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A group of archaeologists and have just discovered a tomb believed to belong to the Pharaoh Arkenaten. The tomb is intact; no gravediggers had found this remote tomb. You realise that this needs to be preserved properly for the Cairo museum, who had funded your expedition. You decide to go back to Cairo to get the people and equipment that you require. As you are about to leave you notice two matching amulets over the entombed Pharaoh. Underneath it is written that these amulets provide the ultimate power to wearer, but a curse is attached to for any that may try to take them out of the tomb. Not wanting to disturb them, you all decided to leave it all to be catalogued properly and turn to leave the tomb.


As you reach the doorway, a gush of wind rushes in through the doorway, knocking you all over. In the process torches are knocked from your hands and go out. For a few moments you are all in panic until eventually someone finds a torch and turns it on. One by one you all stand and regain your composure. As you switch on your torch you see that the two amulets are missing.


You call for everyone to turn out their packs and be searched, and one by one the packs and people are searched, but to no avail. Then your spine tingles as though there was something else present in the chamber. You decide to leave as soon as possible.


You all make your way to the outer chamber and as you make your way to the entrance a huge stone falls in place, blocking your way. No matter how hard you all try the stone will not budge. Then you get that feeling again, there is some other presence in the chamber with you all.


An apparition appears, it resembles an Egyptian Pharaoh, maybe even Akhenaten himself. Your torches seemed shine right through it. You can feel the fear of your colleagues around you, which increases as the apparition speaks.


Two of you have stolen the Amulets of Annubis. They are most powerful, combined they can kill a man, but they have not been used for thousands of years, their power is very week, but the more they are used the more powerful they will become, eventually entire armies could be destroyed.


For a moment you are confused, everyone was checked thoroughly and no one had them on him or her. As though reading your mind the apparition spoke again.


Once the Amulets are worn they become invisible, only the wearer can see it. But to be allowed to take them out into the world they must first destroy the rest of you. The amulets together can kill one person in 24-hour time frame. Their power will be destroyed if both bearers are killed. No one can leave this chamber until the either those with them, kill you all first, or you get them. To help you I will provide amulets to some of you to help in this quest. Each day cycle you must choose to lynch someone and the night the amulets will be powered enough to kill one person. Who ever wins may walk free of this tomb.


With that the apparition disappeared.


You all stand there in shocked silence, these are people you have known for quite a while You can’t believe anyone would want these powerful amulets, but realise there are two of you that do.



The other Amulets are…


Amulet of Isis – This is the Healer


Amulet of Horus – The finder


Amulet of Khepri – Has the ability to bring someone back from the dead.


Amulet of Sekhmet – This person is the symp


Amulet of Seth – This person is a thief.


PM’s will be sent in due course, in the meantime there is to be no posting in this thread until you have received your PM and replied to it.





1. No discussing the game outside this thread with anyone, unless your PM tells that you can.


2. There will be NO editing of posts Akhenaten will get anger and may destroy the one that does.


3. No quoting of PM’s in the thread.


4. If you are going to be LOA please PM the Mod, failure to do so and absence from the game may anger Arkhenaten also and fire bolts will reign down on you.


5. Any questions should be directed to the Mod, and not on the thread. If the mod decides it something that everyone needs to know then it will be posted here.


6. You will have fun!


This is a basic Mafia game with a free twists. To help the roles I have mentioned above are the only ones. The role of Thief will change every night and the next thief will be chosen at random. They will be able to nominate a person during the night phasr on who they will try to steal off. When the morning comes they may find they have an amulet or nothing.




This is when everyone votes for someone to be lynched. They will need to be a majority vote for there to be a lynch. You may change you vote during the day. All votes to [glow=red,2,300]Glowed in Red[/glow]. If there is not a majority then there no one will be lynched.




This is when those with roles will be able to PM me their choice.


Please note that there will be a gap between the death (whether by lynch or night kill) and the coroners report on that person. that will give the person with the amulet of Khepriv the chance to bring that person if desired.



The Mafia win when they equal or are more than the innocents, the symp doesn't count in the numbers steak...in this they count as innocents, however they will be a winner if the mafia win.



Let the Voting commence! :D





1. Tayol

2. Roka

3. Eclipse

4. TMD

5. Demi

6. el Nyn

7. Gerr

8. Dae

9. Elgee

10. Kara



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what the hell is a symp and what help is the thief? Say the thief steals from one with the sought after medalion, does the thief then become the new enemy or what? I am groping in the dark here... and there's nothing but bones, not fun, I want nipples! *nods*


I believe 'symp' is short for sympathetic.  Meaning they are an innocent to the finder, and they don't get a night vote, but they win with the mafia.


I think the thief is a great twist.  It will certainly change things up.  I think the thief is very helpful for all parties.  If the Healer or finder is outed, a good thief could steal their amulet and  become the new healer or finder.  Or if you get lucky and think you know the identity of a thief but you think the rest of the crowd is off base, you could try to steal the mafia powers and win the game that way!


Very, very interesting twist!


*shows Roka his nipples*


Here roka, I'll try this approach.



Amulet of Isis – This is the Healer


Amulet of Horus – The gholem


Amulet of Khepri – Bring players that have been lynched or eaten back into the game.


Amulet of Sekhmet – This person is the lightfool


Amulet of Seth – This person is a thief. (no clue if they can steal the killer's amulets or not, care to evaluate Talya?)


Also 2 Trolloc Amulets not included.


so, if we have the healer and the zombie maker, what worry is there we wouldn't survive? What's the point of the Lightfool amulet? And the gholam?? Hey, are you yanking my crack?!


Okay to give more detail on the roles (amulets)


Mafia they have the chance to night kill at night, the aim is to win the game by equalling or being more than the innocents.


The finder - this person has the chance to give me a name during the night phase and they will be tld what amulet if any, that person has at that time.


Healer, they choose one person at night, if it is the same name as thethe person to be nightkilled then they will survive.


Symp, They are in sympathy with the mafia, how ever the mafia do not know who there symp is.His number counts on the innocent team, but he wins if the mafia team wins. They are there to try and makes sure the mafia aren't lynched even by sacrificing themselves. They know who the mafia are.


The person with the amulet of Khepri, has the chance to bring one person back from the dead. If the amulet is stoeln then that person will also get one chance.


The thief, this will changr from night to night, whoever has the amulet in the night phase can contact me with a name and will be given the amulet of that person, or nohing if they don't have one. They can take the Amulet of all players including the mafia, but the mafia person they take it from will die!


If you are lynched or nightkilled with an amulet, then it cannot be stolen and loses it's power!


We are in the day Phase, so this is Day 1. You now have to try and lynch someone by voting. The innocents aim is to get a mafia, and the Mafia tries to get anyone else.


Talya, i love you!




This is going to get immense - already loving the twist (specificly Thief!). For concept its genius!


Oh and [glow=red,2,300]Tayol[/glow]




He's Dae and has played on the Org games board.


as For voting, usuallt the first day is a bit like that, after that look for voting patterns, things people say, and you may get a feel for who is evil. Doeasn't mean you are right. You also can hope the finder finds an evil


or maybe you know Tayol stole the amulet because you stole the amulet as well and are trying to get the heat off his back by aiming at an innocent pawn! Tricksy...


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