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If you are interested in taking part in the bonding with the Red Ajah, pls reply

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*Nods sagely alongside Arath*


Hasn't any of our teachings sunk it yet? Its perfectly fine to set something on fire to prove a point....or draw attention away from one.


*Sets everyone's pants on fire*


See? :)



*extinguishes the fire then shields Covai* 


@ Arath and Covai, *puts finger over lips* Shhhh, I didn't want to tip my hand...Martyn still has his block so let him draw his sword then Geirrin will bundle him up in flows off air and shield him for good measure.  ;)


@ Elgee, I can't wait for you to come..err..umm...play with us  :o  *rip your minds out of the gutter...or not*  ;D


Well... To be honest, he's surprisingly close to taking the first step past his block, actually. It occurred to me that with all the Trollocs in the joint RP with CotS, there might be a chance it'll flick the old killswitch and have him draw on saidin again.


*winks at Sieve*


You just leave my mind in the gutter - it doesn't like unfamiliar places  ;D


serious note (hackcoughgiggle): Want to start a thread for all those with Characters who are ALLOWED and AVAILABLE to bond? I'll direct the Girls there (Muirenn's going to smack me any day now for calling us that  ;D)




My mind prefers to stay there as well  :)


I will create a meet and greet thread.  I will provide a link to this thread so the Girls can refer to it.


*winks at Sieve*


You just leave my mind in the gutter - it doesn't like unfamiliar places  ;D


serious note (hackcoughgiggle): Want to start a thread for all those with Characters who are ALLOWED and AVAILABLE to bond? I'll direct the Girls there (Muirenn's going to smack me any day now for calling us that  ;D)




*smacks Elgee for good measure* :p


*eyes the two*




you'all just wait, my lovelies ... Larindhra is acoming ;D


Ah good, mind if Martyn starts asking a few offhand questions if she remembers a girl named Jerinia? :D


*Geirrin eyes Ikki*  Light man what are we getting ourselves into?  *looks for a place to hide*


I dunno, man. She's the one bonding me! *ggl*


*Geirrin eyes Ikki*  Light man what are we getting ourselves into?  *looks for a place to hide*


I dunno, man. She's the one bonding me! *ggl*


I know  8)  she's bonding me too  :o  :P


Character Name: Gale Nalineo


Rank: Soldier (But I'm working a little harder now to actually move him up since I didn't know what I had to do before to raise him)

Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? Either


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars? Maybe, depends on the situation

If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai? Depends on the situation.


Do you have any questions or concerns?

Well, it'll probably take some time to get me bonded anyway since I got a lot to do to make Asha'man but when is this whole thing taking place? Definitely want to keep it in character and I have some silly ideas to do that but of course I'd keep this serious and make it last.

Luckily, seems that the posting situation is covered. As an unrelated thing, where do I go to read about what's going to happen? I have a lot of questions to ask just on storylines and where my character is allowed to go and so on and so forth that I just have no idea where to go for.. haha.. I guess if I paid attention or journeyed around more I'd find it, but anyway..

When I'm allowed to bond, I'd have fun with it and keep it up.




We've just finished the formal outline from the BT side of things. We've just got to wait for WT and Incarn approval for everything, as there are some pretty big events that will happen (most of which haven't been discussed openly, so you'll all be in for some BIG surprises)


As soon as we've got approval the entire outline will be posted for both Towers to see :)


The both of you ... dear lord what was I thinking !  ::)


Lolz  ;D


What you were thinking my dear is that you have two Asha'man at your disposal who can take you anywhere via gateway or skimming.  On top of that, one has the talent for healing and the other for shielding.  They are both young I think, so you can mother them to your hearts content.  I would say that you just scored a major victory as long as they do not go insane.  *yells at the voice in is head to be quiet*  :o


*Is much struck by that logical argument!*


Hmmm ... Larindhra DOES seem to have landed with her lily white derriere in the butter, hasn't she ?  ;D


*eyes her two lovelies with a "cat who's gotten a bucket of cream" look, preparing to MoNster them to bits*


*claps a hand over Jehaine's mouth*

  • 1 month later...

* In way of notice i will have an Ashie by the time this happnes (only need my inter div and a duel) *


Character Name: Tai'Dashan


Rank: Dedicated (Asha'man at time of RP)


Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? *taps finger against his lip in thought* I think i would be open to both but more so to be bonded. Although Tai is somewhat headstrong, i would see him the bondee rather than the bonder...i could make either work however.


If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars?I don't see how that would be a problem..especially if the other bonded Ashie was Arath  ;D Seriously though. That could be potentially fun so i would say yes im willing.

If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai?Hmmm *thinks about bonding more than one and jumps* No no no, One is enough for me thank you. *hurriedly shudders and runs away*  ;D

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