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New Member to the Warders Staff


With so many active people hoping around I felt it was finally time to add a new person to the Warders Yard Staff.


Doing double duty as our Bio Checker and another RP Coordinator I would like you all to Welcome Talavin. *claps*


Just in case everyone has not noticed (yeah right) I also want to extend a Big Belated Welcome Back to our Master at Arms and resident Goddess.. Matalina  ;D




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Yes, it is I, your new Lord and Mast- I mean... your new staffer. Lol, Eq already has me working *glances over shoulder nervously as whip cracks*


Anyway, bio submission email is still the same, but if you need me, my personal email is jananuz@gmail.com


Also, if you have any RP ideas that you think would be really cool, go ahead and give me a shout. Most of you can already contact me on some sort of IM, but if you can't my email is right up there.


Feel free to bug me at any time of the day, usually I'm online ;)

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Congrats Talavin and a belated Welcome Back to Matalina.  There seems to be a ton of work for the staff lately.


I don't want to jinx us *knocks on wood* but we seem to be extremely active as a division.  It is really nice to see so much activity.

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Yeah, that goes for me too, Visar.  We're a pretty active and friendly group that's in the yards right now, so anytime you want to RP, feel free to just say something to any of us.  Sieve, Talavin, and I seem to be the crazies posting in almost every thread right now, with Jehaine not far behind, so I'm sure one or two or all of us would be happy to jump in on anything you wanted to do.


Oh and there are some adults somewhere too, but they're not nearly as much fun as the trainees. ;)

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*grabs her over active trainees and snuggles them until they pop* What they say is true. They are keeping me hoping doing tons of posts every day...*whispers* Me thinks they all need to watch more tv or something


*tries to distract them with shiny objects*

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