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Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince


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^ i know, i sobbed from the death to the end of the book when i read it *sniffles*  but if you look back, it's been foreshadowed alot in HBP and OoTP.  and you knew it had to happen...  doesn't make it any easier though.


i posted a link to the trailer in the movie trailer thread that's pinned.  this one was actin funky for me as well :)  though thanks for letting me knwo it was out there Paityr :)



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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...   Apparently the powers that be at WB have postponed the release of the film until July 09, so they can cash cow the movie over the next summer.  I hear they are hoping to make a extra dough by power-housing the lull created by the writers strike.  I'm not sure how accurate this all is as far as reasons go, but it seems that July 17 09 is now THE date.

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Exact quote from Warner Brothers:

"Like every other studio, we are still feeling the repercussions of the writers strike, which impacted the readiness of scripts for other films-changing the competitive landscape for 2009 and offering new windows of opportunity that we wanted to take advantage of," he said. "We agreed the best strategy was to move 'Half-Blood Prince' to July, where it perfectly fills the gap for a major tent pole release for mid-summer."


Can I just say, Warner Brother SUCKS BIG DONKEY KONG!!!  It's pretty obvious that they weren't thinking about the fans of the series at ALL.  I first read about this on Perezhilton.com, however; I skipped over to http://the-leaky-cauldron.org this morning and found the following write-up:



I'm not one of the fans who's going to perish if I don't see this movie on schedule, but it REALLY REALLY REALLY irks me that they made this move just to improve their cash flow next year.  Most likely because of the timing of it, they will also end up pushing out Deathly Hallows, which is already gonna be a cash cow because it's been split into two movies, and there's not a fan out there that won't go to see both of them including myself.


I really hope that J. K. Rowling reads them the riot act over this.  As of this morning, her website doesn't show any updates related to this at all though, but I'm sure she's also busy as all get-out.

Later peeps


'Power to the Potter'

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