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Bonding an Aes Sedai?


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*watches Shan apprciatively until theme song ends, and rolls out my personal DJ equipment, quickly setting up the 10 foot speakers and wiring by channeling*


All right, the DJ has arrived. You tell me what you want played, and it'll played, but for now one of my personal favourites, Confusion, a nice 11 minute track of some good techno. :D

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Guest Faile1987

*shudders at techno*


Sorry Dash, but that just makes me edgy...


*wants some good rock and metal now*


Hm...how about some System of a Down for a start... Chop Suey or Hypnotize??

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  • 1 month later...

Welly well... What do we have here? something that I completely missed thats what... Oh well, lets see what everyone thinks of Drenn.


Drenn's about 20-21 i'll have to double check... 5' 11" and about 213 lb's. He has jet black eyes and not just the iris but all of it, even the normally white part. He has long black hair that he either wears in a pony tail to keep it out of his face or just lets it hang loose. loose it probably runs just below his shoulders. His body is riddled with scars from knife wounds which he got from the people of his town when he burned down his house and his entire family in his sleep. He was forced to kill most of those people to save himself. The dream was the Dark ones doing and he know fights the shadow with everything he's got. He generally wears a Myrddraal's cloak he got as a souvenir from his reclusive stay in the borderland.


He's one of the strongest Channelers in the tower but isn't very skilled. He's becoming an insomniac of late due to dreams he can't avoid whenever he sleeps. some of which he wakes from with wounds. Instead he spends his nights awake and practices either his weaves or with his sword. Really dedicated to his work and generally reclusive.


Anyways, as you can no doubt see there's a bit of a misery theme here...


So how bout the entertainment! Lets get some more rock music going here. Incubus anyone?


and Lavinya... something about this atmosphere seems familiar. Drinking, singing and mayhem... Something about a daring game in a tavern? :P

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Guest Estel

since when have you been innocent Lavi? You're about as innocent as Kate! :roll:


anyway, a few new updates for Isha:

- he know has a large tatoo of a decapitated Trolloc head held up by a guantlet on his back

- and I think I forgot to mention before that he is missing his left eye (he does not bother to wear a patch over it, and it was lost in a way that he also lost the better part of his eye hence the lack of a glass eye)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Well Well ..... look what we have here. I found another thread about this RP. Since I am really not sure wich area you are using for this I will repeat Linten's discription here. Oh and Lavy ...... that whole something that has Sirayn upset with you, knows who is at fault there ....... the one with the Red hair. ;)


Name Linten al’Dracain

Age (will be about 25 for the thread)

Height 5’6â€

Build: Strong without being bulky or blocky.


Linten is a very confused and hardened individual right now. He originally arrived at the BT as a 22 year old shy quiet young man and was just beginning to come out of his shell under the guidance of his Mentor Isha when something snapped in him causing him to end up drawing steel on another member of the BT. In an attempt to help Linten sort out his issues and return to the man he was becoming Isha took him to the blight but was unable to reach the boy and left him there to his own demise. This time away and alone in the blight region has hardened him to life and a warped sense of duty.


He has light brown shoulder length hair and green eyes that once carried childhood innocence but now carry a cold offering of hatred. He deems anyone not willing to die for the Dragon worth less then the life of a street rat. Their purpose simple to support those who are. He will not go out of his way for a fight but will rarely back down for even the slightest opportunity toward violence. He has little use for the weak and is suspicious of most until they prove themselves to his liking. The only exception to this is a mixed feeling of hatred and admiration of his mentor Isha for what he tried to do and the fact he never returned to claim him from that misery.


His view on women is a dark one. He distrusts all women until he is sure they are not Aes Sedai. His view on Aes Sedai is a simple one, Enslave them or kill them, he has no preference unless they are Red and then the urge to kill is stronger. His distrust of Aes Sedai causes him to believe all are Red until time and actions prove otherwise. Most of this attitude has come from a combination of his slipped mind set and his time spent trying to avoid capture while returning to the BT.


If you have any question let me know.



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  • 5 months later...

oooooo ... this looks interesting. Is it gonna happen? Por las dudas . . . heres my shtuff.


Arath Faringal


Age: 18-ish

About 5'10", 170 lbs

All around A+ guy :)

Short brown hair, big green/brown eyes. Good looking kid, just a little introverted.

Has a large Dragonfang scar on his chest, over his heart.

Average strength, Average skill



Arath lived a quiet life until about 5 years of age, when his mother was brutally murdered by darkfriends, who also left him a little souvenir of the dark day (dragonfang scar). His abusive blacksmith father died when Arath was 16 due to Arath's first brush with Saidin. After that he journeyed to Caemlyn and lived as a highly successful cutpurse until he tried to lift a purse from Asha'man Koras. Which ended up in his involuntary recruitment and mentorship by said Asha'man. Advanced quickly through the ranks to become the youngest Asha'man (I think . . . anyone else step in while I was gone?)


Days after getting the gold dragon pin, Arath was involved in the battle of Dumai's Wells. Arath was injured in the battle and laid in a coma in the BT hospital until recently waking up. As a result of the experience, Arath is a bit distrustful of the Aes Sedai in general, but holds judgement on individuals until he knows them.


Arath is basically starting over at the BT. A lot of his fellow soldiers are dead, burned out, crazy . . . he has few aquaintances at the farm at the moment, but is looking for new friends. Although he tries to remain aloof, and seems a little cold, he wants/needs human contact.


He also likes long walks on the beach, reading a good WoT novel, snuggling up to ... wait, thats just me.


My bad.


*Edited for worst grammer ever :x

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to see the first phases of this RP begin within two weeks. To that end, if you're still interested, please post here and also PM me with the name of your preferred bondmate (if you have one). I'll do my best to accomodate requests, but can't guarantee all of 'em. :)

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Those of you BT boys posting interest who also have Aes Sedai, please consider also using your Aes Sedai for this RP. We have three interested Aes Sedai at the moment, and six interested BTers. Right now, the amount of BTers who can play is dependent on the number of Aes Sedai who play.

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