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[GAME] Star Wars The Force Unleashed


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So... I was playing this most of last night.  I know... I am awesome cause I get all the new games when they come out.  I even now own a Rock Band 2 T-Shirt.  No.. I didn't buy it... they gave it to me for being that awesome.  When I go to pick up a game this is literally how the conversation goes.


Store Geek Guy: "So do you want to put any games on reserve?"


Short Pause, back to Store Guy: "Erm, nevermind you already have everything reserved.  You are awesome"


Emp Pseudo Geek:  "I know man, I know"


Anyway... I picked up SW last night.  My thoughts.


1.  I throw throwing people off the ledges via force grip.  I am a lazy player and prefer to just toss em off than fight em.


2.  The boss battles versus Jedi are harder than you would think.  I kept getting my ass kicked by the second boss last night.


3.  The levels are already getting old repetitive.  This game so far is not looking to have much depth to it.


4.  I am already tired of the load screen.


5.  The level up page feels like something from an old PS2 game.  This could have been made to look a little better.


Overall I like it... but I am already getting tired of it.  It is going to have to change it up a little to continue to interest me.  I mean the whole "beat bad guys until you get to the end of the level to beat a jedi" is going to get old fast. 

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What, you didn't find the plot of the game to have some kinda major hole in it?

Kinda like the apprentice's last name being starkiller, which as we all know, was the orginal name of darth vader? Anakhin Starkiller, lucas changed it to skywalker because starkiller just didn't go over to well...


I dunno about you but the plot seems like some kind of random tangent while adding in various characters/names that lucas orginally intended but left out!

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I'm digging being a sadistic son of a gun, making chains of people holding onto each other and then just letting them fall endlessly, into vats of acid or a little elctro shock therapy.  I've only just noticed that there's a story.


On a side note, I can't understand why you need a loading screen to go into the menus. Yeah, Emp, that load screen and menu both rankle more than a touch.

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I also hear the game is ultra short... like 6 hours long.  If that is true, I am almost done.


The plot is ok... I think Vader named the kid, so you could easily get around that.  I will wait till I beat the game before I make any judgements about the plot.  If the game IS 6 hours, I will have it beaten tonight.  For a game 5 years in the making, I expected more.


BTW.. Gamespot gave it 8 out of 10.

XPlay gave it 2 out of 5 (ouch)


SO far Empy gives it a 6.5 out of 10.

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Talk of Force tossing people off ledges brings back some major Jedi Academy nostalgia. Once you got Force Grip 3, the game was cake except in ledgeless areas. That was mad fun.


I haven't gotten Force Unleashed yet, though. It didn't look mind-blowing enough to pre-order, more gimmicky and "Ooh, look what we can do with millions of dollars in simulated physics R&D!", so I'll do my thing of waiting a little bit until bugs get worked out, maybe some DLC gets released, and the price drops ten bucks or so. Yeah, it'll still be fifty at that point, but I'll feel all frugal and stuff. *laugh*


I'd say maybe Lucas will get his head out of his butt and let them port it to the PC, but by then I'll have an HD projector like I've been tracking in the market the last year or so, and I'll be slightly less inclined to play most of my games on the computer. ;D

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Other problems.


There is no run.  There is a dash... which scoots you forward a few steps... or dashes you off a ledge.  Also when you swing the saber, you scoot forward a little... which has killed me a few times... again... falling off a ledge.


There is no lock on target.  I mean if you look at em you can do stuff, but when you are fighting a hyper jedi and they are all over the place ninja chopping you in the back cause you are blocking a different way... well... thats controller throwing time. 

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From reviews I read, there's also a few bugs as well, ranging from annoying (visuals clipping) to "bloody light" (sounds cutting out in cutscenes).



Oh, and that plot hole you mentioned, DS, isn't really a plot hole. If the name wasn't actually used for Anakin then it doesn't matter if you give the name to somebody else later on. The only Starkiller in Star Wars that I know was Bendak Starkiller in KotOR.

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Other problems.


There is no run.  There is a dash... which scoots you forward a few steps... or dashes you off a ledge.  Also when you swing the saber, you scoot forward a little... which has killed me a few times... again... falling off a ledge.


There is no lock on target.  I mean if you look at em you can do stuff, but when you are fighting a hyper jedi and they are all over the place ninja chopping you in the back cause you are blocking a different way... well... thats controller throwing time. 


I think it's either RB or RT, you have to hold it though, unless you set it to toggle in the options menu.  Made that first jedi(as Starkiller) cake for me, no hopping around for him. 

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Can you say glitches.


I am about to beat up on the third jedi and the cut scene has no voices.


I am storming some world and come upon a wall.  Everything disappears and I am forced to attack people blindly!  I run away and come back and everything is there again.


I land on the Wookie world and the lady pilot cuts out.  And then comes back and everything is said on top of each other.  I am listening to 3 voice overs at once.



How many times have you been knocked down by a rocket and die cause you can't get up before they fire the next rocket?  Many times here. 



I plan to beat it, squeeze all the achivements I can get out of it and promptly return it for as much money as I can get for it. 

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Emp it might just be your game because last night me and my friends played the first three levels (still couldnt be the junkyard jedi)


it seemed pretty damn hard on the boss fights but it was fun and we didnt have *any* glitch issues


I can see what you meant by repeatable level structure though, 3rd level and felt like id seen it all already

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So I was wailing on a bull rancor and killed it I think but then the finisher flashed, and I jammed on the button and everything went to hell.  I started doing the finisher while the Rancor started to fall over and die and it all locked up.  I killed 3 of the rancors to and they ALL RESPAWNED!!11!1!one!1

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I finished it.  I thought the game was fun, but the storyline was weak.  I mean, this is suppose to be how the Rebel Alliance started?  What?


I started playing on Sith Warrior level.  I played the game on and off for the week and I finished it last night.  Fighting Darth Vader was easy, the Emperor was much harder.  However Force Lightning kills the Emperor a lot faster  ::)


The hardest boss to me was Proxy before you took down the Star Destroyer.  He turned into Darth Maul and well close quarter combat just fails, but you can toss him around like a ragdoll and all is well with the world.


Empy, I know what you mean about getting hit with a missile only to get hit again before standing up to defend myself.


The snipers were a pain the butt too.

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OK, I've gone through both endings and more or less gotten all the GP I care to try for, this one is also going back for Fable 2 or Fallout 3 whichever one I haven't paid for.  I may lend it to my brother before trading it in, so I won't keep it under a week. 


WIth no multiplayer there is little replay value to the game.


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OK, I've gone through both endings and more or less gotten all the GP I care to try for, this one is also going back for Fable 2 or Fallout 3 whichever one I haven't paid for.  I may lend it to my brother before trading it in, so I won't keep it under a week. 


WIth no multiplayer there is little replay value to the game.



This is why I rent console games that I know are going to be 'iffy'. ;)

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LucasArts announced today that two rounds of downloadable content are on the way for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of The Force Unleashed. The first expansion pack will inlcude the ability to play TFU using such characters as Kit Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The second of the two packs will feature a new level set in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant as Starkiller explores information on his father. No dates or prices have been anounced yet.
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