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Why are you talking to Tay like that? What has he ever done to you to deserve such behavior, not like he ever came near your boobies or anything appropriate like that...


I wish you wouldn't refer to him as Tay...gets me all confused with Tay.


And since you don't like bondage Roka.... *ties up in chains made of cuendillar and then whips Repeatedly* of course this is more S&M but hey...who wants to split hairs? ;)


if she's not a member here, then her name doesn't matter. And I choose to spend my outside BT time in the real world *nods*





Lets try this again, and see if this post is actually left in place and not deleted like the others.


Thanks Kara for sticking up for me, you soon find out who your real friends are and they seem lacking! :P


It's up to you lot whether you want to carry on with this game, or want just have a spamming thread with Roka and his ego...It's up to you.


Though I will be surprised if you see this!


Roka, I swear to the Dark One if you don't stop it right now, I'm going to Bond you and COMPULSE you !  ::)


Now, how about we change archeologists with Asha'man, and the two mob guys with two of the Dreadlords... Hmmm...






Deep beneath the earth, a lost city of Ban'daer lies, a city full of wonders from the Age of Legends, a city that survived the breaking, even if it's occupants did not.

A hint was found in the prophecies, of a spare pair of Ter'angreals able to control the Choedan Kal. They must not, will not fall in the hands of the shadow...


General timeframe: 6 months after founding of Black Tower...


Location: Aiel waste, near Sa'shara

Day: -7

20 Asha'man and 2 of the bonded Aes Sedai are sent to a possible location of Ban'daer, a goose chase as most of them call it, but orders are orders and they do as they are told. Deep in the Aiel waste, a large mass of sand and dirt, and rock beggins to move away under the direction of Earth wielding Asha'man linked with their female counterparts, for a week, the Asha'man dig, the whole in the ground appears as a bottomless pitt, but the Asha'man press on, and then... a trap is sprung! With a noise unlike that of a giant bowl full fo air being draged out of water, the Asha'man and Aes Sedai dissapear and... the dunes are quiet again, while the world waits for those that come back...


Location: Lost city of Ban'daer

Day: 0

The trap proved deadly, but also with a flaw, designed to keep mad chanelers away one by one, it was not fit to cope with 20 channelers all at once, 10 Asha'man, apparently severed from the source, but otherwise unharmed, survive and find themselves in the most beautifull city they've ever set their eyes upon, Ban'daer! Only one Aes Sedai survives and o course starts pratting on about children playing with fire. The asha'man ignore her and take in the scenery... the city seems tos shine from no appearent source of light, while all around it, rock and stone and earth and a Saidar-Saidin woven shield to keep it all from falling down onto the city. But shortly after the marvel of this place wears out, the asha'man start showing a reaction to the apparent severation from the source, panic patterns begin to appear on their faces and in their behavior as they set out into the city to find food and water, they find neither. Panic takes hold of one of them, but he is beaten bloody by the strongest of them and natural order resumes. They have a leader now.

the group slowly calms down and assesses the situation. 2 men volunteer to go probing the shieldwall, while the other 7 go off to investigate the huge palace for any new information, and possibly, the fabled ter'angreals.

A few hours later, the 2 who were probing the shield, find a way out, a waygate, but this one, requires a key. They return to the meeting place, and meet the leader waiting for all of them with the Aes Sedai, they do not tell him about the gateway, for they are both Dreadlords and have instructions of their own.

The other 7 arrive back a few hours later, one after another, 4 didn't find anything of use, but the other 3....

The 1st found the 2 fabled ter'angreals, sitting in a vault whose doors crumbled as he touched them, the same must have happened with the weaves put in place to guard them, ineffectual after so long a time, most likely the one who put them in place focused more on the power of the weave instead of on its longevity.

The 2nd found a ter'angreal the size of a small stadium, it appeared to svck in all Saidin and he dared not go near it, for it felt as if his sould would have been drawn into it if he were to touch it. The ter'angreal could be the reason why we cannot channel, he ventures.

The 3rd found information. There is a way out of this city, a waygate was put in place in case of an emergency, a waygate with a lock, the key to the lock in his hands. Now all they have to do, is find the waygate!


... all they have to do is find the waygate, but the city is huge and before long, they get tired and call in for the night, half of them taking the watch.



Location: Lost city of Ban'daer

Day: 1

As they awake, they find one of their numbers dead with a slit throat. It was the man with the waygate key!

The leader speaks outloud as he is looking at the dead body, "we have a darkfriend in our midst, and it seems he found the waygate judging by how he went after the key first and not the ter'angreals. Luckilly for us, I took the key from Ned the other night without anyone knowing (Ned being the dead Asha'man here, see, if you die, you get named! WOOT!) and gave it to the Aes Sedai for the safe keeping, else we would probably all be dead by now. We must find out who this darkfriend is! Need I remind everyone here what happens if the Darkfriends manage to deliver the ter'angreals to a Forsaken? They must not get them out!"


A makeshift court is created, with the Aes Sedai convinced it is a proper court where rule of law applies and whomever they label as Darkfriend, is a darkfriend and she can and will execute them. She vowes to do so. She also vows to give the key to the light folowers soon as all the Darkfriends have been rooted out. But the 3 oaths work funny sometimes and this vow might prove to work against them all, we shall see...




The Aes Sedai is keeping the waygate key and the ter'angreals under her guard. she is the moderator.


Light soldiers: more then 5

1 Shepherd of the Light is the Finder, he knows all the cool ways to make someone confess their darcest secrets and every night, he picks a target and works his magic on them. He can find out anyhing about anyone.

2. The Priest is the Healer, every night he observes what people are doing and if he finds someone he thinks might be killed during the night for being a lightie, he tells the Aes Sedai to put a shield on that person so they can weather the night. the Aes Sedai is weak, so besides protecting herself and the keys, one more shield is all she is capable off.

3. The rest are just on jury duty.


Shadow soldiers: 3

1. The two Dreadlords guard shifts are unfortunately managed so, they can only kill one person a night. If they manage to kill enough of the lighties for their votes to be overruling, the Aes Sedai will have to give them all 3 keys, since she is bound by her oath to do as the court rules. This happens, the shadow wins.

2. The Forsaken plays as one of the Lighties, his only goal is to get the ter'angreals to Shayol'ghul and he will do so even if it means sacrificing himself, for unlike the 2 Dreadlords he doesn't know off (stupid Chosen inscheming!) he can be brought back to life. He votes with the Lighties but wins if the 3 keys fall into the hands of a Dreadlord.










Like? I still don't know the game well enough, but I think I can put all the needed rolls in if someone who knows this game explains this to me, then we can have a BT mafia game *nods*





OK, with a few pms underway, this game goes on as originally planed. Taly learned how everything can turn into a big mess if rank isn't followed BWAHA! And you all learned that I can get as crazy as only a male channeler can, stay afraid -_-



Roka out.


Certainly! *jumps up and down on Roka*



Oh..sorry, was that not what you wanted? *angelface*


You're going up and down on me... how exactly is this still PG13?  8)


Darlin' if I was going up and down on you, you'd be too occupied to make sarky comments and annoy everyone ;) And since it appears that Hell hasn't frozen over i'm not. You obviously ignored the "jumping" part :P Wishful thinking maybe?  ::)


Now be a good lad and let Talya post and the game continue.


No, just making unrealistic conclusions aimed at putting you ill at ease based on little to no reference to justify it. Basically, stuff I deal with most of the time... kinda fun though isn't it, even though sometimes it goes too far and you have to put your feet down a bit stronger then you first expected you'd need to. For instance, until hell freezes over? And we started so well :P




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