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Just FYI


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If I again see any person who is the last poster on more then half the posts here made on the same day... they lose 5% of their point total or 50 points, whichever is more.



That is all, if you forget about this rule later on, tough on ya.

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no, it doesnt slow it down in any noticable way, but we have a lot of members who come here for a check on whats new and instead they see a flood of pointless posts and hence find it difficult to find those threads and replies they were acctualy interested in, and since this is all of a sudden difficult, they sometimes dont even bother... so an answer to stephens question is, it doesn-t irritate me as such, but it hurts the community, and that we wont have will we *spanks*

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*Grin* I've always gotten away with it.


But ya. It slows down the site for me. For some reason. I don't know why.




But ya. Couldn't there be a pretty little search button implemented. I mean if there wasn't already. I don't know.

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Probably. But I doubt it. We still get a crap load of people.


It may push off a number of people, I don't deny that, I just deny the people that we do push off's worth.

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Well, it's hard to say one way or another. They might end up being pretty cool, but they are put off by having to wade through so much crap in order to really get to know anyone here.


But, you are right, we do still attract people by the truckload for some reason. It must be our sparkly personalities.

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I agree. It has to be that. I mean I spend a good 20 minutes on my personality just rubbing it down with shiner to get it that damn sparkly, it better attract at least one newbie.

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*Grabs Rox's personality, hands it to Noggy to use as toilet paper... -waits 5 minutes- uses his special protective gloves to retrieve Rox's personality from the deepest, darkest depths of Noggy's toilet, and hands it to Rox*


:shock: There ya go... *gags* good as new... *pukes from the stench and dies* :roll:

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*raises hand* i got a question...i thougth SG was about spam...*scratches head* and those tread never discuraged me it was just the way off from the rp forums that got to long ...now i dont have to i check in on regular basis


there is several orgs...with difrent groups of peoples..i looked in on more than this...and joined more than this even...yet its this org i am most active in i guess cause it suits me bether...while there is other orgs with other aims and difrent peoples that i find less interesting...


and from what i heard the org was lot more active before...and i seen it myself as well ...the activety on this board compared to the times i looked in on the last dragonmount is not even half of what it used to be as i remember it...so why is it an issue now?


not objecting just beeing curious cause i had formed a pic of what this org is/was in my mind and now slighly insecure what is going on...have i got something majorly wrong or has the aims changed or?



liking fun lovin spam

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This board was never the spam board, everyone pretty much posted as much as they wanted on the Inn, though eventually even that got out of hand and I had to create a special spam board, but this board was allways supposed to be relatively spam free. I-m not as buggy as I would-ve been if we had the separate boards in full functionality, but some ground rules apply all the same. If you want to just spam, as I already said several times, go to Hell:





Oh and, SG isn\t about spam, whatever gave you that idea O_O, although you should know that if theres 10 people posting at the same time and they stay online for a while, contributing a lot of posts to certain threads that are in their interest, some would consider that spam simply because of the volume/time ratio being so high, I don-t, unless the posts are one liners, its just being active as hell, anyone call that spam and you need to have your brains checked *nod nod nod*

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SG's goal was never to be purely spam, unfortunately, we seem to attract spammers left and right. Not that I mind, being the God of Spam and all.


And Roka, SG DM was, for a time, my frequent haunt instead of Valestorm, so this board used to be full of spam. What I had going on at Valestorm (last posted being me for a very long time) used to be on this board.


It was only recently when at Valestorm things started getting out of hand (with the introduction of people like Demi and Apoc into the ORG), that you actually started caring about the mass amount of spam.

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The activity level isn't so very different. There's not a day goes by that several people don't post here.


The problem with spam here is that it's nonsense. There's a few people posting the same or very similar things on every single thread. YOu can only hear about pie or someone being naked so much before you don't even want to bother anymore.


As long as it's relevant to the post ahead of it and it makes sense, I don't care. If you get three or four of us on here at one time in frisky moods, things will appear to be out of hand and spammy, but it usually isn't.

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well maybe i got a wider defination of spam in my head then...cause anything without any real focus point as into leading to something...(dont need to be direct nonsence) i chuck into spam...any side tracking of original theme of tread...same ...luckily i dont have to take an exam where i need to come with a defination of spam (think i migth would have had troubles with it)


and there is to many offsites to check already in my mind...so think i will just stay on here...and um well think really hard on what to post and whatnot..*nods*

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