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Will Elayne win the Last Battle?


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Maybe not.


Communication in Randland...uuuhhh...STINKS!!!

(old thread from last year some time)


When the Last Battle takes place, Rand's armies will be depending upon messages carried by Ashamen in person by Traveling from general to general to try to coordinate the efforts of the forces of the Light.


Consider this as an alternative:


What if Avienda could identify one of the terangreal from the Ebou Dar stash as being a "way to talk to other people over long distances", then Elayne could figure out how to reproduce it?  I'm thinking something similar to the call box that Sammael used to talk with the Shaido witch queen (Sevana?).


If each of Rand's generals had one with an Ashaman to activate it, or, better yet, if you didn't have to be able to channel to use one, then the generals could talk to Rand, Matt, each other, whoever, whenever while the Shadow was still using semaphore flag signals.


Since Elayne would have to be the one to either make all of these terangreal or to teach someone else how to do it, I would give her the credit for turning the tide of the Last Battle in favor of the Light.


Crazy man's dream, huh?



Ummm doubt there is enough time before the last battle for Elayne to start mass producing ter'angerel.  Besides she still has to have her babies. 


An interesting notion. It would be very useful, but I doubt it would happen. As Elayne's pregnancy progresses, doesn't it get harder for her to channel? She can't make ter'angreal if she can't channel reliably. (unless they could find another person that can make them for her) But, if they found even one set of the callboxes, they could make good use of it. (You have to have two, right? One for each end of the conversation?)


Good thinking, though.




Hmm, I think Elayne will survive. After all, Ilynna (LTT's wife) did, and from all of Rand's love interests, Elayne is the closest one to her.


Ilynna was a 'straw haired milksop' according to Lanfear (blonde white woman). Elayne's the only blonde around Rand.



Other than that, there are the babies of course.


With a pair of Matt's "dragons" mounted on the top.  ;D


No, I think the on board weapons of here mech will make the dragons look like pellet guns.


I'm referring to that helmet ter'angreal she has.


Or, maybe she'll just keep Traveling all over the battle zone and untie each of her portal weaves like she did leaving the Kin's farm.  ;D


"Oh, look...over there...a few thousand trollocs and fades being lead by dreadlords...and Dragkars, too...oh, my!!!"


* she Travels over there *

* unties her weave *





"All gone!"  :)



I like the terangreal idea better.  ;)





Just before I logged on to DM, the History channel was doing a battlefield detective story about the battle of Antiem (sp?) in the US Civil War/ War Between the States/ whatever.  What caught my ear in particular was the relative chaos.  Troops were caught totally by surprise by other troops from a few hundred yards away.  Friendly fire took enormous unnecessary tolls.  I see the same problems arising during the Last Battle if communication doesn't improve...SOON...for the forces of the Light.


Elayne didn't untie the gate, Aviendha did; also, it nearly killed them in the process, so how do you propose that she get away from each 'strike'?

Aviendha started the process, and Elayne finished it.


I don't think GrandpaG was being serious in his proposal.

Aviendha started the process, and Elayne finished it.


Actually, Aviendha had un-done a previous gateway (succesfully), and Elayne thought she'd try it too.  She couldn't manage it though and it collapsed resulting in the explosion.

Elayne didn't untie the gate, Aviendha did; also, it nearly killed them in the process, so how do you propose that she get away from each 'strike'?
Aside from the already mentioned point of you being wrong about who unwove the Gateway, I would the say the more obvious problem than getting away is the randomness of the produced effect - it might not produce a big explosion. It might not do anything at all. It might just sever the (un)weaver. There might not be anything to get away from.


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