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I have given in


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I give up! You win! I made the decision to stick to one character for a while, and I tried, I really did! I lasted almost two whole months without giving into the temptation to join the raving lunatics, but nooooooo! You all had to constantly attack my mind, giving me character idea after character idea, until finally I wrote a bio for a Sociopathic, parent-murdering lunatic! It's all your fault! You just had to tempt me with your insane male channelers! Rawr!


*screams senseless profanities until drug off*


Oh, and just in case you didn't get the point of this after all that, I joined the BT ;)

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Oh, still 14. On DM, anyway.


I've been holding back a bit so i can focus on getting them promoted. Or i might leave it as it is, i still have plenty of ideas for them, and it'd be a shame if i couldn't give them the time they deserve ^^;

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Why not do it then? Me and Tig do, and we still post for all of them (pending activity).


You need to start slowly though, say, 3-5 characters. Then once you get the hang of keeping them apart start building up. Don't worry about ending up with failed concepts every once in a while, you get more than enough slots anyway.


Only thing that could happen is you stop looking forward to them being new, and having completed the initiation half a dozen times by then, but most Divs with a reasonable amount of 'Newbie Trials' have special arrangements if you already have a character in their Div ^^;

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The problem isn't managing the characters, the problem is time. When school starts I'm f'ed. I'm a strait A student, taking advanced classes, have a leadership possition in the marching band (takes up 15-24 hours a week) plus all of the other crap I'm doing, maybe I'll make some more characters in the spring when band's over, but for now I'm gonna stick with two

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