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I'm starting a secret society...

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And I need a name for it. Also, some sort of bizzarre iniation ritual. Oh! And we need a secret to hide. Any ideas? My husband suggests the Priory of Bela and we guard the secret of Asmodean's REAL killer.



"Let me guess, Bela?"


"Dammit! We need a new code!"

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*wants to be part of it...but won't say it aloud caus' it's secret society*




Azelle what were u thinking about for initiation? nothing too mean i hope ? :wink:

  • Moderator

I was thinking more like Agatha Christie mysteries.


Alright, so. We will be the Priory of Bela. I will be the First Senescharch, of course. Nia, Chaelca, and Azelle will form the Council of Something er Other and we'll appoint Corki and F Horn as Guardians of the First Order of Muffins.

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Yes! Perfect! That will really through people off, as the murder in question was conducted in Caemlyn. No one will ever suspect!!


Mumsy, pretty sure all that teacher work is affecting your mind. First off, you're starting a secret society? That you publicize? How exactly does that work, the whole "secret" part I mean? :)


Secondly, I must ask, First Order of Muffins in the Priory of Bela... is that like horse muffins, similar to cow pies? So they're stable hands to muck out the Bela stalls? Or perhaps not since Corki hopes to eat the muffins.... Perhaps that's the initiate rank? But then that initiation would be less on the "bizarre" side and more towards "gross" on the weirdness spectrum.


Corki, i think u have to make the muffins ?


Puddin' pie is great idea !




when initiations starts?


I volunteer my service as the Chancellor of Inductions, which is just a pretty name for Queen of Enslaving all the newbies to do [whatever we decide the initiation ritual will be].


Now, as for initiations, we should throw people through the StarGate and force them to hunt endlessly for the mysterious shaggy mare and not come home 'til they find it. *nods*


Boy is that a quick way to get my addictions all screwed up. *laughs*


i think we need a bunch of Keeper of the Penguin, don't we?





but most important of all we should have a sign or something to mark us as members of the secret society !


what about a penguin on a muffin jewel?


*hears 'horse muffins' and 'cow pies'*


Ummm...I think I am having second thoughts on eating these muffins now.


*steps away...slowly*


*hears 'horse muffins' and 'cow pies'*


Ummm...I think I am having second thoughts on eating these muffins now.


*steps away...slowly*


Well then i want to be the horse leader (Attack and deffense leader, in charge of horses) since its Bela society we need horses dont we. So then we will need stable boys.

OOOOOOOOOO idea for initiation. They should have to ride through all the orgs stark naked on a black horse so as to put out their white color(or a white horse for anyone darker skin colored)

Then after words have to stick their heads in a pile of the worst smelling horse poop and not be able to take a shower for 3 days. Sounds fun huh?^_^_^

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See, I'm thinking I'm going to induct people into this at Dragon*Con, so I want something I can actually make people do.


And yes, give yourselves all the silly titles you want.


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