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CoL Bus Tour - My Dragon is bigger than your Dragon


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*prods demi with a toe*


*unfortunately the toe is on the foot that was duct taped back on*


Van lied - that stuff does NOT fix everything  >:(

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hmmmmm ....


No, stuff that!


*Opens a gateway into the WT Yellow Quarters, kidnaps a Yellow and uses Compulsion to make her heal me.*




* grabs LG by the head *

* channels the male Healing flow through her entire body including her stinky foot *

* she shakes violently for a few seconds but Gwampy holds on tight *

Never lost a patient yet.  ;D

And I'm sure not going to let this one get away, either.

* tries not to notice her impressive bosom quivering under the effect of his use of the One Power *


* tries to avoid healing her vampire holes shut *

Selective Healing can be rather tricky.

* nods *

* almost done *

* damaged foot is regaining it's color *

* smell is gradually dissipating *

* her convulsions are slowing *




Now you kids behave yourself over there at SG.

Have fun, but don't get into any trouble...or at least any trouble that can't be easily undone!

And don't wander too far up the slopes of the mountain...take it from me...you can easily end up laying on your belly with stalactites sticking in your back smelling the bad breath of the Dark One if you're not careful!!!  :o

Maybe Barmy will follow you with the Bus if he can get it running again?





That was FUN, Gwamps! Do it again! Do it again!!  ;D


*snugglebites Gwamps in thanks*  ;D ;D



*Steps smartly away from Tayol*


Oy! Gwamps Healed me - no need to go amputating anything  :o


*mutters about Warders never around when you need them*




Grandpa does this mean your joining the BT?




* quickly and deftly produces five perfectly balanced throwing knives and starts juggling them *

* just as quickly cycles them back to their hidden storage places *

Thanks for the offer, Tay.

I'm too old for joining...did plenty of that in my younger days.

Did my time in the military, too.

Nowadays I'm free lance.

I spam where and when I desire.

With no obligations.

Since the secret is out about my channeling, that just makes me that much more of a free spirit.

Traveling adds to the freedom.

Tell a story...juggle my balls...play my flute or harp or Les Paul.

Follow an imaginary bus all over DM.

Enjoy a really HUGE bowl of Tinker vegetarian chili.

Take a lap or two in the TQ lake.

Play with some wolf puppies.

Visit the Dark One in the belly of Shayol Ghul.

Get various body parts dismembered and/or devoured by queen reyler.

What more could a First Fool/Honorary Gleeman/Court Bard ask for?


But, no thanks.





Did that bus leave me behind again?

Not many CoL spammers hitting this thread.

I'll bet they're over at SG having fun without me.  :(


Yah ... at least we can safely say he's not one of the Chosen, cos he sure aint buffered against the Taint!  ;D




*fixes the bus, fixes everything about the bus*


Ok folks, we've been here a while, time to roll... to Shayol Ghul!


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