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Why so much nudity?


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Going back to the clothing v nude being sexy discussion, I think it all depends on the circumstances. For example, a woman in a really short skirt and a really low-cut top is not sexy (not to me), but a woman in one OR the other may be. Too much is too much.




What does this have to do with the books??????


Not much I guess, though I started the thread with the intent of discussing the books? Perhaps  I ought to shift this to the General Discussion? I don't usually post there due to the very low number of posters compared to THIS forum.

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It is relevant to the books - we are discussing the merits of full up-to-the-chin dresses such as are common in Andor, versus the lack of much clothing which they wear on the Sea Folk ships, and the lack of embarrassment that the Aiel have in being naked around each other and the opposite sex.


Then we got onto discussing how being 'naked' is seen to be a sexual thing, and then we started discussing how it being sexual really depends on the physical appearance of the naked person.


A little off-track perhaps but still continuing the same line.


Overall, i think that RJ was trying to incorporate as many different cultures as he could (and many of these cultures exist in OUR world), and show the effects on the other cultures.

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    It's very easy to 'get off track' on certain subjects. We hope we didn't offend. That is one reason that I like Robert Jordan's writing so much. It is a fictional book that we can almost relate to (certain subjects) in real life. I have wrote a couple short stories (none published) and one time a story came out of me just asking a question of "Okay, what would happen in today's society if this person started doing this." Plug in your answers and see what the reactions would be. Take someone from the real cold populated areas and drop him/her on a beach in Spain, US, Britian, Aus, etc. What reactions would that person have? Again why I like Robert Jordan's books so much.

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Hey, if I was an author writing about people, I would make them naked as well. 

Naked is fun!


My boss is a Nudist at home.  She once told me that some people go home and take their shoes off to feel more comfortable, she takes it all off and feels less restricted.  In western society we associate being naked with sex.  The only time we get naked is to take a bath or have sex.  In fact in a lot of places people do not see naked as sex, so they do not have the same hang ups as western civilizations.

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And nor should they be.

As far a what obese is, it is a Body Mass Index (BMI) of >30, where BMI= (height in meters)x(weight in kilograms).  Of couse you have to take muscle mass, bone sturcture and %body fat into account, since according to the raw definiton Arnold Swartzaneger is obese.  So yah, I understand what obesity is (LOL).


I do honoustly hope you mean that BMI = weight/(heightxheight) instead of multiplied. If I may use my own measurements to clarify: 1.90metres X 81Kg's = 153.9 BMI, which would mean i would be to Obese to walk. 81kgs/(1.90X)=22.43 BMI, which seems more likely seeing as i am an active 23 year old.


As to why all the nudity: Lets not forget that the author is american for all purposes. This makes me believe that he also uses the nudity as part of "ohhhh look how different they are!". This would also go well with the belief that the Andorans are the main characters and are all based on american/english principles.


Then again, that might just be the paranoid dutch in me coming out..

P.s. http://www.whathealth.com/bmi/formula.html was used for this :)

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This would also go well with the belief that the Andorans are the main characters and are all based on american/english principles.


If so, considering the nobles as equivalent to politicians, I'm afraid there are no british/american politicians with as much honour as the andoran nobles so a poor comparison indeed.

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This would also go well with the belief that the Andorans are the main characters and are all based on american/english principles.


If so, considering the nobles as equivalent to politicians, I'm afraid there are no british/american politicians with as much honour as the andoran nobles so a poor comparison indeed.


Well... Wasn't there a whole bunch of bootlickers in Caemlyn that loved Rahvin to bits and got chased out by Rand/Dylin later on? Just because you aren't fond of your current politicians doesn't mean that they don't have honour. They do their work to the best of their abilities or so they believe (and yes, some are corrupt and evil, but so are the nobles).

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This would also go well with the belief that the Andorans are the main characters and are all based on american/english principles.


If so, considering the nobles as equivalent to politicians, I'm afraid there are no british/american politicians with as much honour as the andoran nobles so a poor comparison indeed.


Well... Wasn't there a whole bunch of bootlickers in Caemlyn that loved Rahvin to bits and got chased out by Rand/Dylin later on? Just because you aren't fond of your current politicians doesn't mean that they don't have honour. They do their work to the best of their abilities or so they believe (and yes, some are corrupt and evil, but so are the nobles).


I believe Rhavin had them under compulsion to some extent.


I have witnessed the effects of the buch admin on my nation. The war in my country would have ended long ago if the US had attempted peace negotiations. Instead, they supply military aid (in the form of 'loans') and help continue the war. They raise issues that human rights violations are on the increase merely when they want something. Once they get what they want, they go silent again. There are countless examples. In my opinion, to become a politician you must first give up love, honour, justice, and every other aspect that a person ought to have. The amusing part is that most people ARE fooled by the external appearance of a politician.


But enough of that. This discussion is not relevant in the WoT discussion. I am likely biased to some extent due to the political abuse in my own nation (Sri Lanka).

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I do honoustly hope you mean that BMI = weight/(heightxheight) instead of multiplied. If I may use my own measurements to clarify: 1.90metres X 81Kg's = 153.9 BMI, which would mean i would be to Obese to walk. 81kgs/(1.90X)=22.43 BMI, which seems more likely seeing as i am an active 23 year old.


I mean exactly what I wrote.  Sounds to me like you're just in denial about the state of you own body, fatso(LOL) ;).  But serioulsy, yes your equation is what I meant, Oops.

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In western society we associate being naked with sex.  The only time we get naked is to take a bath or have sex.  In fact in a lot of places people do not see naked as sex, so they do not have the same hang ups as western civilizations.


I was told during my bachelor party that the difference between naked and nekkid is the following:

Naked: Not wearing clothes.

Nekkid: Having fun, while happening to not have clothes on.

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    I agree with The true source. He has always had some part of the book to help you keep your interest. Whether it was Mat in a funny situation, Rand kicking some major *%&, etc. We all have different parts that we have liked and when something else is happening we know it's only a chapter or two before were back in the swing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I just thought something.


The widespread nudity may be a large turn off for someone wanting to make a movie out of the WoT. I mean, just imagine how many scenes would have to be skipped! You can only show the head of someone in a movie for a specific duration of time, before people get impatient.

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