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Batman 3 Rumors confirmed... sort of


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While Chris Nolan is still on break and hasn't begun considering a third "Batman" flick, Warner Bros. Pictures execs may have already got the next film's villains and who they want to play them in mind it would seem.


Talking with MTV News, Michael Caine revealed that he not only heard the rumors of the various villain casting choices for the next film floating throughout the media, but that he brought up the topic with a Warner executive who seems to have confirmed that some of them were right.


Caine says "When Christopher [Nolan] said we were going to do ‘The Dark Knight’ next, I didn’t what that meant in Batman terms. I said, ‘What’s the story?’ and he said The Joker. I said, ‘Oh, s–t! How are you going to top Jack [Nicholson]?’ He said, ‘Well, I’ve cast Heath Ledger. And I went ‘Ha! I couldn’t top Jack, but if anyone could, maybe Heath could.’ And he did."


He then added "I was with [a Warner Bros.] executive and I said, ‘Are we going to make another one?’ They said yeah. I said, ‘How the hell are we going to top Heath? And he says ‘I’ll tell you how you top Heath — Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin.’ I said, ‘S–t, they’ve done it again!."


Hoffman's name as a British or Russian arms dealer version of 'The Penguin' first floated around in 2006, right after "Batman Begins" but before the villains of "The Dark Knight" were set. Depp's link to 'The Riddler' is more recent but the most talked about of the rumors and Depp himself recently said he'd be open to considering the opportunity.


Of course all of this remains up in the air and depends upon the whim of Christopher Nolan who'll decide whether he wants to do the project and which villains and actors will be involved.

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Hmm, well I still don't think anyone can beat danny devitos peguin, he was just plain f***in perfect in that role!


No johnny depp as the riddler? Totally possible...


My only question is, when or if they start 'repeating' villians, how the hell are they going to do the joker again? Cause as far as I'm concerned, theres no way they can get someone to do the joker in this new batman franchise, with out bringing heath back from the dead, or at least have sticks/strings and make-em into a puppet.... Wait! Thats it!


YES IM a genius!

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That might be what Warners would like, but not so much Nolan. He's on record saying he'd be more excited having Hoffman in his movie than having the Penguin, just because some characters aren't so easy to pull off in his more realistic setting. So, Penguin is probably out, and Catwoman is probably out, and more out-there characters like Mr. Freeze and Clayface are right out. Poison Ivy could be done as an ecoterrorist. Riddler might be hard to do without getting a little redundant, just because the Joker that was in Dark Knight was kind of a fusion between him and Riddler. Killer Croc could be done as a mob heavy if the reptilian nonsense they've gone over the top with in the last decade were toned back to that skin condition (do a Google image search for epidermolytic hyperkeratosis - it'll gross you out) and some filed-down teeth. He's not really more than a supporting character anyway. Others I've heard thrown about, like Black Mask, Deadshot, Ventriloquist, or Mad Hatter, they could all work, but none of them are really high-profile enough. It might be nice if they tried doing Bane right.


And I think I just outgeeked everyone else here.

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What about bringing back the wizard from the 1948 serials, he could be a terrorist hijacker who doesn't even need to be there to do the hijacking.

And he won't need 3 supercomputer's to do it this time he could be a master computer hacker and with the proliferation of computer use in todays society it would play on a paranoia that could be in people's subconcious, plus he's old enough that not many people would really remember him (as well as being very corny in the serials)

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I think that if they really put some serious effort into it, it would be perfectly possible to have a realistic version of Penguin in the movie. Like, he was called a penguin because he always wears a tux, and the name stuck...


Now, Johnny Depp...If there is one actor who could even dream of stepping into Ledgers shoes so that the Joker can continue being a part of this Bativerse, it is him. A very small part in Batman 3 with the Joker giving orders from a prison cell, just to introduce us to the new version, and make the transition easier if a batman 4 comes.


Catwoman could also be a possibility in my book. To make her more realistic, perhaps make her a bit more like Black cat from Spiderman, a prefessional burglar, and then make her strength lying in outsmarting Batman rather than trying to stand up against him in a fight. If you look at how TDK ended, it would make sense for Batman to put the detective aspect a bit more in the light, rather than having him jumping around all over the town beating up the baddies while the police are after him.


But that is just my 2 cents, i could be wrong.

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rather then johnny depp be the joker for a 1 bit scene i seriously would prefer him as the Riddler, and no not the one in green spandex.


Some, admittedly not to many, variations of the riddler show him in a green suit with a purple tie and a green bowler hat. A much more realistic appearance if a bit unorthodox. Knowing the shows propensity for realism they might throw out the green suit and keep the green bowler hat with the purple tie.


And while yes, Tim Burton's Penguin is pretty realistic to the comics a more "real" version of him could also be appealing. He doesn't have to be disformed, he doesn't have to have a hunchback. Simply as Maj said a man in a suit who carries an umbrella. Maybe even have him be a master fencer and you find out in a fight scene with the batman that he keeps a sword in it. if they don't over play it it seems a devious hidden trick and not an odd theme weapon.


Now obviously if the Penguin is a weapons dealer and if the Riddler is a Terrorist the Riddler would be the predominant villain in this movie which isnt necessarily a bad thing. If they have penguin escape batman but have his weapons dealing terminated for awhile then he can show up in a later movie for short scenes like the scarecrow, or be a background reference for how all these bad things are getting to gotham.


This leaves the Riddlers part in the movie and as im sure it goes with out saying he'd leave riddles that clue you into what will be bombed. Maybe the Riddler is trying to solve "who is batman". But if he has a goal in the movie it would have to be a convoluted plot for sure.


Also, at one point in the comics Riddler tries to *not* leave a clue for batman seeing that its always caused him to fail in the past but he actually can't leave the scene without doing so. Its actually funny because he comes to grips with the fact that he might actually be insane, need to be in the Arkham Asylum. So if people would find it weird that  he's leaving clues for batman they can either explain it as "he's insane and cant help it" (maybe even showing the above scene) or if he's trying to discover who batman is that "He's luring batman out to trap him".


In any event im really hoping Bale and Nolan both are behind this film because i think it could be great.

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I perfer the newier ones, It gives it a realism that batman needed, cause I just don't believe that cartoony/comic style works for movies, at least not nowdays. Plus if you look at the comics we actually have today, they make the stuff you remember from the 80s/90s look like a joke!


But anyways, I don't think the new batman series will take on some of the lesser known villians in the series, simply becuase, the Audiance doesn't know wtf they are! 'Brand Name Villians' sells seats in the theaters, If a review says some random villian guy that no body knows, everyone will be saying '____ who?', now Mr.Freeze, Penguin, Joker, Riddler, Two Face, Cat Woman(they have to use Biel, because she's already been established!), Poison Ivy, Ect are well known batman villians, they may try to use other villians but I can garuntee it'll lose them some money. Now that isn't to say they can't have those villians in the movie, or have some refrence to them, But as the main villian? I just can't see it working.


Also, With Heath gone, I don't think anyone can live up to that joker had they tried!

And I believe one of the things that I liked but didn't like about the dark knight was quite simply, the Joker's past is one giganitic lie after another! (aka how he got those scars, notice how he kept changing his story? Its like they were trying to build up the mystery of it, and left you on a massive cliff hanger with no resolution! I can't help but wonder, if the 'truth' if we ever do find out about it (at least in this movies truth) was perhaps one of the scenes they didn't shoot becuase of heaths death. Or perhaps its in the cut scenes, I dunno but I would have liked to have known more of the 'back story', I love back stories! It at least gives some insight on the guys motives! All we know of his motives is he's batshit crazy!

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Halle Berry? I know she had a baby relatively recently...


Alba--eh, her movies tend to tank.


well she IS the dark angel, and Angelena jolie is to-well-known-to-main-lead-actress imo to be cat woman in the next batman movie.

Btw, Blame Albas movies stinking because of poor scripts/agent that likes picking bad movies. :P

But then, if you look at The Eye, which was a blatant rip off of the japanese The Eye, its no wonder her movies are tanking! (That and no one likes a blonde alba!)

Though since she's pregnant right now, Its doubtful she'll be in many movies for a bit.


As for Halle Berry, Simply stating that they've already established her back story in another movie, the movie was set up for potential sequals/cross-overs, so its totally reasonable to toss her into the movie, with out having an overly long back story introduction of the character, as its already been established! ;)


Did I mention Alba is hot, and would look good in her dark angel get up again? ;)

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Well, if Johnny Depp lands a role, there isn't any reason to rule out Jolie. I personally would prefer Jolie, only because I think she really puts a lot of effort into her roles. Alba would be okay, but she is still really young, and I was under the impression that Catwoman was a little bit older (or more mature??).


I don't know that they would cast berry simply because she was in the other one. Is it just me, or is Nolan sort of making it a point to not cast people who have already had the role?

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Well, if Johnny Depp lands a role, there isn't any reason to rule out Jolie. I personally would prefer Jolie, only because I think she really puts a lot of effort into her roles. Alba would be okay, but she is still really young, and I was under the impression that Catwoman was a little bit older (or more mature??).


I don't know that they would cast berry simply because she was in the other one. Is it just me, or is Nolan sort of making it a point to not cast people who have already had the role?


Halle Barry was in a stand-a-lone movie (like Electra), and not in one of the older batman movies, so really I think that its possible she could land a cat woman role, even if nolan isn't casting people from other batman movies.

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Well it also depends on how well Catwoman did. And it was crap (or so I heard). Plus that outfit she had was ridiculous. That movie seemed more of showing off Halle Berry and less of Catwoman's story.


It was bad, but it wasn't horrible either.

Definately better then batmans catwoman.


I will say this though, Catwoman > Elektra. (The single-spin off movies, not elektra from Daredevil, she was good in that one, the 'spin off' sucked)


Now Jessica Alba I think could make a better cat woman then halle berry. ;)


I just can't see Jolie as cat woman. shes to tall! ;)


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I hate catwoman and i hope they don't do her


and it appears Nolan shares my sentiments so im rather happy^^


Mind, he said he'd never do catwoman back when he said he wasn't gonna do villains that had been done before in the batman movies.


And he just did Joker and Two-face


But he actually used catwoman as an example of a villain he didn't wanna do so im happy enough^^


Note: Batman villains in a realistic manner-

Penguin-Weapons dealer


Ivy- Eco-terrorist


Bane-Drug dealer, ends up using the drugs on him self towards the end

Catwoman-Carman San Diego style thief

Harley Quinn-Psychologist (would have to reintroduce Joker though =/ )


I'd say its unlikely (or so i hope) we will see Harley quinn due to the joker situation, and i pray we never meet catwoman.


That really only leaves 3 villains left...and in fact all 3 of those villains were in a movie together once! So hopefully we either have a returning villain with a new villain or something so we dont get this to be stale.

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I maintain that I want to see Depp take over as the Joker. He is the only established actor who could do it, and the Joker is such a huge part of the Batverse that having him rotting away in prison for all future movies would be a massive waste.

The idea here would of course be to have him in  a small role in Batmna 3, pretty much us seeing him doing something from inside prison, and then have him released/escape in Batman 4.


Catwoman...If she actually did appear, forget alba/biel/jolie. Nolan has showed quite clearly that he wants actors who can, you know, act.

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And the fact that I really did forget her kinda speaks for itself ;D


Though, even if Berry had been a decent actress, I think her earlier role as Catwoman would automatically disqualify her, because that would establish a link (however small) between Nolans Batman and that horrible catwoman movie. And I think he wants to avoid that ;D

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psh screw Biel or Alba for the Harley Quinn, i had one horrid idea last night thats absolutely perfect^^


I was watching Sweeney Todd when 'Mrs. Lovett' calls Todd "Mr. T" (like several times in the movie) in just such a fashion where it made me think of the Harley Quinn always calling the Joker "MISTAH J".


And right before they start the song about eating people it hit me that she would be wonderful for the character, she has a ton of acting ability and the age difference isnt an issue because with all that makeup the joker didnt look 28 anyways.



The major down side to this is that we would have to have a new Joker to have the Harley Quinn, almost i wish they could some how pair up the Harley Quinn with Poison Ivy off the bat so we wouldnt need the joker, but then we wouldnt see Harley Quinn's fall into insanity.



Omg though, i just had another horrible idea!


The Joker is in Arkham Asylum, we are introduced to a psychiatrist who has an interest in helping those in prison. Throughout the movie we see her interactions with the Joker until he slowly corrupts her and she becomes the Harley Quinn, operating under the Jokers orders while he's still in prison.


Ivy wouldn't necessarily be a team up operation but rather Ivy is planning to Poison the city or some other plot involving eco-terrorism and the Joker gets word of it and wants to use the distraction to break out of prison.


Batman would have two fronts, save the city or stop the joker from being released. Obviously he would save the city and stop Ivy, letting Harley Quinn and the Joker escape.


Thus the clown prince of crime is free again and all we would need would be a few prison cell scenes, nothing entirely movie dependent.

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