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9 tasks of rand


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OK so I am new too these forums so i don't know if this is in the right spot (i searched it and couldn't find a topic like it.)


I was reading the post-cleansing Rand chapters and came across a few interesting things LTT seems to be less mad, i.e. less whining for his dead wife ect.  Rand himself points this out at one stage.


So i believe that the 9 tasks Nicola predicted for Rand are directly related to LTT failures in his past life.  So what are the tasks??


1) the cleansing is certainly one.  Redeeming LTT pride in believing he could fix what the creater made


2) Reuniting the aes sedei. LTT split the AS with his attack on SG


3) Restoring the people of the dragon (Aiel) LTT failed the Di'shan aiel and they strayed from the path of the leaf.


4) kinslaying.  not sure about this one but prehaps this is whats strange about Avedia's (or what ever) babies - decedents of LTT, loved ones reincarnated, perhaps its just symbolic for rands loved ones.


5) sealing the dark one in his prison properly??


not sure about the next 4 but i believe that as Rand completes these task LTT will become less mad and more help because as it stands i dont think Rand has a chance against mordin, who was the equal of LTT in life.


Thoughts on the theory and last tasks??


I'm not convinced he has nine tasks. We didn't see the Foretelling take place, and it is obvious that the Aes Sedai are taking what she says with a pinch of salt. Also, he is supposed to do "nine impossible things", according to the quote. So far he has done none. That will still be his total of impossible things at the end of the series. The impossible, by definiton, cannot be done. Rand undoubtedly has done some difficult things, and will do more in the future, and it is not unreasonable for Nicola to have a Foretelling about him, but I don't think we can come up with a specific list of nine Herculean Randean tasks for him to perform.


I dunno about what Rand has to do but I think silly may be onto something. They said healing the severed was impossible, even in the AOL. They said sadin could not be cleansed and it is now. Just my 2 sense. the People of Randland think tons of crap is not possible and yet it is. Nicolas fortelling may be about perception. Nothing seems to go exactly the way it is planned.

Guest Dreadlord

Or the way its Foretold/prophecied. They are all vague enough to allow plenty of possibilities to fit.


Also, about the nine impossible things, I can only see the Cleansing as one of them so far, as Rand himself never Healed someone who has been severed. Only Flynn and Nynaeve have done that so far that we know of, so that definitely wont count as Im sure Nicolas Foretelling said Rand himself would do the nine impossible things


Or the way its Foretold/prophecied. They are all vague enough to allow plenty of possibilities to fit.


Also, about the nine impossible things, I can only see the Cleansing as one of them so far, as Rand himself never Healed someone who has been severed. Only Flynn and Nynaeve have done that so far that we know of, so that definitely wont count as Im sure Nicolas Foretelling said Rand himself would do the nine impossible things


Actually we know Lanfear was cured (by a woman at that), so the forsaken learned the heal weave from Salidar (If they had learned it from flinn then a male would of cured lanfear and she wouldn't of lost strength).


The theory does have merit though, and there is something up with LTT for sure. Didn't he start acting more sane after the battle with Rahvin where rand was almost turned into LTT in TaR?

Guest Dreadlord

Lanfear wasnt cured, she was reincarnated. Her case is different from everyone elses as we dont know what happened through the doorway, and we dont know the details about reincarnation, so her case isnt that relevant


Lanfear wasnt cured, she was reincarnated. Her case is different from everyone elses as we dont know what happened through the doorway, and we dont know the details about reincarnation, so her case isnt that relevant


True until we know more it is a guess. Given Ishy says he has spies in just about all of the main strategic groups its very possible that the forsaken know the weave to heal stilling. So if she was brought back still stilled it could explain the power loss.

Guest Dreadlord

I have a theory about Lanfears strength reduction, I reckon she was burned out when Moiraine knocked the angreal bracelets out of her hand. But thats another topic.


Thinking about it, I wonder if those nine impossible things will even appear in the book. Was the nine impossibles Foretelling the same one as the three in the boat one? I cant remember


Many things are called impossible until there done e.g. the cleansing of saidin (people still doubt if Rand succeeded and Logain doesnt believe that a man could accomplish it.)


other thoughts on the task prehaps Devshire and Logain are representative of Sammuel and Demondred and LTT failure to retain there loyalty (Min's veiwing on their importance.)  Not sure if this is impossible really.


I think the 9 task will have to be completed before rand faces Mordin for the final time


I have a theory about Lanfears strength reduction, I reckon she was burned out when Moiraine knocked the angreal bracelets out of her hand. But thats another topic.


It seems far more likely to me that she was burned out because she walked through a transdimensional ter'angreal that subsequently destroyed itself whilst channeling at full strength. We've been warned enough times about the dangers of that for it to be more sustainable.


Actually we know Lanfear was cured (by a woman at that), so the forsaken learned the heal weave from Salidar (If they had learned it from flinn then a male would of cured lanfear and she wouldn't of lost strength).


We know that only Semirhage has any form of talent for healing amongst the Forsaken, yet the forsaken remain relatively unaware of who Cyndane is--therefore it seems more likely that the healing was done by a black Salidar sister, rather than taught to one of them by a black Salidar sister. Of course, Semirhage may be concealing her knowledge of Cyndane--yet it seems overly elaborate and unnessasary. A black sister could have easily travelled to Shayol Goul upon a summons given by Aran'gar, healed Cyndane, and returned--no one would have even questioned her absense given the privasy custom attatched itself to travelling.



We know that only Semirhage has any form of talent for healing amongst the Forsaken, yet the forsaken remain relatively unaware of who Cyndane is--therefore it seems more likely that the healing was done by a black Salidar sister, rather than taught to one of them by a black Salidar sister. Of course, Semirhage may be concealing her knowledge of Cyndane--yet it seems overly elaborate and unnessasary. A black sister could have easily travelled to Shayol Goul upon a summons given by Aran'gar, healed Cyndane, and returned--no one would have even questioned her absense given the privasy custom attatched itself to travelling.


I would not rule out Semirhage being involved here. We have never seen a POV from here where she expresses ignorance regarding Cyndanes identity, and if she does know something, she might have been ordered to keep quiet.


Keep in mind that Semirhage was the one who extracted the information from Cabriana that gave Aran'gar her backstory. There is also the possibility that Cabriana is the former owner of Cyndanes body, which would make Semirhage quite involved in the matter.


Right now Rand has lost a hand, is going insane, going blind, and can't channel enough to burn a candle because he's afraid LT will take control of Saidin. I can't imagine him winning a fight with a forsaken right now, yet alone the Dark One and the last battle. I think most of those nine things will be repairing himself. Min did see a bloody hand above Elayne's head (not Elayne's). Maybe that's got something to do with it. Moiraine will probably help him with LT and the other guy in his head so he can channel again. His eyes have to be fixed somehow too. If most of those things aren't fixed it's kind of unbelieveable for him to win the last battle


the People of Randland think tons of crap is not possible and yet it is.


I love this aspect of the WoT. It makes it all the more realistic. I mean, our veiws of certain things are changing all the time due to imporvements in science etc... everyone thought the world was flat once after all........


Hello! I just joined, so hi!

Anyway, I think a task of Rand is to bring someone back from the dead.  He has a problem with not doing that (like when the trollocs invaded the Stone,) plus it is said to be impossible to do.  Anyway, that is just my two cents.


It depends on who gets to define impossible as pointed out by Sillyman. At times in the books one of the Aes Sedai will remark how did Rand do the impossible and learn how to travel. If things like that are included nine might be easy. Another posibilty is the things predicted for the Dragon reborn like the Stone of Tear and callandor as the first sign. Maybe there were nine altogether?


I think nine things have already been achieved that have been thought impossible. However if it something that is impossible (Truly) then he cannot achieve it so it must be my above statement. (Thought Impossible.)

Wouldnt the fall of the Stone and Callandor be part of those "impossible" tasks that rand was supposed to do?


Was the nine impossibles Foretelling the same one as the three in the boat one?
No. From WOTmania:
Ever since we found out she has the Foretelling, she’s been Foretelling two or three times a day, to hear tell of it. Or rather, to hear Areina tell it. Nicola is smart enough to know everyone is aware she can’t remember what she says when she Foretells, but Areina always seems to be there to hear and remember, and help her interpret. Some are the sort of thing anyone in the camp with half a brain and a credulous nature might think of – battles with the Seanchan or the Asha’man, an Amyrlin imprisoned, the Dragon Reborn doing nine impossible things, visions that might be Tarmon Gai’don or a bilious stomach – and the rest all just happen to indicate that Nicola ought to be allowed to go faster with her lessons.


- Crossroads of Twilight, Secrets

One thing to remember is that Foretellings are about the future (Gitara had one of Rand's birth which was either dealing with the present or mere seconds ahead, but aside from that, all are definitely about the future). This took place in CoT, as you can see. So, a few days after the Cleansing we are told about it. It may have come before, during or after the Cleansing. But that is the only "impossible" event in his past that this could have taken into account. The fall of the Stone, and anything else he did before WH would be too old to have a bearing on this. Even the Cleansing is something I would be dubious of, given the timing. Plus they didn't link the massive use of OP to the impossible things. Hardly conclusive, but I would be a bit dubious about counting that as one. Now, while you can point out that fights with the Seanchan and Asha'man and an Amyrlin in chains are all things that could have been foretold - If Egwene counts as the latter, one has already come true. If she doesn't, we'll just have to wait for Elaida. But these things should be fairly obvious to anyone in the rebel camp. They know about the Seanchan, and their dislike of channelers. They have heard of the Asha'man, so seeing some sort of confrontation with the new threat to their supremacy hardly needs someone who can see the future. And given the current political situation things ending rather badly for one Amyrlin or the other is a reasonable guess. That Rand will have some difficult tasks ahead of him I do not doubt. But I think by trying to narrow down a specific list of 9 impossible tasks is unnecessary.


That said, the last part is rather interesting: "the rest all just happen to indicate that Nicola ought to be allowed to go faster with her lessons". Now if that were a foretelling....They didn't let her go faster. She went to the Tower. Does this mean something bad may happen as a result of her going to the Tower? Or is it just her trying to make the AS let her go faster?

Plus they didn't link the massive use of OP to the impossible things.


Which is yet another thing pointing at "nine impossible things" is just a saying, and not an actual list of nine things.


Im pretty sure this has been asked and answered but im at work and dont really have time to research this question, but what is the time frame from when Moraine enters Emmonds Field until present, I ask this because the time frame is relevant, If its only been a year or so from beginning to now then quite a few POV's and occurrences could have happened prior to whatever Rand has done even though we as the readers are aware of it. kinda like reading a chapter about Min, then the next chapter is about Egwene but the chapter about Min is 2 weeks further than Egwenes. Im not saying that a POV can span 3-4 different books timefram wise but it is concievable that a POV can span 2 different books in the timeline.

but what is the time frame from when Moraine enters Emmonds Field until present


2 to 2.5 years, I believe.


Im not saying that a POV can span 3-4 different books timefram wise but it is concievable that a POV can span 2 different books in the timeline.


Indeed, the first half of Crossroads of Twighlight takes place during the last chapters of Winters Heart, heh.


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