ranks (Unofficial): Owner/Builder of the Black Tower's Inn (Guys/Arath, PLEASE tell me if this was destroyed and rebuilt AGAIN)


**Side Note: Destroying and rebuilding in the Inn seemed to be a staple of a lot of RPs back in the day. The original Inn was built by Covai as a Dedicated using wood back the the BT was known as the Farm. Since then it has been destoyed and rebuilt using Saidin twice that I know of. As of it's latest incarnation, it serves as a well built, and rather large two story Inn, that is probably the most fortified building at the BT (due to the amount of Saidin used in it's constructions. Also, it became the de-facto mess hall shortly after construction, and became the place to go both for meals, and to relax during classes for a drink. It also houses Covai's quarters as well as a limited number of guest rooms**


Covai is currently the longest serving character at the Black Tower (Player wise that is). He's was brought to the BT when it was still the Farm, and often still thinks of it as such. He was there at the Fall of the Stone of Tear, where he was promoted to Storm Leader for his efforts, and was amongst the BT channelers to approach Jarron the Dragon Reborn to pledge our alegience.


Covai was discovered to have the talent for Dreamwalking when he was discovered by the Wolfkin Telanor walking about Tel'Aran'Rhiod. Covai then left the Black Tower (with permission) to learn how to control and harness his new found ability.


During the Battle of Dumani Wells, it was Covai (solely thanks to information provided to the Wolfkin Scouts), who was able to order the Dragon's forces in a rescue effort as they now had the Dragon's location. He was the one to light the signal flares to order the attack, and was also amongst the Black Tower channelers who reached and freed Jarron from his captivity.


Covai was also present (by sheer co-incidence, as he was out hunting at the time) at the Watcher RP, when the battle between Aes Sedai and Asha'man broke out. After the battle he bonded Shaneeve, who's bond was later released (this was never RPed out, but was assumed to have happened along with the others).


Covai's attitude is very laid back, often drinking or munching on food while he waits for his students to turn up to class. He has an absolute zero tolerance or patience for people who feel the station they were given or born into gives them superiority over others (Nobles and Aes Sedai being the two prime offenders.)


Apart from that, Covai's Traing style (as his students will attest to) is less than orthodox. He focuses less on ('copy and paste') style, and prefers his student to come up with their own methods and variations on existing weaves. He will also refuse to raise someone to the next rank solely on their abilities with Saidin (as is the normal requirements). Covai takes the meaning of Asha'man (Guardian) very seriously, and feels it imperative that all channelers in the Black Tower should also be aware of it.


**Side Note #2 This ideal is also the reasoning behind Covai's dislike for Aes Sedai. As a whole, Covai feels they have forgotten the meaning of Aes Sedai (Servants of All), and that their actions portray this. He knows the Asha'man exist to fight in Tar'Mon'Gaidon. They will destroy the shadow, so as to save what can be saved. Covai feels no hesitation, but does lament the fact most people won't even appriciate the sacrifice that will be made on their behalf. As far as he can see, the Aes Sedai have done bugger all in the hundreds of years they have existed, settled away in Tar Valon. **


About Me (OOC:)


I'm from Australia and I'm currently working the Night Shift (which means I run on American time :P). I'm able to check the OOC boards whilst at work, but thanks to a new computer monitoring system I'm unable to log in and post anything. But it does make things quicker when I do get home I'm able to post straight away :P


Activity wise I try to post every day, even if its just OOC wise to help get the next RP going. I've been having problems with MSN lately, so PM or posting is usually the best way to get in contact with me. (I rarely check my emails, so don't even bother :P)


What I'm looking/hoping for in RPs after this event?


Being currently the highest ranked character (IC), I'm looking for a bunch of RPs to use that as a means of creating tension on both sides. Not as a bar to the RP, but as something to add some flavour and give people something to work with. Ideas that come to mind include


a) Facing a warder in the practice yard. **Covai's WS is 10, so whilst he's skilled, he'd still be beaten in a duel by a full-fledged warder (Saidin being withheld) This is not something any BT members watching would take easily, but the WT/Warders members might take some satisfaction in**


b) Getting in an in-depth debate/arguement with his bondmate/Aes Sedai/warder about the reasons for why they do what they do (See Side Note #2 above :P)


c) Not being able to channel at the WT without causing a reaction/being detected (Basically not being able to rely on Saidin to do things as he normally does, and having to come to grips with it, despite being one of the strongest channelers under the Dragon's Command).


d) Along the lines of point B), getting in an debate/arguement with the Red Ajah about their entire existance now the Dragon Reborn has declared Amnesty for all male channelers (Come on, at least ONE person has to be up for this one! Light, Covai would take on the whole Ajah about this  >:-D )


So I'm looking for someone who wants some good character development here, not just wanting a BT pet. Most likely Covai will be involved in any further big RPs between the two towers, so his bondmate would either be dragged along, or left fuming when Covai leaves to attend to things.


Also, I'd like to get a few RPs happing with some WT dreamwalkers. Since Tel'Aran'Rhiod would even the ground between them by eliminating the One Power, it would all come down to each side's mental state. Covai's Dreamwalking score is 8, so whilst he's not the weakest dreamwalker, I doubt he's the strongest either. It may also be a nasty surprise for a Dreamwalking class at the WT to suddenly have Covai drop in unannounced or stroll past them whilst their talking :D


Well that about covers it for now. If you've got any questions just post away or send me a PM :D

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Good idea Liitha. I was going to do that for the BT chars in the other thread though it would be more beneficial if it is here and includes the WT chars. 


Edit:  I have put something in the original post, keep in mind it is a work in progress.


@ Tiggy, if you have someone promised to Jasmyne let me know who so I can update the list.

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Character Name: Larindhra Reyne


Rank: Previous Mistress of Novices, now Sitter of the Red Ajah


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? either (Will be bonding Ikkiliad & Geirrin, though)


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to a BT Char who holds bonds to other AS Chars? n/a (will be holding the bond)


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one BT Char? Yes


A little about Larindhra:  She's about 172, born to Shienaran farmers, has long dark brown hair usually worn in a loose bun, brown eyes, pale olive skin, 5”6, slightly plump and has an alto voice. Iron willed, quietly stubborn, impatient with foolishness. She has a quirky sense of humour which she mostly hides, except with her few close friends.  Seemingly warm but actually coldly calculating, although she does have a nurturing streak. She is totally dedicated to the Light, the Tower, and her Ajah.  She almost joined the Green Ajah, but chose the Red because she thought it would give her the best opportunity to hunt Darkfriends, a subject on which she is near rabid (her whole family were killed by Darkfriends). She proved to be quite adept at not only finding men who could channel, but in helping them through the trauma of gentling.  Of course, she had always liked men, and was not hesitant in using whatever means to her disposal.  The ageless look suited her, enhancing her natural prettiness to something more than it would otherwise have been, a tool she used with no qualms (along with her motherly smile). Though known for being stern and brooking no nonsense, she was very good at guiding Novices and Accepted; it gave her great pleasure to help realise the potential of a young woman (or a young man?  ;D).



Character Name: Zarinen Rafaliva


Rank: Head of the Red Ajah (though the BT will not know that)


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? either, though leaning towards being bonded.


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to a BT Char who holds bonds to other AS Chars? only if suitably justified - would prefer not.


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one BT Char? Yes


A little about Zarinen: 99, born to a minor noble Saldaean family, long curly blue-black hair usually worn loose or tied back with a clip, gray eyes, olive skin, 5"8, beautiful with a lush figure, rich alto voice. Iron willed, cold-hearted, obsessive about whatever she is studying. She is beautiful, but was not interested in her own looks, till now. She had thrown her heart and soul into the Red Ajah, eschewing such fripperies as pretty clothes and her appearance, rather concentrating on her hunt for knowledge and men who could channel. After her return, she has become a different person – flaunting her beauty, becoming fiery and quick tempered, though she managed a rudimentary control over that (she wears a permanently sweet smile that was beaten into her but is VERY deceiving!); has a tendency now to throw things around, when she loses control of her temper.

She had a boyhood friend who unfortunately started showing signs of channeling. With his urging, she found AS to take him to the Tower and gentle him (she went along and became an AS). Although what had happened to her friend had hardened her even more than most Reds, she was determined to find a way to utilize these men who could channel, rather than just gentling them. She reasoned that bonding one would help her studies, so she searched for a suitable candidate, which she found about 25 years ago.  She seldom used her looks, or bothered with seductive clothes, but this time she made an exception.  A few drinks in a small town inn, a demonstration of how to dance the sa’sara, and most of the men present were ready to worship at her feet, not least of all a young lad of only 20. A few flutters of her eyelashes, and he all but begged to escort her to the next town, to “protect her from brigands”.  It took very little persuasion for him to accept bonding, and only once that was safely done, did Zarinen explain the true situation to him (almost). They spent the next 4 years travelling less populated areas, avoiding other Aes Sedai as much as possible, while Zarinen studied him and his abilities. She had learnt all she could about healing, but nothing could ultimately prevent his gradual descent into madness. Eventually she was foced to kill him. She had studied what she could of the bond, but she had never found out how to actually break the bond. She had also heard what happened to an Aes Sedai when her Warder died, but two facts had escaped her careful preparations: no matter how cold her heart, after four years of having someone in her head, he was no longer just a test subject. And no Aes Sedai had ever killed her own Warder, not according to anything she’d read or heard. Distraught, and driven slithly insane, she fled to the Tower, where she was found out. She was birched, and sent to exile for 20 years on a Borderland farm. One of the Green Ajah came regularly to shave her head, which was almost worse punishment than the weekly strappings she received. Zarinen HATES Greens with a passion, but her only way of getting back at them is to Outgreen even them. She now takes very great care with her looks, wearing clothes that would make a Domani blush. And she's been practising that Sa'sara  ;D



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Meh ... forgot to say something about myself: from Cape Town, South Africa. Grew up on a farm, worked as an Archivist after University, then bought an Art Gallery, currently working as a Rental Administrator (we rent out residential properties). Really only one way to describe my character: Saldean  ;D


Looking for some fireworks with Zarinen - she tends to forget 1 or 2 crucial points when she rushes headlong into something  :P

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Shevara Edosian


Rank: The Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of Tar Valon, the Amyrlin Seat  ;)


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either?  Shevara will definitely need to be holding the bond, for political reasons.


If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai?  I would certainly consider bonding more than one Asha'man if circumstances warrant!


About Shevara: she is a Malkieri Aes Sedai, and was elected Amyrlin after Annais was killed in an accident.  She is a 'compromise' cantidate, and was expected to be able to improve relations between the two Towers.  This RP pretty much does that. :D  Her history is a repeating pattern of 2-3 years out of Tar Valon hunting male channelers, followed by a decade or more in the city looking after and personally caring for the mas she just helped gentle.  Only when he dies does she go looking for another.  There have been rumors in the Red Ajah, firmly stepped on, that she may have bonded one or more of these men in the past.


About Me:  I very much enjoy RPing, but my time has been limited recently due to job stuffs.  Now that I've been promoted (last week, woot!) I've got a lot fewer job stressors, so I'm hoping to have more time to write.  And as houseguests are leaving tomorrow, I intend to start out right away.  I'm not a super fast poster, usually once a week.  I like to to partner/real time RPing over MSN, which makes things go way faster for me.

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LOL I am not a Red but I am planning on hopefully bonding a Ashaman, after my Reds do of course.

Question 1: Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? I am willing to do either, although ideally Jade should be the Bondholder or have a bondholder who is willing to be housed in the Tower. She is Green Ajah Head and needs to be with her ajah.

Question 2: If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai/Asha'man who holds bonds to other WT/BT Chars? Yup

Question 3: If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai/Asha'man? Yup


Bio here. http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,35073.0.html

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Just bumping this up about to see if anyone else is interested. The details of the RP have been approved by the BT and Icarns, and now we're just waiting on WT approval to make it all official :)


So get your name in quick people!! :D


Hey Covai has there been any talk on the rules regarding the bonding?


Elgee and I were going to work something up then forward it to the DL's.  Unfortunately I have been sick as a dog and I'm still recovering so it got delayed.  Have there been talks regarding the rules behind the scene? 


I think the only real issues were rules for being released from a bond which the White Tower already have in place and those regarding obedience to a bondholder.  I am not sure if the latter should be a rule across the board or one left to the discretion of the bondmates.


If there are not talks going on behind the scene then perhaps we could start a discussion thread for this purpose.

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dunno why that cant be different pending who holds the bond really, to reflect the different development and culture of the two towers, the wt has their way with warders and i am sure for them any ashies bonded would be pretty much another warder when the first fasination died, only they could channel, which is basicaly how it seems in the books


while the ashies would be more individual cause there is no 100's of years old traditions conected to the bond, and this also can be seen in the books...in the end potatoe potitoe in general the bondholder has some controll through being the holder of the bond, the only thing stoping them potentialy being their overhanging leadership of their organization

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As of yet we have no rules drawn up but I am thinking some of the same rules apply. For instance one rule we have in place is the a Aes Sedai cannot have a higher WS than her bonded, so if say an Ashaman has a 5 and the Aes Sedai has an 7, they cannot bond until his is higher.

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thats not an issue ashies get auto asigned ws with the rank, i belive they get a 10 for ashies, we dont do ws classes seperate to rank system, due to i asume the fact in the books the bt do train in both (though dont use time on medeling in politics counceling and all the other fun stuff AS waste their time on)

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Asha'man Weapon Score = 8

Attack Leader Weapon Score = 9

Storm Leader Weapon Score = 10


Thats basically as high as the BT's Weapons scores go. There's been a few exceptions in the past, but none of those characters have been active for years :P


As for the rules for bonding, they'll be pretty much the same as the Aes Sedai and Warders in regards to releasing the bond due to inactivity and such. Basically, the bond will NOT be release because you're bored with it, or want to do something else with your character. So make sure you're ready for this people getting in over your heads.


Liitha's got it spot on with Asha'man bonded by Aes Sedai. You're their warder, but you can channel as well. You follow them around and try to be a good little doggie :P


Aes Sedai bonded by Asha'man will be the same as the books as well. Except because this is all agreed to (unlike the occurances with the Watchers RP), you won't be make to do chores all day. You'll basically hang around with the Asha'man at the Black Tower, and wherever they happen to go.


I'll reveal a little bit about the details with the BT approaching the tower and WHY everyone will be getting bonded. One of the main factors involved is so that each tower will have access to forming circles. The Black Tower will be able to create a circle for the first time, and the White Tower will be able to expand theirs beyond the limit of 13. There's a few minor details that will be up to each pairing, but that is the underlying reasoning behind the events. I hope that clarifies and helps with a few points. (Yeah, its a pain trying to sort everythnig out without knowing all the details. But I promise, we're almost there!! :D)


In regards to not being able to bond someone due to OP or WS scores or anything like that, that won't really come into play as far as I can see. (Only Asha'man will be bonding, and their WS is 8 anyways). If the WT want to impose rules on their side feel free, but no such rules (other than being Asha'man) will be applied to the Black Tower members. Like Liitha said, we don't have thousands of years of tradition holding us back. (Of course you'll still need to the bonding and inform us before RPing the whole thing out :P).


If you want to RP some IC repercussions of your bonding (senior Aes Sedai disagreeing, problems at the Black Tower for being with a witch, etc,) feel free to. Keep in mind though the offical stance of both towers will be agreement to the bonds (of course, that doesn't mean every character has to like it :P)


Also, the whole order and reasoning behind bonding and all that will become clear soon. People will be able to use the RP outline as a base and come up with their own individual RP ideas from there. (Again, sorry about holding details back, but we don't want people getting excited and jumping the gun like with the watchers RP :'()


Oh, and for reference. The Black Tower's Diplomatic policy goes something like this


1) Does it argue with you?


Blow it up.


2) Does it still argure with you?


Use bigger explosions!  ;D






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